Purpose: A single session that supports multiple user/clients connection at the same time.
Description: This session supports a shared session that can be used by multiple users or clients in a three-tiered application. It brokers client sessions to allow read and write access through a unified object cache. The server session provides a shared read only database connection that is used by all of its client for reads. All changes to objects and the database must be done through a unit of work acquired from the client session, this allows the changes to occur in a transactional object space and under a exclusive database connection.
Objects implementing this interface are the server-side representation of remote Bayeux clients.
{@link ServerSession} contains the queue of messages to be delivered to the client; messages arenormally queued on a {@link ServerSession} by publishing them to a channel to which the session issubscribed (via {@link ServerChannel#publish(Session,ServerMessage.Mutable)}.
The {@link #deliver(Session,ServerMessage.Mutable)} and {@link #deliver(Session,String,Object)}methods may be used to directly queue messages to a session without publishing them to all subscribers of a channel.
Purpose: A single session that supports multiple user/clients connection at the same time.
Description: This session supports a shared session that can be used by multiple users or clients in a three-tiered application. It brokers client sessions to allow read and write access through a unified object cache. The server session provides a shared read only database connection that is used by all of its client for reads. All changes to objects and the database must be done through a unit of work acquired from the client session, this allows the changes to occur in a transactional object space and under a exclusive database connection.