Examples of Segment

Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

      // return variable that accumulates replacements
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();

        // get segment
        Segment indexSegment = null;
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment")) {
            String segmentName = post.get("segment");
            if (sb.indexSegments.segmentExist(segmentName)) {
                indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
        } else {
            // take default segment
            indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
        if (post == null) {
            prop.put("linkfreq", sb.getConfigLong("defaultLinkReceiveFrequency",30));
            prop.put("wordfreq", sb.getConfigLong("defaultWordReceiveFrequency",10));
            prop.put("dtable", "");
            prop.put("rtable", "");
            prop.putNum("wcount", indexSegment.termIndex().sizesMax());
            prop.putNum("ucount", indexSegment.urlMetadata().size());
            return prop; // be save
        if (post.containsKey("indexsharesetting")) {
            sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW, post.containsKey("distribute"));
            sb.setConfig("allowReceiveIndex", post.containsKey("receive"));
            sb.setConfig("defaultLinkReceiveFrequency", post.getInt("linkfreq", 30));
            sb.setConfig("defaultWordReceiveFrequency", post.getInt("wordfreq", 10));

        // insert constants
        prop.putNum("wcount", indexSegment.termIndex().sizesMax());
        prop.putNum("ucount", indexSegment.urlMetadata().size());
        // return rewrite properties
        return prop;
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
        prop.put("title", "DbCleanup_p");
        // get segment
        Segment indexSegment = null;
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment")) {
            String segmentName = post.get("segment");
            if (sb.indexSegments.segmentExist(segmentName)) {
                indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
        } else {
            // take default segment
            indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
        if (post!=null) {
            if (post.get("action").equals("ustart")) {
                if (urldbCleanerThread==null || !urldbCleanerThread.isAlive()) {
                    urldbCleanerThread = indexSegment.urlMetadata().getBlacklistCleaner(Switchboard.urlBlacklist, sb.crawlStacker);
                else {
            else if (post.get("action").equals("ustop") && (urldbCleanerThread!=null)) {
            else if (post.get("action").equals("upause") && (urldbCleanerThread!=null)) {
            else if (post.get("action").equals("rstart")) {
                if (indexCleanerThread==null || !indexCleanerThread.isAlive()) {
                    indexCleanerThread = indexSegment.getReferenceCleaner(post.get("wordHash","AAAAAAAAAAAA").getBytes());
                else {
            else if (post.get("action").equals("rstop") && (indexCleanerThread!=null)) {
            else if (post.get("action").equals("rpause") && (indexCleanerThread!=null)) {
            return prop;
        if (urldbCleanerThread!=null) {
            prop.put("urldb", "1");
            prop.putNum("urldb_percentUrls", ((double)urldbCleanerThread.totalSearchedUrls/indexSegment.urlMetadata().size())*100);
            prop.putNum("urldb_blacklisted", urldbCleanerThread.blacklistedUrls);
            prop.putNum("urldb_total", urldbCleanerThread.totalSearchedUrls);
            prop.putHTML("urldb_lastBlacklistedUrl", urldbCleanerThread.lastBlacklistedUrl);
            prop.put("urldb_lastBlacklistedHash", urldbCleanerThread.lastBlacklistedHash);
            prop.putHTML("urldb_lastUrl", urldbCleanerThread.lastUrl);
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

        for (final String s: sb.indexSegments.segmentNames()) {
            prop.put("segments_" + i + "_name", s);
            prop.put("segments_" + i + "_selected", (segmentName.equals(s)) ? 1 : 0);
        Segment segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
        prop.put("segments", i);
        prop.putNum("ucount", segment.urlMetadata().size());
        prop.put("otherHosts", "");
        prop.put("genUrlProfile", 0);
        prop.put("statistics", 1);
        prop.put("statistics_lines", 100);
        prop.put("statisticslines", 0);
        prop.put("reload", 0);

        // do segment selection
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment")) {
            // default values
            segmentName = post.get("segment", segmentName).trim();
            i= 0;
            for (final String s: sb.indexSegments.segmentNames()) {
                prop.put("segments_" + i + "_name", s);
                prop.put("segments_" + i + "_selected", (segmentName.equals(s)) ? 1 : 0);
            prop.put("segments", i);
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);

        // show export messages
        final MetadataRepository.Export export = segment.urlMetadata().export();
        if ((export != null) && (export.isAlive())) {
          // there is currently a running export
            prop.put("lurlexport", 2);
            prop.put("lurlexportfinished", 0);
        prop.put("lurlexporterror", 0);
        prop.put("lurlexport_exportfile", export.file().toString());
            prop.put("lurlexport_urlcount", export.count());
            prop.put("reload", 1);
        } else {
            prop.put("lurlexport", 1);
            prop.put("lurlexport_exportfile", sb.getDataPath() + "/DATA/EXPORT/" + GenericFormatter.SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format());
            if (export == null) {
                // there has never been an export
                prop.put("lurlexportfinished", 0);
                prop.put("lurlexporterror", 0);
            } else {
                // an export was running but has finished
                prop.put("lurlexportfinished", 1);
                prop.put("lurlexportfinished_exportfile", export.file().toString());
                prop.put("lurlexportfinished_urlcount", export.count());
                if (export.failed() == null) {
                    prop.put("lurlexporterror", 0);
                } else {
                    prop.put("lurlexporterror", 1);
                    prop.put("lurlexporterror_exportfile", export.file().toString());
                    prop.put("lurlexporterror_exportfailmsg", export.failed());

        if (post == null || env == null) {
            return prop; // nothing to do

        // post values that are set on numerous input fields with same name
        String urlstring = post.get("urlstring", "").trim();
        String urlhash = post.get("urlhash", "").trim();

        if (!urlstring.startsWith("http://") &&
            !urlstring.startsWith("https://") &&
            !urlstring.startsWith("ftp://") &&
            !urlstring.startsWith("smb://") &&
            !urlstring.startsWith("file://")) { urlstring = "http://" + urlstring; }

        prop.putHTML("urlstring", urlstring);
        prop.putHTML("urlhash", urlhash);
        prop.put("result", " ");

        if (post.containsKey("urlhashdeleteall")) {
            i = segment.removeAllUrlReferences(urlhash.getBytes(), sb.loader, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST);
            prop.put("result", "Deleted URL and " + i + " references from " + i + " word indexes.");
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("urlhashdelete")) {
            final URIMetadataRow entry = segment.urlMetadata().load(ASCII.getBytes(urlhash));
            if (entry == null) {
                prop.putHTML("result", "No Entry for URL hash " + urlhash + "; nothing deleted.");
            } else {
                urlstring = entry.metadata().url().toNormalform(false, true);
                prop.put("urlstring", "");
                sb.urlRemove(segment, urlhash.getBytes());
                prop.putHTML("result", "Removed URL " + urlstring);
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("urldelete")) {
            try {
                urlhash = ASCII.String((new DigestURI(urlstring)).hash());
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                urlhash = null;
            if ((urlhash == null) || (urlstring == null)) {
                prop.put("result", "No input given; nothing deleted.");
            } else {
                sb.urlRemove(segment, urlhash.getBytes());
                prop.putHTML("result", "Removed URL " + urlstring);
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("urlstringsearch")) {
            try {
                final DigestURI url = new DigestURI(urlstring);
                urlhash = ASCII.String(url.hash());
                prop.put("urlhash", urlhash);
                final URIMetadataRow entry = segment.urlMetadata().load(ASCII.getBytes(urlhash));
                if (entry == null) {
                    prop.putHTML("result", "No Entry for URL " + url.toNormalform(true, true));
                    prop.putHTML("urlstring", urlstring);
                    prop.put("urlhash", "");
                } else {
                    prop.putAll(genUrlProfile(segment, entry, urlhash));
                    prop.put("statistics", 0);
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                prop.putHTML("result", "bad url: " + urlstring);
                prop.put("urlhash", "");
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("urlhashsearch")) {
            final URIMetadataRow entry = segment.urlMetadata().load(ASCII.getBytes(urlhash));
            if (entry == null) {
                prop.putHTML("result", "No Entry for URL hash " + urlhash);
            } else {
                prop.putHTML("urlstring", entry.metadata().url().toNormalform(false, true));
                prop.putAll(genUrlProfile(segment, entry, urlhash));
                prop.put("statistics", 0);
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        // generate list
        if (post.containsKey("urlhashsimilar")) {
            try {
                final Iterator<URIMetadataRow> entryIt = new RotateIterator<URIMetadataRow>(segment.urlMetadata().entries(true, urlhash), ASCII.String(Base64Order.zero((urlhash == null ? 0 : urlhash.length()))), segment.termIndex().sizesMax());
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("Sequential List of URL-Hashes:<br />");
                URIMetadataRow entry;
                i = 0;
                int rows = 0, cols = 0;
                prop.put("urlhashsimilar", "1");
                while (entryIt.hasNext() && i < 256) {
                    entry = entryIt.next();
                    if (entry == null) break;
                    prop.put("urlhashsimilar_rows_"+rows+"_cols_"+cols+"_urlHash", ASCII.String(entry.hash()));
                    if (cols==8) {
                        prop.put("urlhashsimilar_rows_"+rows+"_cols", cols);
                        cols = 0;
                prop.put("statistics", 0);
                prop.put("urlhashsimilar_rows", rows);
                prop.put("result", result.toString());
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                prop.putHTML("result", "No Entries for URL hash " + urlhash);
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("lurlexport")) {
            // parse format
            int format = 0;
            final String fname = post.get("format", "url-text");
            final boolean dom = fname.startsWith("dom"); // if dom== false complete urls are exported, otherwise only the domain
            if (fname.endsWith("text")) format = 0;
            if (fname.endsWith("html")) format = 1;
            if (fname.endsWith("rss")) format = 2;

            // extend export file name
      String s = post.get("exportfile", "");
      if (s.indexOf('.') < 0) {
        if (format == 0) s = s + ".txt";
        if (format == 1) s = s + ".html";
        if (format == 2) s = s + ".xml";
          final File f = new File(s);
      final String filter = post.get("exportfilter", ".*");
      final MetadataRepository.Export running = segment.urlMetadata().export(f, filter, null, format, dom);

      prop.put("lurlexport_exportfile", s);
      prop.put("lurlexport_urlcount", running.count());
      if ((running != null) && (running.failed() == null)) {
        prop.put("lurlexport", 2);
      prop.put("reload", 1);

        if (post.containsKey("deletedomain")) {
            final String hp = post.get("hashpart");
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            // trigger the loading of the table
            post.put("statistics", "");
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        if (post.containsKey("statistics")) {
            final int count = post.getInt("lines", 100);
            Iterator<MetadataRepository.HostStat> statsiter;
            prop.put("statistics_lines", count);
            int cnt = 0;
            try {
                final MetadataRepository metadata = segment.urlMetadata();
                statsiter = metadata.statistics(count, metadata.urlSampleScores(metadata.domainSampleCollector()));
                boolean dark = true;
                MetadataRepository.HostStat hs;
                while (statsiter.hasNext() && cnt < count) {
                    hs = statsiter.next();
                    prop.put("statisticslines_domains_" + cnt + "_dark", (dark) ? "1" : "0");
                    prop.put("statisticslines_domains_" + cnt + "_domain", hs.hostname + ((hs.port == 80) ? "" : ":" + hs.port));
                    prop.put("statisticslines_domains_" + cnt + "lines", count);
                    prop.put("statisticslines_domains_" + cnt + "_hashpart", hs.hosthash);
                    prop.put("statisticslines_domains_" + cnt + "_count", hs.count);
                    dark = !dark;
            } catch (final IOException e) {
            prop.put("statisticslines_domains", cnt);
            prop.put("statisticslines", 1);
            prop.put("lurlexport", 0);
            prop.put("reload", 0);

        // insert constants
        prop.putNum("ucount", segment.urlMetadata().size());
        // return rewrite properties
        return prop;
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

    public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
        // return variable that accumulates replacements
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
        final Segment segment;
        boolean html = post != null && post.containsKey("html");
        boolean authorized = sb.verifyAuthentication(header, false);
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment") && authorized) {
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(post.get("segment"));
        } else {
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
        prop.put("dc_title", "");
        prop.put("dc_creator", "");
        prop.put("dc_description", "");
        prop.put("dc_subject", "");
        prop.put("dc_publisher", "");
        prop.put("dc_contributor", "");
        prop.put("dc_date", "");
        prop.put("dc_type", "");
        prop.put("dc_identifier", "");
        prop.put("dc_language", "");

        if (post == null) return prop;
        String urlstring = post.get("url", "").trim();
        String urlhash = post.get("urlhash", "").trim();
        if (urlstring.length() == 0 && urlhash.length() == 0) return prop;

        if (urlstring.length() > 0 && urlhash.length() == 0) {
            try {
                DigestURI url = new DigestURI(urlstring);
                urlhash = ASCII.String(url.hash());
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        if (urlhash == null || urlhash.length() == 0) return prop;
        final URIMetadataRow entry = segment.urlMetadata().load(urlhash.getBytes());
        if (entry == null) return prop;

        final URIMetadataRow.Components metadata = entry.metadata();
        if (metadata.url() == null) {
            return prop;
        final URIMetadataRow le = (entry.referrerHash() == null || entry.referrerHash().length != Word.commonHashLength) ? null : segment.urlMetadata().load(entry.referrerHash());
        prop.putXML("dc_title", metadata.dc_title());
        prop.putXML("dc_creator", metadata.dc_creator());
        prop.putXML("dc_description", ""); // this is the fulltext part in the surrogate
        prop.putXML("dc_subject", metadata.dc_subject());
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;

        // get segment
        Segment indexSegment = null;
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment")) {
            final String segmentName = post.get("segment");
            if (sb.indexSegments.segmentExist(segmentName)) {
                indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
        } else {
            // take default segment
            indexSegment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);

        if (post == null) {
            // send back usage example
            prop.put("mode", "0");

            // get the http host header
            final String hostSocket = header.get(HeaderFramework.CONNECTION_PROP_HOST);

            //String host = hostSocket;
            int port = 80;
            final int pos = hostSocket.indexOf(":");
            if (pos != -1) {
                port = Integer.parseInt(hostSocket.substring(pos + 1));
                //host = hostSocket.substring(0, pos);

            prop.put("mode_host", "localhost");
            prop.put("mode_port", port);

            return prop;
        prop.put("mode", "1");

        // get the URL
        String crawlingStart = post.get("url",null);
        try {
            crawlingStart = URLDecoder.decode(crawlingStart, "UTF-8");
        } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

        // get the browser title
        final String title = post.get("title",null);

        // get other parameters if set
        final String crawlingMustMatch  = post.get("mustmatch", CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL);
        final String crawlingMustNotMatch  = post.get("mustnotmatch", CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER);
        final int CrawlingDepth      = post.getInt("crawlingDepth", 0);
        final boolean crawlDynamic   = post.get("crawlingQ", "").equals("on");
        final boolean indexText      = post.get("indexText", "on").equals("on");
        final boolean indexMedia     = post.get("indexMedia", "on").equals("on");
        final boolean storeHTCache   = post.get("storeHTCache", "").equals("on");
        final boolean remoteIndexing = post.get("crawlOrder", "").equals("on");
        final boolean xsstopw        = post.get("xsstopw", "").equals("on");
        final boolean xdstopw        = post.get("xdstopw", "").equals("on");
        final boolean xpstopw        = post.get("xpstopw", "").equals("on");

        prop.put("mode_url", (crawlingStart == null) ? "unknown" : crawlingStart);
        prop.putHTML("mode_title", (title == null) ? "unknown" : title);

        if (crawlingStart != null) {
            crawlingStart = crawlingStart.trim();
            try {crawlingStart = new DigestURI(crawlingStart).toNormalform(true, true);} catch (final MalformedURLException e1) {}

            // check if url is proper
            DigestURI crawlingStartURL = null;
            try {
                crawlingStartURL = new DigestURI(crawlingStart);
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                prop.put("mode_status", "1");
                prop.put("mode_code", "1");
                return prop;

            final byte[] urlhash = crawlingStartURL.hash();

            // create crawling profile
            CrawlProfile pe = null;
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

        for (final String s: sb.indexSegments.segmentNames()) {
            prop.put("segments_" + i + "_name", s);
            prop.put("segments_" + i + "_selected", (segmentName.equals(s)) ? 1 : 0);
        Segment segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);
        prop.put("segments", i);

        // switch off all optional forms/lists
        prop.put("searchresult", 0);
        prop.put("keyhashsimilar", 0);
        prop.put("genUrlList", 0);

        // clean up all search events

        if (post != null) {
            // default values
            segmentName = post.get("segment", segmentName).trim();
            i= 0;
            for (final String s: sb.indexSegments.segmentNames()) {
                prop.put("segments_" + i + "_name", s);
                prop.put("segments_" + i + "_selected", (segmentName.equals(s)) ? 1 : 0);
            prop.put("segments", i);
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(segmentName);

            final String keystring = post.get("keystring", "").trim();
            byte[] keyhash = post.get("keyhash", "").trim().getBytes();
            prop.putHTML("keystring", keystring);
            prop.putHTML("keyhash", ASCII.String(keyhash));

            // read values from checkboxes
            final String[] urls = post.getAll("urlhx.*");
            HandleSet urlb = new HandleSet(URIMetadataRow.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, URIMetadataRow.rowdef.objectOrder, urls.length);
            if (urls != null) for (final String s: urls) try { urlb.put(s.getBytes()); } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) { Log.logException(e); }
            final boolean delurl    = post.containsKey("delurl");
            final boolean delurlref = post.containsKey("delurlref");

            if (post.containsKey("keystringsearch")) {
                keyhash = Word.word2hash(keystring);
                prop.put("keyhash", keyhash);
                final RankingProcess ranking = genSearchresult(prop, sb, segment, keyhash, null);
                if (ranking.filteredCount() == 0) {
                    prop.put("searchresult", 1);
                    prop.putHTML("searchresult_word", keystring);

            if (post.containsKey("keyhashsearch")) {
                if (keystring.length() == 0 || !ByteBuffer.equals(Word.word2hash(keystring), keyhash)) {
                    prop.put("keystring", "&lt;not possible to compute word from hash&gt;");
                final RankingProcess ranking = genSearchresult(prop, sb, segment, keyhash, null);
                if (ranking.filteredCount() == 0) {
                    prop.put("searchresult", 2);
                    prop.putHTML("searchresult_wordhash", ASCII.String(keyhash));

            // delete everything
            if (post.containsKey("deletecomplete")) {
                if (post.get("deleteIndex", "").equals("on")) {
                if (post.get("deleteSolr", "").equals("on") && sb.getConfigBool("federated.service.solr.indexing.enabled", false)) try {
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                if (post.get("deleteCrawlQueues", "").equals("on")) {
                if (post.get("deleteCache", "").equals("on")) {
                if (post.get("deleteRobots", "").equals("on")) {
                if (post.get("deleteSearchFl", "").equals("on")) {

            // delete word
            if (post.containsKey("keyhashdeleteall")) try {
                if (delurl || delurlref) {
                    // generate urlx: an array of url hashes to be deleted
                    ReferenceContainer<WordReference> index = null;
                    index = segment.termIndex().get(keyhash, null);
                    final Iterator<WordReference> en = index.entries();
                    urlb = new HandleSet(URIMetadataRow.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, URIMetadataRow.rowdef.objectOrder, index.size());
                    while (en.hasNext()) try { urlb.put(en.next().urlhash()); } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) { Log.logException(e); }
                    index = null;
                if (delurlref) {
                    segment.removeAllUrlReferences(urlb, sb.loader, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST);
                // delete the word first because that is much faster than the deletion of the urls from the url database
                // now delete all urls if demanded
                if (delurl || delurlref) {
                    for (final byte[] b: urlb) sb.urlRemove(segment, b);
                post.put("urllist", "generated");
            } catch (final IOException e) {

            // delete selected URLs
            if (post.containsKey("keyhashdelete")) try {
                if (delurlref) {
                    segment.removeAllUrlReferences(urlb, sb.loader, CacheStrategy.IFEXIST);
                if (delurl || delurlref) {
                    for (final byte[] b: urlb) sb.urlRemove(segment, b);
                final HandleSet urlHashes = new HandleSet(URIMetadataRow.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, URIMetadataRow.rowdef.objectOrder, 0);
                for (final byte[] b: urlb) try { urlHashes.put(b); } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) { Log.logException(e); }
                segment.termIndex().remove(keyhash, urlHashes);
                // this shall lead to a presentation of the list; so handle that the remaining program
                // thinks that it was called for a list presentation
                post.put("urllist", "generated");
            } catch (final IOException e) {

            if (post.containsKey("urllist")) {
                if (keystring.length() == 0 || !ByteBuffer.equals(Word.word2hash(keystring), keyhash)) {
                    prop.put("keystring", "&lt;not possible to compute word from hash&gt;");
                final Bitfield flags = compileFlags(post);
                final int count = (post.get("lines", "all").equals("all")) ? -1 : post.getInt("lines", -1);
                final RankingProcess ranking = genSearchresult(prop, sb, segment, keyhash, flags);
                genURLList(prop, keyhash, keystring, ranking, flags, count);

            // transfer to other peer
            if (post.containsKey("keyhashtransfer")) try {
                if (keystring.length() == 0 || !ByteBuffer.equals(Word.word2hash(keystring), keyhash)) {
                    prop.put("keystring", "&lt;not possible to compute word from hash&gt;");

                // find host & peer
                String host = post.get("host", ""); // get host from input field
                yacySeed seed = null;
                if (host.length() != 0) {
                    if (host.length() == 12) {
                        // the host string is a peer hash
                        seed = sb.peers.getConnected(host);
                    } else {
                        // the host string can be a host name
                        seed = sb.peers.lookupByName(host);
                } else {
                    host = post.get("hostHash", ""); // if input field is empty, get from select box
                    seed = sb.peers.getConnected(host);

                // prepare index
                ReferenceContainer<WordReference> index;
                final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                index = segment.termIndex().get(keyhash, null);
                // built urlCache
                final Iterator<WordReference> urlIter = index.entries();
                final TreeMap<byte[], URIMetadataRow> knownURLs = new TreeMap<byte[], URIMetadataRow>(Base64Order.enhancedCoder);
                final HandleSet unknownURLEntries = new HandleSet(WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.primaryKeyLength, WordReferenceRow.urlEntryRow.objectOrder, index.size());
                Reference iEntry;
                URIMetadataRow lurl;
                while (urlIter.hasNext()) {
                    iEntry = urlIter.next();
                    lurl = segment.urlMetadata().load(iEntry.urlhash());
                    if (lurl == null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {
                    } else {
                        knownURLs.put(iEntry.urlhash(), lurl);

                // make an indexContainerCache
                final ReferenceContainerCache<WordReference> icc = new ReferenceContainerCache<WordReference>(Segment.wordReferenceFactory, Segment.wordOrder, Word.commonHashLength);
                try {
                } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {

                // transport to other peer
                final boolean gzipBody = sb.getConfigBool("indexControl.gzipBody", false);
                final int timeout = (int) sb.getConfigLong("indexControl.timeout", 60000);
                final String error = yacyClient.transferIndex(
                prop.put("result", (error == null) ? ("Successfully transferred " + knownURLs.size() + " words in " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) / 1000) + " seconds, " + unknownURLEntries.size() + " URL not found") : "error: " + error);
                index = null;
            } catch (final IOException e) {

            // generate list
            if (post.containsKey("keyhashsimilar")) try {
                final Iterator<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> containerIt = segment.termIndex().references(keyhash, true, 256, false).iterator();
                    ReferenceContainer<WordReference> container;
                    i = 0;
                    int rows = 0, cols = 0;
                    prop.put("keyhashsimilar", "1");
                    while (containerIt.hasNext() && i < 256) {
                        container = containerIt.next();
                        prop.put("keyhashsimilar_rows_"+rows+"_cols_"+cols+"_wordHash", container.getTermHash());
                        if (cols==8) {
                            prop.put("keyhashsimilar_rows_"+rows+"_cols", cols);
                            cols = 0;
                    prop.put("keyhashsimilar_rows_"+rows+"_cols", cols);
                    prop.put("keyhashsimilar_rows", rows + 1);
                    prop.put("result", "");
            } catch (final IOException e) {

            if (post.containsKey("blacklist")) {
                final String blacklist = post.get("blacklist", "");
                final HandleSet urlHashes = new HandleSet(URIMetadataRow.rowdef.primaryKeyLength, URIMetadataRow.rowdef.objectOrder, urlb.size());
                if (post.containsKey("blacklisturls")) {
                    PrintWriter pw;
                    try {
                        final String[] supportedBlacklistTypes = env.getConfig("BlackLists.types", "").split(",");
                        pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(ListManager.listsPath, blacklist), true));
                        DigestURI url;
                        for (final byte[] b: urlb) {
                            try {
                            } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {
                            final URIMetadataRow e = segment.urlMetadata().load(b);
                            if (e != null) {
                                url = e.metadata().url();
                                pw.println(url.getHost() + "/" + url.getFile());
                                for (final String supportedBlacklistType : supportedBlacklistTypes) {
                                    if (ListManager.listSetContains(supportedBlacklistType + ".BlackLists", blacklist)) {
                    } catch (final IOException e) {

                if (post.containsKey("blacklistdomains")) {
                    PrintWriter pw;
                    try {
                        final String[] supportedBlacklistTypes = Blacklist.BLACKLIST_TYPES_STRING.split(",");
                        pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(ListManager.listsPath, blacklist), true));
                        DigestURI url;
                        for (final byte[] b: urlb) {
                            try {
                            } catch (final RowSpaceExceededException e) {
                            final URIMetadataRow e = segment.urlMetadata().load(b);
                            if (e != null) {
                                url = e.metadata().url();
                                pw.println(url.getHost() + "/.*");
                                for (final String supportedBlacklistType : supportedBlacklistTypes) {
                                    if (ListManager.listSetContains(supportedBlacklistType + ".BlackLists", blacklist)) {
                                                url.getHost(), ".*");
                    } catch (final IOException e) {
                try {
                    segment.termIndex().remove(keyhash, urlHashes);
                } catch (final IOException e) {

            if (prop.getInt("searchresult", 0) == 3) listHosts(prop, keyhash, sb);

        // insert constants
        prop.putNum("wcount", segment.termIndex().sizesMax());
        // return rewrite properties
        return prop;
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

            final MetadataRepository minimizedUrlDB = new MetadataRepository(new File(new File(indexRoot2, networkName), "TEXT"), "text.urlmd", false, false);

            final int cacheMem = (int)(MemoryControl.maxMemory - MemoryControl.total());
            if (cacheMem < 2048000) throw new OutOfMemoryError("Not enough memory available to start clean up.");

            final Segment wordIndex = new Segment(
                    new File(new File(indexPrimaryRoot, "freeworld"), "TEXT"),
                    (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, false);
            final Iterator<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> indexContainerIterator = wordIndex.termIndex().references("AAAAAAAAAAAA".getBytes(), false, false);

            long urlCounter = 0, wordCounter = 0;
            long wordChunkStart = System.currentTimeMillis(), wordChunkEnd = 0;
            String wordChunkStartHash = "AAAAAAAAAAAA", wordChunkEndHash;

            while (indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) {
                ReferenceContainer<WordReference> wordIdxContainer = null;
                try {
                    wordIdxContainer = indexContainerIterator.next();

                    // the combined container will fit, read the container
                    final Iterator<WordReference> wordIdxEntries = wordIdxContainer.entries();
                    Reference iEntry;
                    while (wordIdxEntries.hasNext()) {
                        iEntry = wordIdxEntries.next();
                        final byte[] urlHash = iEntry.urlhash();
                        if ((currentUrlDB.exists(urlHash)) && (!minimizedUrlDB.exists(urlHash))) try {
                            final URIMetadataRow urlEntry = currentUrlDB.load(urlHash);
                            if (urlCounter % 500 == 0) {
                                log.logInfo(urlCounter + " URLs found so far.");
                        } catch (final IOException e) {}

                    if (wordCounter%500 == 0) {
                        wordChunkEndHash = ASCII.String(wordIdxContainer.getTermHash());
                        wordChunkEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        final long duration = wordChunkEnd - wordChunkStart;
                        log.logInfo(wordCounter + " words scanned " +
                                "[" + wordChunkStartHash + " .. " + wordChunkEndHash + "]\n" +
                                "Duration: "+ 500*1000/duration + " words/s" +
                                " | Free memory: " + MemoryControl.free() +
                                " | Total memory: " + MemoryControl.total());
                        wordChunkStart = wordChunkEnd;
                        wordChunkStartHash = wordChunkEndHash;

                    // we have read all elements, now we can close it
                    wordIdxContainer = null;

                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    log.logSevere("Exception", e);
                } finally {
                    if (wordIdxContainer != null) try { wordIdxContainer = null; } catch (final Exception e) {}
            log.logInfo("current LURL DB contains " + currentUrlDB.size() + " entries.");
            log.logInfo("mimimized LURL DB contains " + minimizedUrlDB.size() + " entries.");


            // TODO: rename the mimimized UrlDB to the name of the previous UrlDB

            log.logInfo("FINISHED URL CLEANUP, WAIT FOR DUMP");
            log.logInfo("You can now backup your old URL DB and rename minimized/urlHash.db to urlHash.db");
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment


    private static void RWIHashList(final File dataHome, final File appHome, final String targetName, final String resource, final String format) {
        Segment WordIndex = null;
        final Log log = new Log("HASHLIST");
        final File indexPrimaryRoot = new File(dataHome, "DATA/INDEX");
        final String wordChunkStartHash = "AAAAAAAAAAAA";
        try {Log.configureLogging(dataHome, appHome, new File(dataHome, "DATA/LOG/yacy.logging"));} catch (final Exception e) {}
        final File root = dataHome;
        try {
            Iterator<ReferenceContainer<WordReference>> indexContainerIterator = null;
            if (resource.equals("all")) {
                WordIndex = new Segment(
                        new File(new File(indexPrimaryRoot, "freeworld"), "TEXT"),
                        (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, false);
                indexContainerIterator = WordIndex.termIndex().references(wordChunkStartHash.getBytes(), false, false);
            int counter = 0;
            ReferenceContainer<WordReference> container = null;
            if (format.equals("zip")) {
                log.logInfo("Writing Hashlist to ZIP-file: " + targetName + ".zip");
                final ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(targetName + ".txt");
                final File file = new File(root, targetName + ".zip");
                final ZipOutputStream bos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
                if(indexContainerIterator != null) {
                    while (indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) {
                        container = indexContainerIterator.next();
                        if (counter % 500 == 0) {
                            log.logInfo("Found " + counter + " Hashs until now. Last found Hash: " + ASCII.String(container.getTermHash()));
            } else {
                log.logInfo("Writing Hashlist to TXT-file: " + targetName + ".txt");
                final File file = new File(root, targetName + ".txt");
                final BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
                if(indexContainerIterator != null) {
                    while (indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) {
                        container = indexContainerIterator.next();
                        if (counter % 500 == 0) {
                            log.logInfo("Found " + counter + " Hashs until now. Last found Hash: " + ASCII.String(container.getTermHash()));
            log.logInfo("Total number of Hashs: " + counter + ". Last found Hash: " + (container == null ? "null" : ASCII.String(container.getTermHash())));
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            log.logSevere("IOException", e);
        if (WordIndex != null) {
            WordIndex = null;
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

    public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
        // return variable that accumulates replacements
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
        //wikiCode wikiTransformer = new wikiCode(switchboard);
        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
        Segment segment = null;
        boolean html = post != null && post.containsKey("html");
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment") && sb.verifyAuthentication(header, false)) {
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(post.get("segment"));
        if (segment == null) segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
        prop.put("rejected", "0");
        //int showRejectedCount = 10;
        yacySeed initiator;
        // index size
        prop.putNum("urlpublictextSize", segment.urlMetadata().size());
        prop.putNum("rwipublictextSize", segment.termIndex().sizesMax());

        // loader queue
        prop.putNum("loaderSize", sb.crawlQueues.workerSize());       
        prop.putNum("loaderMax", sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLER_THREADS_ACTIVE_MAX, 10));
        if (sb.crawlQueues.workerSize() == 0) {
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Examples of de.anomic.search.Segment

    public static serverObjects respond(final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
        // return variable that accumulates replacements
        final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
        final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
        Segment segment = null;
        boolean html = post != null && post.containsKey("html");
        if (post != null && post.containsKey("segment") && sb.verifyAuthentication(header, false)) {
            segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(post.get("segment"));
        if (segment == null) segment = sb.indexSegments.segment(Segments.Process.PUBLIC);
        prop.put("rejected", "0");
        final int cacheMaxSize = (int) sb.getConfigLong(SwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 10000);
        prop.putNum("ppm", sb.currentPPM());
        prop.putNum("qpm", sb.peers.mySeed().getQPM());
        prop.putNum("wordCacheSize", segment.termIndex().getBufferSize());
        prop.putNum("wordCacheMaxSize", cacheMaxSize);
        // crawl queues
        prop.putNum("localCrawlSize", sb.getThread(SwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL).getJobCount());
        prop.putNum("limitCrawlSize", sb.crawlQueues.limitCrawlJobSize());
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