//password is 'user1' SHA hashed and base64 encoded:
//The first argument to the hash constructor is the actual value to be hased. The 2nd is the
//salt. In this simple demo scenario, the username and the password are the same, but to clarify the
//distinction, you would see this in practice:
//new Sha256Hash( <password>, <cryptographically strong randomly generated salt> (not the username!) )
String query = "insert into users values ('user1', '" + new Sha256Hash("user1", "user1").toBase64() + "' )";
log.debug("Created user1.");
//password is 'user2' SHA hashed and base64 encoded:
query = "insert into users values ( 'user2', '" + new Sha256Hash("user2", "user2").toBase64() + "' )";
log.debug("Created user2.");
query = "insert into roles values ( 'role1' )";