Structure used to handle both authentication and authorizations mechanisms.
@author SERPRO
Interface representing the standard fields stored when a user is authenticated. After authentication the security context is stored and made available to the thread processing the user's request.
@author John Simone
SecurityContext is responsible for managing lifecycle of security object such as {@link ICredentialsFactory}, {@link IPermissionPolicy} etc, to creating {@link LoginContext}es for member and client authentications and checking permissions for client operations.
A subject is used a container for passing the security context information in the service context field. The security context information in the subject must be stored either as a private or a public credential according to the following convention: PasswordCredential: Client authentication will be performed using the username and password in the PasswordCredential. PasswordCredential must be passed as a PrivateCredential. X500Name: DN name specified in X500Name will be asserted. X500Name must be passed as a PublicCredential. GSSUPName: Identity specified in GSSUPName will be asserted. GSSUPName must be passed as a PublicCredential. X509CertificateCredential: The certificate chain in the credential will be asserted. The credential must be passed as a PublicCredential. AnonCredential: Anonymous identity will be asserted. Credential must be passed as a PublicCredential. Class fields in the SecurityContext are used for credential selection. There are two class fields: authcls and identcls. authcls is a Class object that identifies the credential for client authentication. identcls is a Class object that identifies the credential for identity assertion. The following semantics must be observed: 1. A client authentication token is always passed as a private credential. authcls set to the class of the authentication token 2. An identity token is always passed as a public credential. identcls is set to the class of the identity token. 3. authcls is set to null if there is no client auth token 4. identcls is set to null if there is no ident token 5. There must not be more than one instance of class identified by authcls or identcls. However, there can be one instance of identcls *and* authcls (this allows both a client auth token and an identity token to be passed across the interface).
This class that extends AbstractSecurityContext that gets stored in Thread Local Storage. If the current thread creates child threads, the SecurityContext stored in the current thread is automatically propogated to the child threads. This class is used on the server side to represent the security context. Thread Local Storage is a concept introduced in JDK1.2.
@see java.lang.ThreadLocal
@see java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal
@author Harish Prabandham
@author Harpreet Singh
SecurityContext - {@link SecurityContext} impl.
@author jpk
The security context. This context is attached to the exchange and holds all security related information.
@author Stuart Douglas
Darran Lofthouse
@see io.undertow.security.impl.SecurityContextImpl
An injectable interface that provides access to security related information.
@see Context
class defines custom policy with regards to database access. public abstract class DatabaseAccess extends SecurityContext { public static boolean isReadAllowed(Table table) { SecurityContext policy = SecurityContext.current(); return (policy instanceof DatabaseAccess.Permission) ? ((DatabaseAccess.Permission)policy).isReadable(table) : false; } public interface Permission { boolean isReadable(Table table); boolean isWritable(Table table); } }[/code]
The use of interfaces (such as Permission
above) makes it easy for custom policies to support any security actions. For example:[code] class Policy extends SecurityContext implements DatabaseAccess.Permission, FileAccess.Permission { public boolean isReadable(Table table) { return !table.isPrivate(); } public boolean isWritable(Table table) { return Session.getSession().getUser().isAdministrator(); } public boolean isReadable(File file) { return true; } public boolean isWritable(File file) { return false; } } ... Policy localPolicy = new Policy(); SecurityContext.enter(localPolicy); // Current thread overrides default policy (configurable) try { // (if allowed, ref. SecurityContext.isReplaceable()) ... DatabaseAccess.isReadAllowed(table); ... FileAccess.isWriteAllowed(file); ... } finally { SecurityContext.exit(); }[/code]
The default permissions managed by the {@link #DEFAULT} implementationare the permission to {@link #isReplaceable replace} the current securitycontext by default) and the permission to {@link #isConfigurable configure}the application.
Jean-Marie Dautelle
@version 5.2, August 5, 2007
shot context SecurityContext ctx = Security.getContext(); // restore context AccessController.doPrivileged( ctx.wrap(action), ctx.getAccessControlContext());
@author Sun Microsystems, Inc.
@since 2.0
Interface defining the minimum security information associated with the current thread of execution.
The security context is stored in a {@link SecurityContextHolder}.
@author Ben Alex
@version $Id: SecurityContext.java 1784 2007-02-24 21:00:24Z luke_t $
Used to cache up authorizations so that subsequent requests are faster.
@version $Revision$
Provides basic security information about the current message exchange
A class to store policy context to enable Security QoS to HTTP binding
Interface defining the minimum security information associated with the current thread of execution.
The security context is stored in a {@link SecurityContextHolder}.
@author chaostone
@version $Id: SecurityContext.java 2217 2007-10-27 00:45:30Z $
The security context has access to the authorisation meta data and provides policies to reason over it. Each security context is associated with a specific {@link com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceRequest}.
@see SecurityService
@see com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceManager
@author Heiko Braun
@date 7/3/13
A security context provides a pluggable means to support disparate authentication and authorization mechanisms that specify the user name and roles.
A security context should only be associated with the execution context after authentication has occurred.
Caches information regarding security events and the current user (i.e. which user is logged in, and what was the last page they were rejected from).
@author Max Barkley
Encapsulation of Authentication, Authorization, Mapping and other security aspects at the level of a security domain
Anil Saldhana
@version $Revision$
@since Aug 24, 2006
Security Context contains security related information.
Note that even though a Subject object instance is serialiable, its private and public credentials are not(they are transient).
Also not that the Principal interface is not serializable but all implemenations should be.
When created a SecurityContext will be given a timeout argument which is the time in milliseconds after which the context is considered invalid.
@author Daniel Bevenius
@since 4.4
@author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
@version $Revision: 81036 $
A security context provides a pluggable means to support disparate authentication and authorization mechanisms that specify the user name and roles.
A security context should only be associated with the execution context after authentication has occurred.
holds security information and is associated with the MuleSession.
@see org.mule.api.MuleSession
Security Context that is exchanged and propagated from clients to beans.
This is also why it is a serializable object (as it has to be exchanged).
The security contains allow to get the current principal and the roles associated to this principal.
RunAs mode is managed by keeping the previous security context.
@author Florent Benoit
Interface defining the minimum security information associated with the current thread of execution.
The security context is stored in a {@link SecurityContextHolder}.
@author Ben Alex
Encapsulates the current user and access path and provides methods to query permission flags for a given node. This is the place where HttpServletRequest and Authenticator get together.
@author Christian Morgner