Shortcuts are a special type of {@link Action}s used to create keyboard shortcuts.
The ShortcutAction is triggered when the user presses a given key in combination with the (optional) given modifier keys.
ShortcutActions can be global (by attaching to the {@link Window}), or attached to different parts of the UI so that a specific shortcut is only valid in part of the UI. For instance, one can attach shortcuts to a specific {@link Panel} - look for {@link ComponentContainer}s implementing {@link Handler Action.Handler} or {@link Notifier Action.Notifier}.
ShortcutActions have a caption that may be used to display the shortcut visually. This allows the ShortcutAction to be used as a plain Action while still reacting to a keyboard shortcut. Note that this functionality is not very well supported yet, but it might still be a good idea to give a caption to the shortcut.
@author Vaadin Ltd.
@since 4.0.1