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Manages sessions in a web-webApp.
This class manages session interactions, including grabbing latest from the cache, and invalidating upon 401 If the credentials supplied in the authentication header are invalid, or if the token has expired, the server returns HTTP response code 401. After the token expires, you must log in again to obtain a new token.
@author Adrian Cole
This class manages servlet session objects for servlets as well.
@author Bo Zimmerman
@author libinsong@gmail.com
@author 陈雄华
this class contains runtime information for the web bundle it was kept to be backward compatible with the schema2beans descriptors generated by iAS 7.0 engineering team.
@author Jerome Dochez
is used to obtain session information This can be implemented using persistent storage mechanisms or using transient storage Even if it is implemented using persistent storage the implementation should take care of backing by a cache which will avoid the overhead of serialization and database operations
Additionally the SessionManager
is responsible for managing the life cycle events for the sessions. It exposes methods to create and terminate the session Periodically the SessionManager
will check for sessions who have been inactive for a predefined amount of time and then will terminate those sessions
@author Bhakti Mehta
@author Mike Grogan
Session state manager.
Manages Sessions for the ManagerLayer. Wraps a Map of Sessions and provides interaction and manipulation functionality
@author twack
@author Jan Koeppen
A SessionManager controls connection establishment and preferences for all debugging sessions with the Flash Player. To begin a new debugging session:
- Get a
from Bootstrap.sessionManager()
- Call
- If you want to have the API launch the Flash Player for you, call
. If you want to launch the Flash Player and then have the API connect to it, then launch the Flash Player and then call SessionManager.accept()
. Note: launch()
and accept()
are both blocking calls, so you probably don't want to call them from your main UI thread. - Finally, call
A basic session manager for cookie-based HTTP session. It allows its parent web interface to associate a "UserID" (a string) with a session ID. Formal definition of a SessionManager: A 1:1 mapping of SessionID to UserID. Queries by SessionID and UserID run in O(1). The Session ID primary key consists of: Cookie path + Cookie name + random "actual" session ID The user ID is received from the client application. Therefore, when multiple client applications want to store sessions, each one is supposed to create its own SessionManager because user IDs might overlap. The sessions of each application then get their {@link Session} by using a differentcookie path OR a different cookie namespace, depending on which constructor you use. Paths are used when client applications do NOT share the same path on the server. For example "/Chat" would cause the browser to only send back the cookie if the user is browsing "/Chat/", not for "/". BUT usually we want the menu contents of client applications to be in the logged-in state even if the user is NOT browsing the client application web interface right now, therefore the "/" path must be used in most cases. If client application cookies shall be received from all paths on the server, the client application should use the constructor which requires a cookie namespace. The usage of a namespace gurantees that Sessions of different client applications do not overlap.
@author xor (xor@freenetproject.org)
Interface to all session based functionality - different implementation may include threadlocal or pooled JMS sessions.
@author colincrist@hermesjms.com
@version $Id: SessionManager.java,v 1.17 2005/10/29 15:15:08 colincrist Exp $
Interface that manages sessions. The session manager is responsible for maintaining session state. As part of session creation the session manager MUST attempt to retrieve the {@link SessionCookieConfig} fromthe {@link HttpServerExchange} and use it to set the session cookie. The frees up the session manager fromneeding to know details of the cookie configuration. When invalidating a session the session manager MUST also use this to clear the session cookie.
@author Stuart Douglas
@author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com
This is the session manager component. The main purpose of this component is creating and termination sessions
Carsten Ziegeler
@version CVS $Id: SessionManager.java,v 1.2 2004/03/05 13:02:22 bdelacretaz Exp $
This is the basic session component. The main purpose of this component is session handling, maintaining contexts and providing system management functions. The session information is divided into session contexts. Transaction management
Transactions are a series of get/set calls to a sessuib context which must be seen as atomic (single modification). We distingish between reading and writing. Usually parallel reading is allowed but if one thread wants to write, no other can read or write.
Carsten Ziegeler
@version CVS $Id: SessionManager.java,v 1.1 2003/03/09 00:06:08 pier Exp $
Represents a local SessionManager.
A local SessionManager works collaboratively with remote SessionManagers to manage Session instances. A local SessionMananger along with its associated remote SessionManagers are a single space where Session instances live. In this space, each Session is ensured to have a unique sessionId. This contract is enforced during creation of a Session instance by a local SessionManager. A Session in this space is preemptively migrated from one local SessionManager to another. The interposition of a ClusteredInvocation between a Client and the Session he wants to access ensures that at any point in time a Session is uniquely instantiated once cluster wide. Clients can receive migration callbacks via the registration of SessionListener.
@version $Rev$ $Date$
Manages hibernate sessions, and their association with a transaction thread. Uses a ThreadLocal strategy for managing sessions.
A SessionManager manages the creation, maintenance, and clean-up of all application {@link org.apache.shiro.session.Session Session}s.
@author Les Hazlewood
@since 0.1
Manages session objects via CRUD-like operations. A SessionManager
maintains in-memory storage of sessions, creates new ones and either destroys or stores existing ones persistently. All sessions are managed via unique identifiers of the org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI
NOTE: implementations should either be synchronized, or document whenever they are not.
@author alexdma
Session Manager. The API required to manage sessions for a servlet context.
@version $Id: SessionManager.java,v 1.18 2005/03/15 10:03:58 gregwilkins Exp $
@author Greg Wilkins
Holds and manages all SIP related sessions. SIP counterpart of HTTP {@link org.mortbay.jetty.SessionManager}. SIP related sessions consists of three different kinds of sessions, managed in a hierarchical structure: the root is the call session which contains SipApplicationSessions which contains in turn SipSessions. Call session is a container structure (not exposed in Sip Servlets API) used to group all data related to a SIP call. Call sessions are processed in a pseudo-transactional manner to control concurrency and may be scheduled for execution.
SessionMananger handles all bayeux traffic and redirects messages to the appropriate SessionHandler. In theory, should be one SessionManager for each server instance.
Purpose: Global session location.
Description: This allows for a global session local which can be accessed globally from other classes. This is needed for EJB data stores as they must have a globally accessible place to access the session. This can be by EJB session beans, BMP beans and CMP beans as well as Servlets and other three-tier services.
- Store a global session.
- Allow the storage of alternative sessions as well.
@author James Sutherland
@since TOPLink/Java 3.0
this class contains runtime information for the web bundle it was kept to be backward compatible with the schema2beans descriptors generated by iAS 7.0 engineering team.
@author Jerome Dochez
@author reicTo change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
Manages the sessions associated with an account. The information maintained by the Session manager is entirely transient and does not need to be preserved between server restarts.
@author Derek DeMoro
Session Manager. The API required to manage sessions for a servlet context.
@author Greg Wilkins
Session Manager. The API required to manage sessions for a servlet context.
@version $Id: SessionManager.java,v 1.18 2005/03/15 10:03:58 gregwilkins Exp $
@author Greg Wilkins
This is the JON Server's own session ID generator. It is outside any container-provided session mechanism. Its sole purpose is to provide session IDs to logged in {@link Subject}s. It will timeout those sessions regardless of any container-provided session-timeout mechanism.
Because this is a very security-sensitive class, any public method requires the caller to have the {@link AllowEjbAccessPermission} as any other calls to the EJB layer. This is so that themalicious users can't trick the EJB layer into thinking that some users are logged in or log out other users.
Also, for security reasons, this class is final so that malicious code can't subclass it and modify its behavior.
This object is a {@link #getInstance() singleton}.
object is used to create sessions that are active for a given time period. Each session is referenced using a unique key, and only one session exists per key at a time. Once a session has been created it remains active for a fixed time period, this time period is renewed each time that session is open.
When the session manager is no longer required it can be closed. Closing the session manager will cancel and destroy all active sessions, and release all resources occupied by the provider such as threads and memory. Typically it is advisable to close a manager when it is not longer required by the application.
@author Niall Gallagher
Utility class for managing the session's authentication status.
@author josephg@gmail.com (Joseph Gentle)
In-memory SessionManager implementation.
@author grro@xlightweb.org
Manages the active sessions in the server.
@author Flavio Giovarruscio & Riccardo Tribbia
@version 1.0