public class ShellTableTest {
public void testTable() {
ShellTable table = new ShellTable();
table.column(new Col("id").alignRight().maxSize(5));
table.column(new Col("Name").maxSize(20));
table.column(new Col("Centered").alignCenter());
table.addRow().addContent(1, "Test", "Description");
table.addRow().addContent(20, "My name", "Description");
Row row = table.addRow();
row.addContent("A very long text that should be cut");
row.addContent("A very long text that should not be cut");
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(writer));
table.print(out, true);
String expected =
" id | Name | Centered \n" +
"----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" +
" 1 | Test | Description \n" +