Examples of SiblingCounter

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

                // look at the information that was already persisted to determine whether some other thread has already
                // created a child with the same name
                CachedNode persistentNode = persistentNodeCache.getNode(modifiedNode.getKey());
                final ChildReferences persistedChildReferences = persistentNode.getChildReferences(persistentNodeCache);
                final SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(persistedChildReferences);

                // process appended/renamed children
                for (Name childName : appendedOrRenamedChildrenByName.keySet()) {
                    int existingChildrenWithSameName = persistedChildReferences.getChildCount(childName);
                    if (existingChildrenWithSameName == 0) {
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

        final SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        final CachedNode node = node();
        Name primaryTypeName = node.getPrimaryType(cache);
        Set<Name> mixins = node.getMixinTypes(cache);
        NodeTypes nodeTypes = session().nodeTypes();
        final SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(node, cache);

        if (childPrimaryNodeTypeName != null) {
            if (INTERNAL_NODE_TYPE_NAMES.contains(childPrimaryNodeTypeName)) {
                int numExistingSns = siblingCounter.countSiblingsNamed(childName);
                String workspaceName = workspaceName();
                String childPath = readable(session.pathFactory().create(path(), childName, numExistingSns + 1));
                String msg = JcrI18n.unableToCreateNodeWithInternalPrimaryType.text(childPrimaryNodeTypeName, childPath,
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
            JcrNodeType primaryType = nodeTypes.getNodeType(childPrimaryNodeTypeName);
            if (primaryType == null) {
                int numExistingSns = siblingCounter.countSiblingsNamed(childName);
                Path pathForChild = session.pathFactory().create(path(), childName, numExistingSns + 1);
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.unableToCreateNodeWithPrimaryTypeThatDoesNotExist;
                throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(msg.text(childPrimaryNodeTypeName, pathForChild, workspaceName()));

            if (primaryType.isMixin()) {
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.cannotUseMixinTypeAsPrimaryType;
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(primaryType.getName()));

            if (primaryType.isAbstract()) {
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.primaryTypeCannotBeAbstract;
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(primaryType.getName()));

        NodeDefinitionSet childDefns = nodeTypes.findChildNodeDefinitions(primaryTypeName, mixins);
        JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = childDefns.findBestDefinitionForChild(childName, childPrimaryNodeTypeName, skipProtected,
        if (childDefn == null) {
            // Failed to find an appropriate child node definition. Throw an exception with the appropriate message...
            String repoName = session.repository().repositoryName();
            String workspaceName = workspaceName();
            childDefns.determineReasonForMismatch(childName, childPrimaryNodeTypeName, skipProtected, siblingCounter,
                                                  primaryTypeName, mixins, path(), workspaceName, repoName, context());
        assert childDefn != null;

        if (childPrimaryNodeTypeName == null && childDefn.getDefaultPrimaryType() == null) {
            // There is no default primary type ...
            int numExistingSns = siblingCounter.countSiblingsNamed(childName);
            String childPath = readable(session.pathFactory().create(path(), childName, numExistingSns + 1));
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.unableToCreateNodeWithNoDefaultPrimaryTypeOnChildNodeDefinition;
            String nodeTypeName = childDefn.getDeclaringNodeType().getName();
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(childDefn.getName(), nodeTypeName, childPath, workspaceName()));
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

        Name nodeName = node.getName(cache);
        CachedNode parent = getParent().node();
        Name primaryType = parent.getPrimaryType(cache);
        Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypes(cache);
        // The node is already a child, so create a counter that returns the count as if it were not a child ...
        SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.alter(SiblingCounter.create(parent, cache), -1);
        boolean skipProtected = true;
        NodeDefinitionSet childDefns = nodeTypes.findChildNodeDefinitions(primaryType, mixins);
        JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = childDefns.findBestDefinitionForChild(nodeName, newPrimaryTypeName, skipProtected,
        if (childDefn == null) {
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

            protectedChildrenToRemove = new ArrayList<AbstractJcrNode>();
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Check that any remaining child nodes that use the mixin type to be removed
            // match the residual definition for the node.
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(node(), cache());
            for (NodeIterator iter = getNodesInternal(); iter.hasNext();) {
                AbstractJcrNode child = (AbstractJcrNode)iter.nextNode();
                NodeDefinition childDefinition = child.getDefinition();
                String childDeclaredNodeType = childDefinition.getDeclaringNodeType().getName();
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

            NodeTypes nodeTypes = session.nodeTypes();
            // Need to figure out if the child node requires an SNS definition
            ChildReferences refs = node.getChildReferences(cache());
            // Create a sibling counter that reduces the count by 1, since we're always dealing with existing children
            // but the 'findBestDefinitionForChild' logic is looking to *add* a child ...
            SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.alter(SiblingCounter.create(refs), -1);
            for (Name nodeName : mixinChildNodeNames) {
                int snsCount = siblingCounter.countSiblingsNamed(nodeName);
                if (snsCount == 0) continue;
                Iterator<ChildReference> iter = refs.iterator(nodeName);
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    ChildReference ref = iter.next();
                    CachedNode child = cache.getNode(ref);
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

            SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
            Name nodeName = name();
            Name primaryType = node().getPrimaryType(cache);
            Name parentPrimaryType = parent.getPrimaryType(cache);
            Set<Name> parentMixins = parent.getMixinTypes(cache);
            SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(parent, cache);
            boolean skipProtected = true;
            NodeDefinitionSet childDefns = nodeTypes.findChildNodeDefinitions(parentPrimaryType, parentMixins);
            JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = childDefns.findBestDefinitionForChild(nodeName, primaryType, skipProtected,
            if (childDefn == null) {
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Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SiblingCounter

            Name nodeName = name();
            Name primaryType = node().getPrimaryType(cache);
            Name parentPrimaryType = parent.getPrimaryType(cache);
            Set<Name> parentMixins = parent.getMixinTypes(cache);
            // The node is already a child, so create a counter that returns the count as if it were not a child ...
            SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.alter(SiblingCounter.create(parent, cache), -1);
            boolean skipProtected = false;
            NodeDefinitionSet childDefns = nodeTypes.findChildNodeDefinitions(parentPrimaryType, parentMixins);
            JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = childDefns.findBestDefinitionForChild(nodeName, primaryType, skipProtected,
            if (childDefn == null) {
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