public static final String TEST_KEY = "whatever";
public static int NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES_ALLOWED = 2;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//First create (or access if already created) the shared map
SharedHashMapBuilder builder = new SharedHashMapBuilder()
//// don't include this, just to check it is as expected.
assertEquals(8, builder.minSegments());
//// end of test
String shmPath = System.getProperty("") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "SHMTest5";
SharedHashMap<String, SHMTest5Data> theSharedMap = builder.file(new File(shmPath)).kClass(String.class).vClass(SHMTest5Data.class).create();
//Now get the shared data object, auto-creating if it's not there
SHMTest5Data data = DataValueClasses.newDirectReference(SHMTest5Data.class);
theSharedMap.acquireUsing(TEST_KEY, data);
//if this was newly created, we need to set the max allowed