public PercolateShardResponse percolate(PercolateShardRequest request) {
IndexService percolateIndexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(request.shardId().getIndex());
IndexShard indexShard = percolateIndexService.shardSafe(request.shardId().id());
indexShard.readAllowed(); // check if we can read the shard...
ShardPercolateService shardPercolateService = indexShard.shardPercolateService();
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
SearchShardTarget searchShardTarget = new SearchShardTarget(clusterService.localNode().id(), request.shardId().getIndex(), request.shardId().id());
final PercolateContext context = new PercolateContext(
request, searchShardTarget, indexShard, percolateIndexService, pageCacheRecycler, bigArrays, scriptService
try {
ParsedDocument parsedDocument = parseRequest(percolateIndexService, request, context);
if (context.percolateQueries().isEmpty()) {
return new PercolateShardResponse(context, request.shardId());
if (request.docSource() != null && request.docSource().length() != 0) {
parsedDocument = parseFetchedDoc(context, request.docSource(), percolateIndexService, request.documentType());
} else if (parsedDocument == null) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Nothing to percolate");
if (context.percolateQuery() == null && (context.trackScores() || context.doSort || context.aggregations() != null)) {
context.percolateQuery(new MatchAllDocsQuery());
if (context.doSort && !context.limit) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Can't sort if size isn't specified");
if (context.highlight() != null && !context.limit) {
throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("Can't highlight if size isn't specified");
if (context.size() < 0) {
// parse the source either into one MemoryIndex, if it is a single document or index multiple docs if nested
PercolatorIndex percolatorIndex;
boolean isNested = indexShard.mapperService().documentMapper(request.documentType()).hasNestedObjects();
if ( > 1) {
assert isNested;
percolatorIndex = multi;
} else {
percolatorIndex = single;
PercolatorType action;
if (request.onlyCount()) {
action = context.percolateQuery() != null ? queryCountPercolator : countPercolator;
} else {
if (context.doSort) {
action = topMatchingPercolator;
} else if (context.percolateQuery() != null) {
action = context.trackScores() ? scoringPercolator : queryPercolator;
} else {
action = matchPercolator;
context.percolatorTypeId =;
percolatorIndex.prepare(context, parsedDocument);
return action.doPercolate(request, context, isNested);
} finally {
shardPercolateService.postPercolate(System.nanoTime() - startTime);