// try to get from association the id associate to the exported
// metadata
Integer newFunctid = (Integer) functIdAss.get(functid);
Integer newObjectid = (Integer) biobjIdAss.get(objid);
// build a new id for the SbiObjFunct
SbiObjFuncId objfunctid = objfunct.getId();
if (objfunctid != null) {
SbiFunctions sbifunct = objfunctid.getSbiFunctions();
SbiFunctions newFunct = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiFunction(sbifunct, newFunctid);
functid = newFunctid;
if (newObjectid != null) {
SbiObjects sbiobj = objfunctid.getSbiObjects();
SbiObjects newObj = ImportUtilities.makeNewSbiObject(sbiobj, newObjectid);
objid = newObjectid;
// check if the association between metadata already exist
Map unique = new HashMap();