Examples of SchemaParticle

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

    private void addSchemaType(QName typeQName, SchemaType schemaType, boolean anonymous, Map qnameMap) {
        SchemaTypeKey typeKey = new SchemaTypeKey(typeQName, false, schemaType.isSimpleType(), anonymous, null);
        qnameMap.put(typeKey, schemaType);
//        new Exception("Adding: " + typeKey.getqName().getLocalPart()).printStackTrace();
        //TODO xmlbeans recommends using summary info from getElementProperties and getAttributeProperties instead of traversing the content model by hand.
        SchemaParticle schemaParticle = schemaType.getContentModel();
        if (schemaParticle != null) {
            addSchemaParticle(schemaParticle, typeKey, qnameMap);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        } else {
            try {
                SchemaParticle[] children = schemaParticle.getParticleChildren();
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    SchemaParticle child = children[i];
                    addSchemaParticle(child, key, qnameMap);
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                //ignore xmlbeans bug
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()
                || SchemaParticle.ALL == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()) {
            SchemaParticle[] properties = schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleChildren();
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
                SchemaParticle parameter = properties[i];
                paramNameToType.put(parameter.getName(), parameter);
        } else if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()) {
            SchemaParticle parameter = schemaType.getContentModel();
            paramNameToType.put(parameter.getName(), parameter);
        } else {
            throw new DeploymentException("Only element, sequence, and all particle types are supported." +
                    " SchemaType name =" + schemaType.getName());

        Map attNameToType = new HashMap();
        if (null != schemaType.getAttributeModel()) {
            SchemaLocalAttribute[] attributes = schemaType.getAttributeModel().getAttributes();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
                Object old = attNameToType.put(attribute.getName().getLocalPart(), attribute);
                if (old != null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Complain to your expert group member, spec does not support attributes with the same local name and differing namespaces: original: " + old + ", duplicate local name: " + attribute);
        VariableMappingType[] variableMappings = javaXmlTypeMapping.getVariableMappingArray();

        // short-circuit the processing of arrays as they should not define variable-mapping elements.
        if (javaClass.isArray()) {
            if (0 != variableMappings.length) {
                // for portability reason we simply warn and not fail.
                log.warn("Ignoring variable-mapping defined for class " + javaClass + " which is an array.");
            typeInfo.setFields(new FieldDesc[0]);

        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[variableMappings.length];

        PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = new PropertyDescriptor[0];
        try {
            propertyDescriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map properties = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptors.length; i++) {
            PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptors[i];
            properties.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType());
        for (int i = 0; i < variableMappings.length; i++) {
            VariableMappingType variableMapping = variableMappings[i];
            String fieldName = variableMapping.getJavaVariableName().getStringValue().trim();

            if (variableMapping.isSetXmlAttributeName()) {
                AttributeDesc attributeDesc = new AttributeDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties);
                String attributeLocalName = variableMapping.getXmlAttributeName().getStringValue().trim();
                QName xmlName = new QName("", attributeLocalName);

                SchemaLocalAttribute attribute = (SchemaLocalAttribute) attNameToType.get(attributeLocalName);
                if (null == attribute) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("attribute " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());

                fields[i] = attributeDesc;
            } else {
                ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();
                Class javaType = (Class) properties.get(fieldName);
                if (javaType == null) {
                    //see if it is a public field
                    try {
                        Field field = javaClass.getField(fieldName);
                        javaType = field.getType();
                    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("field name " + fieldName + " not found in " + properties, e);
                QName xmlName = new QName("", variableMapping.getXmlElementName().getStringValue().trim());
                SchemaParticle particle = (SchemaParticle) paramNameToType.get(xmlName);
                if (null == particle) {
                    xmlName = new QName(ns, variableMapping.getXmlElementName().getStringValue().trim());
                    particle = (SchemaParticle) paramNameToType.get(xmlName);
                    if (null == particle) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("element " + xmlName + " not found in schema " + schemaType.getName());
                } else if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT != particle.getParticleType()) {
                    throw new DeploymentException(xmlName + " is not an element in schema " + schemaType.getName());
                elementDesc.setNillable(particle.isNillable() || hasEncoded);
                if (null != particle.getType().getName()) {
                } else {
                    QName anonymousName;
                    if (key.isAnonymous()) {
                        anonymousName = new QName(key.getqName().getNamespaceURI(), key.getqName().getLocalPart() +
                                ">" + particle.getName().getLocalPart());
                    } else {
                        anonymousName = new QName(key.getqName().getNamespaceURI(),
                                ">" + key.getqName().getLocalPart() + ">" + particle.getName().getLocalPart());

                if (javaType.isArray()) {
                    //TODO axis seems to have the wrong name for this property based on how it is used
                    elementDesc.setMaxOccursUnbounded(particle.getIntMaxOccurs() > 1);

                fields[i] = elementDesc;
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()
                || SchemaParticle.ALL == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()) {
            SchemaParticle[] properties = schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleChildren();
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
                SchemaParticle parameter = properties[i];
//                if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT != parameter.getType().getContentModel().getParticleType()) {
//                    throw new DeploymentException(parameter.getName() + " is not an element in schema " + schemaType.getName());
//                }
                nameToType.put(parameter.getName(), parameter);
        } else if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == schemaType.getContentModel().getParticleType()) {
            SchemaParticle parameter = schemaType.getContentModel();
            nameToType.put(parameter.getName(), parameter);
        } else {
            throw new DeploymentException("Only all, choice and sequence particle types are supported." +
                    " SchemaType name =" + schemaType.getName());

        PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors;
        try {
            descriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(javaClass).getPropertyDescriptors();
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Class " + javaClass + " is not a valid javabean", e);
        Map nameToClass = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
            nameToClass.put(descriptors[i].getName(), descriptors[i].getPropertyType());

        int idx = 0;
        FieldDesc[] fields = new FieldDesc[nameToType.size()];
        for (Iterator iter = nameToType.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
            QName fieldQName = (QName) entry.getKey();
            String fieldName = fieldQName.getLocalPart();
            SchemaParticle particle = (SchemaParticle) entry.getValue();

            ElementDesc elementDesc = new ElementDesc();

            Class javaType = (Class) nameToClass.get(fieldName);
            if (null == javaType) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Field " + fieldName + " is not defined by class " + javaClass.getName());

            if (javaType.isArray()) {
                //TODO axis seems to have the wrong name for this property based on how it is used
                elementDesc.setMaxOccursUnbounded(particle.getIntMaxOccurs() > 1);

            fields[idx++] = elementDesc;
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

                throw new DeploymentException("output message part " + wsdlMessagePartName + " has both an INOUT or OUT mapping and a return value mapping for operation " + operationName);

            if (wrappedStyle) {
                Part outPart = getWrappedPart(output);
                SchemaParticle returnParticle = getWrapperChild(outPart, wsdlMessagePartName);
                //TODO this makes little sense but may be correct, see comments in axis Parameter class
                //the part name qname is really odd.
                returnQName = new QName("", returnParticle.getName().getLocalPart());
                returnType = returnParticle.getType().getName();
            } else if (rpcStyle) {
                Part part = output.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                if (part == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in output message for operation " + operationName);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        QName paramQName;
        QName paramTypeQName;

        Part part = null;
        SchemaParticle inParameter = null;
        if (isInParam) {
            if (!wsdlMessageQName.equals(input.getQName())) {
                throw new DeploymentException("QName of input message: " + input.getQName() +
                        " does not match mapping message QName: " + wsdlMessageQName + " for operation " + operationName);
            if (wrappedStyle) {
                Part inPart = getWrappedPart(input);
                // the local name of the global element refered by the part is equal to the operation name
                QName name = inPart.getElementName();
                if (false == name.getLocalPart().equals(operationName)) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("message " + input.getQName() + " refers to a global element named " +
                            name.getLocalPart() + ", which is not equal to the operation name " + operationName);
                inParameter = getWrapperChild(inPart, wsdlMessagePartName);
                //TODO this makes little sense but may be correct, see comments in axis Parameter class
                //the part name qname is really odd.
                paramQName = new QName("", inParameter.getName().getLocalPart());
                paramTypeQName = inParameter.getType().getName();
            } else if (rpcStyle) {
                part = input.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                if (part == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in input message for operation " + operationName);
                //TODO this makes little sense but may be correct, see comments in axis Parameter class
                //the part name qname is really odd.
                paramQName = new QName("", part.getName());
                paramTypeQName = part.getTypeName();
            } else {
                part = input.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                if (part == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in input message for operation " + operationName);
                paramQName = getPartName(part);
                paramTypeQName = paramQName;
            if (isOutParam) {
                if (wrappedStyle) {
                    Part outPart = getWrappedPart(output);
                    SchemaParticle outParameter = getWrapperChild(outPart, wsdlMessagePartName);
                    if (inParameter.getType() != outParameter.getType()) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("The wrapper children " + wsdlMessagePartName +
                                " do not have the same type for operation " + operationName);
                } else if (rpcStyle) {
                    //inout, check that part of same name and type is in output message
                    Part outPart = output.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                    if (outPart == null) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in output message for INOUT parameter of operation " + operationName);
                    // TODO this cannot happen.
                    if (!part.getName().equals(outPart.getName())) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched input part name: " + part.getName() + " and output part name: " + outPart.getName() + " for INOUT parameter for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " for operation " + operationName);
                    if (!(part.getElementName() == null ? outPart.getElementName() == null : part.getElementName().equals(outPart.getElementName()))) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched input part element name: " + part.getElementName() + " and output part element name: " + outPart.getElementName() + " for INOUT parameter for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " for operation " + operationName);
                    if (!(part.getTypeName() == null ? outPart.getTypeName() == null : part.getTypeName().equals(outPart.getTypeName()))) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Mismatched input part type name: " + part.getTypeName() + " and output part type name: " + outPart.getTypeName() + " for INOUT parameter for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " for operation " + operationName);
                } else {
                    part = output.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                    if (part == null) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in output message for operation " + operationName);
                    paramQName = getPartName(part);
                    paramTypeQName = paramQName;
        } else if (isOutParam) {
            if (!wsdlMessageQName.equals(output.getQName())) {
                throw new DeploymentException("QName of output message: " + output.getQName() +
                        " does not match mapping message QName: " + wsdlMessageQName + " for operation " + operationName);
            if (wrappedStyle) {
                Part outPart = getWrappedPart(output);
                SchemaParticle outParameter = getWrapperChild(outPart, wsdlMessagePartName);
                //TODO this makes little sense but may be correct, see comments in axis Parameter class
                //the part name qname is really odd.
                paramQName = new QName("", outParameter.getName().getLocalPart());
                paramTypeQName = outParameter.getType().getName();
            } else if (rpcStyle) {
                part = output.getPart(wsdlMessagePartName);
                if (part == null) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No part for wsdlMessagePartName " + wsdlMessagePartName + " in output message for operation " + operationName);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        if (null == operationType) {
            throw new DeploymentException("No global element named " + name + " for operation " + operationName);

        // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
        SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
        if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
            if (parametersType.getName().getLocalPart().equals(wsdlMessagePartName)) {
                return parametersType;
            throw new DeploymentException("Global element named " + name +
                    " does not define a child element named " + wsdlMessagePartName +
                    " required by the operation " + operationName);
        } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
            SchemaParticle[] parameters = parametersType.getParticleChildren();
            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                SchemaParticle parameter = parameters[i];
                QName element = parameter.getName();
                if (element.getLocalPart().equals(wsdlMessagePartName)) {
                    return parameter;
            throw new DeploymentException("Global element named " + name +
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

            SchemaType operationType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(name);

            Set expectedInParams = new HashSet();

            // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
            SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
            //parametersType can be null if the element has empty content such as
//            <element name="getMarketSummary">
//             <complexType>
//              <sequence/>
//             </complexType>
//            </element>

            if (parametersType != null) {
                if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                    SchemaParticle[] parameters = parametersType.getParticleChildren();
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
            if (!inParamNames.equals(expectedInParams)) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Not all wrapper children were mapped for operation name" + operationName);
        } else {
            //check that all input message parts are mapped
            if (!inParamNames.equals(input.getParts().keySet())) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Not all input message parts were mapped for operation name" + operationName);

        Class[] paramTypes = new Class[parameterDescriptions.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterDescriptions.length; i++) {
            ParameterDesc parameterDescription = parameterDescriptions[i];
            if (parameterDescription == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("There is no mapping for parameter number " + i + " for operation " + operationName);
            paramTypes[i] = parameterDescription.getJavaType();

        String methodName = methodMapping.getJavaMethodName().getStringValue().trim();
        Method method = null;
        try {
            method = serviceEndpointInterface.getMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            String args = "(";
            for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
                args += paramTypes[i].getName();
                if (i < paramTypes.length - 1) {
                    args += ",";
            args += ")";

            throw new DeploymentException("Mapping references non-existent method in service-endpoint: " + methodName + args);


        // MAP RETURN TYPE
        if (methodMapping.isSetWsdlReturnValueMapping()) {
        } else if (operation.getStyle() == OperationType.REQUEST_RESPONSE) {
            //TODO WARNING THIS APPEARS TO SUBVERT THE COMMENT IN j2ee_jaxrpc_mapping_1_1.xsd IN service-endpoint-method-mappingType:
            //The wsdl-return-value-mapping is not specified for one-way operations.
            operationDesc.setReturnQName(null);             //??

        if (null != output && wrappedStyle) {
            Part inputPart = getWrappedPart(output);
            QName name = inputPart.getElementName();
            SchemaType operationType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(name);

            Set expectedOutParams = new HashSet();

            // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
            SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
            //again, no output can give null parametersType
            if (parametersType != null) {
                if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                    SchemaParticle[] parameters = parametersType.getParticleChildren();
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

    private void addSchemaType(QName typeQName, SchemaType schemaType, boolean anonymous, Map qnameMap) {
        SchemaTypeKey typeKey = new SchemaTypeKey(typeQName, false, schemaType.isSimpleType(), anonymous, null);
        qnameMap.put(typeKey, schemaType);
//        new Exception("Adding: " + typeKey.getqName().getLocalPart()).printStackTrace();
        //TODO xmlbeans recommends using summary info from getElementProperties and getAttributeProperties instead of traversing the content model by hand.
        SchemaParticle schemaParticle = schemaType.getContentModel();
        if (schemaParticle != null) {
            addSchemaParticle(schemaParticle, typeKey, qnameMap);
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Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaParticle

        } else {
            try {
                SchemaParticle[] children = schemaParticle.getParticleChildren();
                for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    SchemaParticle child = children[i];
                    addSchemaParticle(child, key, qnameMap);
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                //ignore xmlbeans bug
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