Examples of SDODataObject

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

        List valuesToReturn = new ArrayList();

        Iterator iterObjects = objects.iterator();
        while (iterObjects.hasNext()) {
            SDODataObject cur = (SDODataObject)iterObjects.next();
            // this iteration, evaluate each QueryPart against the current DataObject
            ArrayList booleanValues = new ArrayList();
            for (int j=0; j<queryParts.size(); j++) {
                if (queryParts.get(j).equals(AND_STR) || queryParts.get(j).equals(OR_STR)) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

        List valuesToReturn = new ArrayList();
        QueryPart queryPart = new QueryPart(query);

        Iterator iterObjects = objects.iterator();
        while (iterObjects.hasNext()) {
            SDODataObject cur = (SDODataObject)iterObjects.next();

            if (queryPart.evaluate(cur)) {
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

    public DataObject copyShallow(DataObject dataObject) {
        if (null == dataObject) {
            return null;
        SDODataObject copy = (SDODataObject)getHelperContext().getDataFactory().create(dataObject.getType().getURI(), dataObject.getType().getName());

        List ocListOriginal = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentProperties();
        for (Iterator anOCIterator = ocListOriginal.iterator(); anOCIterator.hasNext();) {
        List ocAttrsListOriginal = ((SDODataObject)dataObject)._getOpenContentPropertiesAttributes();
        for (Iterator anOCAttrIterator = ocAttrsListOriginal.iterator(); anOCAttrIterator.hasNext();) {

        List allProperties = copy.getInstanceProperties();// start iterating all copy's properties
        Iterator iterProperties = allProperties.iterator();
        while (iterProperties.hasNext()) {
            SDOProperty eachProperty = (SDOProperty)iterProperties.next();
            if (dataObject.isSet(eachProperty)) {
                Object o = getValue((SDODataObject)dataObject, eachProperty, null);
                if (eachProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    if (!eachProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                        // we defer sequence updates at this point
                        copy.setInternal(eachProperty, o, false);// make copy if current property is datatype

        if (dataObject.getType().isSequenced()) {
            List settings = ((SDOSequence)dataObject.getSequence()).getSettings();
            for (int index = 0, size = dataObject.getSequence().size(); index < size; index++) {
                Setting nextSetting = (Setting)settings.get(index);

                Property prop = dataObject.getSequence().getProperty(index);
                if (prop == null || prop.getType().isDataType()) {
                    Setting copySetting = nextSetting.copy(copy);

        if ((copy != null) && (copy.getChangeSummary() != null) && (((SDOType)copy.getType()).getChangeSummaryProperty() != null)) {
            if (((SDODataObject)dataObject).getChangeSummary().isLogging()) {

        return copy;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

                    if (currentProperty.isMany()) {
                        propertyToOriginalListMap.put(aVSPropertyItem, currentProperty);

                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(currentProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(currentProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // COMPLEX SINGLE
                        if (!currentProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            // are we using the cast to DataObject as a sort of instance check that would throw a CCE?
                            aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // SIMPLE SINGLE
                            // skip changeSummary property
                            if (!currentProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                                // simple singles set
                                aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aVSPropertyItem);

            // create list of unset and current open content properties
            List ocPropertiesList = new ArrayList();
            // add existing properties
            // iterate existing open content properties           
            for (Iterator i = ocPropertiesList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Property ocProperty = (Property)i.next();
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetOpenContentProperty(ocProperty)) {
                    // get oc value             
                    Object anOCPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getOpenContentProperty(ocProperty);

                    // get oc copy - shallow copy the object values
                    if (ocProperty.isMany()) {
                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(ocProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(ocProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // handle complex single case
                        if (!ocProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // simple singles set
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, anOCPropertyItem);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalValueStores().put(aCopyOfOriginalObject, aVSCopy);

        // end originalValueStore iteration

         * Fix originalElements by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original List:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the elements
         * The instances of ListWrapper inside the valueStores must be the same ones used in the originalElements
        ListWrapper anOriginalListKey = null;
        ListWrapper aCopyListWrapper = null;
        List aCopyList = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalElements().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalListKey = (ListWrapper)anIterator.next();
            // create a new ListWrapper
            Property aProperty = (Property)propertyToOriginalListMap.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyListWrapper = (ListWrapper)copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyList = new ArrayList();

             * For each key:ListWrapper
             *     - shallow copy all the items in the currentElements list
             *     - replace the dataObject with its copy of the copy
             *     - leave the property as is
             * For each value:ArrayList
             *     - replace all values with their copy
            Object aListItem = null;
            Object aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator anItemIterator = anOriginalListKey.iterator(); anItemIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem = anItemIterator.next();
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    // get the copy of the original (in the current valuestore) - we need do not make a copy of this copy
                    // we should have a copy of the copy for List items - ListWrapper.add(item) will remove the item from its original wrapper
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

            // add element list directly to the ListWrapper and bypass the cs element copy and containment updates
            List listValueCopy = new ArrayList();

            // fix ArrayList value
            List listValue = (List)originalCS.getOriginalElements().get(anOriginalListKey);
            aListItem = null;
            aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator aListIterator = listValue.iterator(); aListIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem = aListIterator.next();
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);                   
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

                // don't add nulls to the listWrapper so an undoChanges will encounter an NPE later
                if (aListItemCopy != null) {

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalElements().put(aCopyListWrapper, listValueCopy);

        // end originalist Iteration

         * fields that are already set when logging is turned on but need to be fixed (deleted objects need references)
        Map oldContainersMap = originalCS.getOldContainers();
        Map copyContainersMap = copyCS.getOldContainers();
        DataObject oldContainerKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainerKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator anIterator = oldContainersMap.keySet().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            oldContainerKey = (DataObject)anIterator.next();
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainerKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            DataObject oldContainerValue = null;
            if (null == copyContainersMap.get(copyContainerKey)) {
                oldContainerValue = (DataObject)oldContainersMap.get(oldContainerKey);
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainersMap.put(copyContainerKey, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerValue));

        Map oldContainmentPropertyMap = originalCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        Map copyContainmentPropertyMap = copyCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        DataObject oldContainmentPropertyKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainmentPropertyKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator iterContProp = oldContainmentPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContProp.hasNext();) {
            oldContainmentPropertyKey = (DataObject)iterContProp.next();
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainmentPropertyKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            if (null == copyContainmentPropertyMap.get(copyContainmentPropertyKey)) {
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainmentPropertyMap.put(copyContainmentPropertyKey, oldContainmentPropertyMap.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey));

        Map oldUnsetOCPropertyMap = originalCS.getUnsetOCPropertiesMap();
        SDODataObject oldOCPropertyContainer = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0
        for (Iterator iterContainer = oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContainer.hasNext();) {
            // DataObject will be non-Null
            oldOCPropertyContainer = (SDODataObject)iterContainer.next();
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            for (Iterator iterUnset = ((List)oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.get(oldOCPropertyContainer)).iterator();
                     iterUnset.hasNext();) {
                // set/create new list on copy Map with corresponding copy of container
                oldOCPropertyContainer), (Property)iterUnset.next());

        // process sequences

         * Fix originalSequences by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original Sequence:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the settings in the sequence.
         * The instances of Sequence inside the originalSequences must be the same ones used in the originalElements

        // iterate the map of <DataObject, Sequence>
        for (Iterator aMapIterator = originalCS.getOriginalSequences().keySet().iterator();
                 aMapIterator.hasNext();) {
            SDODataObject sequenceDataObjectKey = (SDODataObject)aMapIterator.next();
            SDOSequence originalSequence = (SDOSequence)originalCS.getOriginalSequences().get(sequenceDataObjectKey);

            // create a new Sequence with a pointer to the copy of the original DataObject backpointer
            // assume that all dataObject backpointers are containment objects.
            SDODataObject copyOriginalSequenceDataObject = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(originalSequence.getDataObject());
            SDOSequence copySequence = new SDOSequence(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject);

            replicateAndRereferenceSequenceCopyPrivate(originalSequence, copySequence, originalSequence.getDataObject(), copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map, originalCS);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

        // check for null DataObject
        if (null == dataObject) {
            return null;// this is acceptable behavior

        SDODataObject copy = (SDODataObject)getHelperContext()//
        .getDataFactory().create(dataObject.getType().getURI(), dataObject.getType().getName());

        // store current object for reference by the non-containment map
        doMap.put(dataObject, copy);

        List ocListOriginal = dataObject._getOpenContentProperties();
        for (Iterator anOCIterator = ocListOriginal.iterator(); anOCIterator.hasNext();) {
        List ocAttrsListOriginal = dataObject._getOpenContentPropertiesAttributes();
        for (Iterator anOCAttrIterator = ocAttrsListOriginal.iterator(); anOCAttrIterator.hasNext();) {

        //  start iterating all copy's properties
        for (Iterator iterInstanceProperties = copy.getInstanceProperties().iterator();
                 iterInstanceProperties.hasNext();) {
            SDOProperty eachProperty = (SDOProperty)iterInstanceProperties.next();
            boolean isSet = isSet(dataObject, eachProperty, cs);
            if (isSet) {
                Object o = getValue(dataObject, eachProperty, cs);
                if (eachProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    if (!eachProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {

                         * ChangeSummaries must be cleared with logging set to the original state without creating oldSettings.
                         * The logging flag from the original will be set on the copy after this copy call completes
                         * and gets set on its container.
                         * The cs is off by default in the copy object.
                         * updateSequence flag is false - we will populate the sequence in order after subtree creation
                        copy.setInternal(eachProperty, o, false);
                } else {
                    // case matrix for containment and opposite combinations
                    // cont=false, opp=false -> unidirectional
                    // cont=false, opp=true  -> bidirectional
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

            // set the copy to an empty list and add each items from the original in sequence
            // updateSequence flag is false - we will populate the sequence in order after subtree creation
            copy.setInternal(property, copyValue, false);
            for (Iterator iterValues = ((List)value).iterator(); iterValues.hasNext();) {
                SDODataObject o = (SDODataObject)iterValues.next();
                DataObject copyO = copyPrivate(o, doMap, ncPropMap, cs);
                ((ListWrapper)copy.getList(property)).add(copyO, false);
                // set changeSummary on all cs-root elements in the list after they are added to the containment tree
                if ((copyO != null) && (copyO.getChangeSummary() != null) && (((SDOType)copyO.getType()).getChangeSummaryProperty() != null)) {
                    // re-reference copy objects in the copy changeSummary
                    if (o.getChangeSummary().isLogging()) {
                                      copyO.getChangeSummary(), doMap);
        } else {// handle non-many case
            // implementers of this function will always pass in a DataObject that may be null
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

    public DataObject wrap(Object entity) {
        if(null == entity) {
            return null;
        SDODataObject wrapperDO = wrapperDataObjects.get(entity);
        if(null != wrapperDO) {
            return wrapperDO;

        Type wrapperType = getType(entity.getClass());
        if(null == wrapperType) {
           throw SDOException.sdoJaxbNoTypeForClass(entity.getClass());
        wrapperDO = (SDODataObject) getDataFactory().create(wrapperType);

        JAXBValueStore jaxbValueStore = new JAXBValueStore(this, entity);

        wrapperDataObjects.put(entity, wrapperDO);
        return wrapperDO;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

     * Helper method that configures container information.
    DataObject wrap(Object entity, Property containmentProperty, DataObject container) {
        SDODataObject sdoDataObject = (SDODataObject) wrap(entity);
        if(null == container) {
        } else {
        return sdoDataObject;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

    public Object unwrap(DataObject dataObject) {
        try {
            if(null == dataObject) {
                return null;
            SDODataObject sdoDataObject = (SDODataObject) dataObject;
            JAXBValueStore jpaValueStore = (JAXBValueStore) sdoDataObject._getCurrentValueStore();
            return jpaValueStore.getEntity();
        } catch(ClassCastException e) {
            return null;
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Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject

    public DataObject create(Type type) {
        if(null == type) {
            return super.create(type);
        SDODataObject dataObject = (SDODataObject) super.create(type);
        try {
            JAXBValueStore jpaValueStore = new JAXBValueStore(getHelperContext(), (SDOType) type);
            getHelperContext().putWrapperDataObject(jpaValueStore.getEntity(), dataObject);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return super.create(type);
        return dataObject;
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