CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException,
// Acquire the server socket factory for this Connector
ServerSocketFactory factory = getFactory();
// If no address is specified, open a connection on all addresses
if (address == null) {
try {
return (factory.createSocket(port, acceptCount));
} catch (BindException be) {
throw new BindException(be.getMessage() + ":" + port);
// Open a server socket on the specified address
try {
InetAddress is = InetAddress.getByName(address);
log(sm.getString("httpConnector.anAddress", address));
try {
return (factory.createSocket(port, acceptCount, is));
} catch (BindException be) {
throw new BindException(be.getMessage() + ":" + address +
":" + port);
} catch (Exception e) {
log(sm.getString("httpConnector.noAddress", address));
try {
return (factory.createSocket(port, acceptCount));
} catch (BindException be) {
throw new BindException(be.getMessage() + ":" + port);