public String listCompleted() throws IOException, BackupExecuteException {
String sURL = path + HTTPBackupAgent.Constants.BASE_URL + HTTPBackupAgent.Constants.OperationType.COMPLETED_BACKUPS_INFO;
BackupAgentResponse response = transport.executeGET(sURL);
if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
ShortInfoList infoList;
try {
infoList = (ShortInfoList) getObject(ShortInfoList.class, response.getResponseData());
new String(response.getResponseData());
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();
throw new RuntimeException("Can not get ShortInfoList from responce.", e);
String result = "\nThe completed (ready to restore) backups information : \n";
if (infoList.getBackups().size() == 0)
result += "\tNo completed backups.\n\n";
int count = 1;
for (ShortInfo shortInfo : infoList.getBackups()) {
result += "\t" + count + ") Backup with id " + shortInfo.getBackupId() + " :\n";
result += ("\t\trepository name : " + shortInfo.getRepositoryName() + "\n"
+ "\t\tworkspace name : " + shortInfo.getWorkspaceName() + "\n"
+ "\t\tbackup type : " + (shortInfo.getBackupType() == BackupManager.FULL_AND_INCREMENTAL ? "full + incremetal" : "full only") + "\n"