Examples of SessionPseudoClock

Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock


    private void populateSessionWithStocks() {
        final SessionPseudoClock clock = statefulSession.getSessionClock();

        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST1", 0d));
        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST2", 1d));
        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST3", 0d));
        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST4", 0d));
        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST5", 0d));
        clock.advanceTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        statefulSession.insert(stockFactory.createStock("ST6", 1d));
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

    public void testTimerRuleAfterCronReloadSession() throws Exception {
        KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createSession( kbase );

        // must advance time or it won't save.
        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        // if we do not call 'ksession.fireAllRules()', this test will run successfully.

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        // build timer rule, if the rule is fired, the list size will increase every 300ms
        String timerRule = "package org.drools.test\n" +
                           "global java.util.List list \n" +
                           "rule TimerRule \n" +
                           "   timer (cron: * * * * * ?) \n" +
                           "when \n" + "then \n" +
                           "        list.add(list.size()); \n" +
                           " end";
        Resource resource = ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource( timerRule.getBytes() );
        Collection<KnowledgePackage> kpackages = buildKnowledgePackage( resource,
                                                                        ResourceType.DRL );
        kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kpackages );

        List<Integer> list = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList<Integer>() );
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );

        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             list.size() );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 3,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        Assert.assertEquals( 4,
                             list.size() );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 2,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        // if the rule is fired, the list size will greater than one.
        Assert.assertEquals( 6,
                             list.size() );
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

    public void testTimerRuleAfterIntReloadSession() throws Exception {
        KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createSession( kbase );

        // must advance time or it won't save.
        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        // if we do not call 'ksession.fireAllRules()', this test will run successfully.

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 300,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        // build timer rule, if the rule is fired, the list size will increase every 500ms
        String timerRule = "package org.drools.test\n" +
                           "global java.util.List list \n" +
                           "rule TimerRule \n" +
                           "   timer (int:1000 500) \n" +
                           "when \n" + "then \n" +
                           "        list.add(list.size()); \n" +
                           " end";
        Resource resource = ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(timerRule.getBytes());
        Collection<KnowledgePackage> kpackages = buildKnowledgePackage( resource,
                                                                        ResourceType.DRL );
        kbase.addKnowledgePackages( kpackages );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        List<Integer> list = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList<Integer>() );
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );
        Assert.assertEquals( 0,
                             list.size() );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 1700,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        Assert.assertEquals( 2,
                             list.size() );

        ksession = disposeAndReloadSession( ksession,
                                            kbase );
        ksession.setGlobal( "list",
                            list );

        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( 1000,
                           TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );

        // if the rule is fired, the list size will greater than one.
        Assert.assertEquals( 4,
                             list.size() );
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_SimpleEventAssertion.drl" );
        KieSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        conf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get("pseudo") );
        StatefulKnowledgeSession session = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, conf);

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) session.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        final List results = new ArrayList();

        session.setGlobal( "results",
                           results );

        StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1,
                                                  10000 );
        StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2,
                                                  10010 );
        StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3,
                                                  10100 );
        StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4,
                                                  11000 );

        InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 );
        clock.advanceTime( 30,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 );
        clock.advanceTime( 20,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        assertNotNull( handle1 );
        assertNotNull( handle2 );
        assertNotNull( handle3 );
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        KnowledgeBase kbase = loadKnowledgeBase( "test_CEP_SimpleAnnotatedEventAssertion.drl" );
        KieSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        conf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get("pseudo") );
        StatefulKnowledgeSession session = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, conf);

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) session.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        final List results = new ArrayList();

        session.setGlobal( "results",
                           results );

        StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTickEvent( 1,
                                                      10000 );
        StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTickEvent( 2,
                                                      10010 );
        StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTickEvent( 3,
                                                      10100 );
        StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTickEvent( 4,
                                                      11000 );

        InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 );
        clock.advanceTime( 30,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 );
        clock.advanceTime( 20,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        assertNotNull( handle1 );
        assertNotNull( handle2 );
        assertNotNull( handle3 );
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, sconf);

        EntryPoint eventStream = ksession.getEntryPoint( "Event Stream" );

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        final List results = new ArrayList();
        ksession.setGlobal( "results",
                            results );

        EventFactHandle handle1 = (EventFactHandle) eventStream.insert( new StockTick( 1,
                                                                                       3 ) );


        clock.advanceTime( 11,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        /** clock.advance() will put the event expiration in the queue to be executed,
            but it has to wait for a "thread" to do that
            so we fire rules again here to get that
            alternative could run fireUntilHalt() **/
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        wm.setGlobal( "results",
                      results );

        // how to initialize the clock?
        // how to configure the clock?
        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();

        clock.advanceTime( 5,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle1 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               70 ) );
        assertEquals( 5000,
                      handle1.getStartTimestamp() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      handle1.getDuration() );

        //        wm  = SerializationHelper.getSerialisedStatefulSession( wm );
        //        results = (List) wm.getGlobal( "results" );
        //        clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();


        assertEquals( 1,
                      results.size() );
        assertEquals( 70,
                      ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() );

        // advance clock and assert new data
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle2 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               60 ) );
        assertEquals( 15000,
                      handle2.getStartTimestamp() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      handle2.getDuration() );


        assertEquals( 2,
                      results.size() );
        assertEquals( 65,
                      ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() );

        // advance clock and assert new data
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle3 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               50 ) );
        assertEquals( 25000,
                      handle3.getStartTimestamp() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      handle3.getDuration() );


        assertEquals( 3,
                      results.size() );
        assertEquals( 60,
                      ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() );

        // advance clock and assert new data
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle4 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               25 ) );
        assertEquals( 35000,
                      handle4.getStartTimestamp() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      handle4.getDuration() );


        // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire
        assertEquals( 3,
                      results.size() );

        // advance clock and assert new data
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle5 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               70 ) );
        assertEquals( 45000,
                      handle5.getStartTimestamp() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      handle5.getDuration() );

        //        wm  = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm);

        // still under the threshold, so no fire
        assertEquals( 3,
                      results.size() );

        // advance clock and assert new data
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
        EventFactHandle handle6 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "6",
                                                                               "customer A",
                                                                               115 ) );
        assertEquals( 55000,
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        final List results = new ArrayList();

        wm.setGlobal( "results",
                      results );

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();

        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        StockTickInterface st1O = new StockTick( 1,
                                                 clock.getCurrentTime() );

        EventFactHandle st1 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( st1O );


        // should not fire, because it must wait 10 seconds
        assertEquals( 0,
                      results.size() );

        clock.advanceTime( 5,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        EventFactHandle st2 = (EventFactHandle) wm.insert( new StockTick( 1,
                                                                          clock.getCurrentTime() ) );


        // should still not fire, because it must wait 5 more seconds, and st2 has lower price (80)
        assertEquals( 0,
                      results.size() );
        // assert new data

        clock.advanceTime( 6,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );


        // should fire, because waited for 10 seconds and no other event arrived with a price increase
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        // Getting a pre-epoch date (i.e., before 1970)
        Calendar ts = Calendar.getInstance();
        ts.set( 1900, 1, 1 );
        // Initializing the clock to that date
        SessionPseudoClock clock = ksession.getSessionClock();
        clock.advanceTime( ts.getTimeInMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
        // rule X should not be delayed as the delay would be infinite
        int rules = ksession.fireAllRules();
        assertEquals( 2, rules );
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Examples of org.drools.core.time.SessionPseudoClock

        KieSessionConfiguration conf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        conf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( "pseudo" ) );
        StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl session = (StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl)createKnowledgeSession(kbase, conf);

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) session.getSessionClock();

        final List results = new ArrayList();

        session.setGlobal( "results",
                           results );

        StockTickInterface tick1 = new StockTick( 1,
                                                  10000 );
        StockTickInterface tick2 = new StockTick( 2,
                                                  10010 );
        StockTickInterface tick3 = new StockTick( 3,
                                                  10100 );
        StockTickInterface tick4 = new StockTick( 4,
                                                  11000 );

        assertEquals( 0,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        InternalFactHandle handle1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick1 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        assertEquals( 10000,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        InternalFactHandle handle2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick2 );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        clock.advanceTime( 15,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        assertEquals( 15000,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        clock.advanceTime( 15,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        assertEquals( 30000,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        InternalFactHandle handle3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick3 );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      session.getIdleTime() );
        clock.advanceTime( 20,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        InternalFactHandle handle4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( tick4 );
        clock.advanceTime( 10,
                           TimeUnit.SECONDS );

        assertNotNull( handle1 );
        assertNotNull( handle2 );
        assertNotNull( handle3 );
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