public IMergeableChannel createChannel(IChannelConfig newChannelConfig) throws ECFException {
final IChannelListener listener = newChannelConfig.getListener();
final SharedObjectDescription sodesc = new SharedObjectDescription(FeedSharedObject.class, IDFactory.getDefault().createGUID(), new HashMap());
final SharedObjectTypeDescription sotypedesc = sodesc.getTypeDescription();
ISharedObject sharedObject = null;
if (sotypedesc.getName() != null) {
sharedObject = SharedObjectFactory.getDefault().createSharedObject(sotypedesc, new Object[] {listener});
} else {
sharedObject = createSharedObject(sotypedesc, listener);
final IMergeableChannel channel = (IMergeableChannel) sharedObject.getAdapter(IMergeableChannel.class);
if (channel == null) {
throw new SharedObjectCreateException("Cannot coerce object " + channel + " to be of type IChannel");
ID newID = sodesc.getID();
if (newID == null) {
newID = IDFactory.getDefault().createGUID();
Map properties = sodesc.getProperties();
if (properties == null) {
properties = new HashMap();
// Now add channel to container...this will block
getSharedObjectManager().addSharedObject(newID, sharedObject, properties);