// later
LOG.info("No need for sample filter");
ExprNodeDesc samplePredicate = genSamplePredicate(ts, tabBucketCols,
colsEqual, alias, rwsch, qb.getMetaData(), null);
tableOp = OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new FilterDesc(
samplePredicate, true, new sampleDesc(ts.getNumerator(), ts
.getDenominator(), tabBucketCols, true)),
new RowSchema(rwsch.getColumnInfos()), top);
} else {
// need to add filter
// create tableOp to be filterDesc and set as child to 'top'
LOG.info("Need sample filter");
ExprNodeDesc samplePredicate = genSamplePredicate(ts, tabBucketCols,
colsEqual, alias, rwsch, qb.getMetaData(), null);
tableOp = OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(new FilterDesc(
samplePredicate, true),
new RowSchema(rwsch.getColumnInfos()), top);
} else {
boolean testMode = conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVETESTMODE);
if (testMode) {
String tabName = tab.getTableName();
// has the user explicitly asked not to sample this table
String unSampleTblList = conf
String[] unSampleTbls = unSampleTblList.split(",");
boolean unsample = false;
for (String unSampleTbl : unSampleTbls) {
if (tabName.equalsIgnoreCase(unSampleTbl)) {
unsample = true;
if (!unsample) {
int numBuckets = tab.getNumBuckets();
// If the input table is bucketed, choose the first bucket
if (numBuckets > 0) {
TableSample tsSample = new TableSample(1, numBuckets);
qb.getParseInfo().setTabSample(alias, tsSample);
ExprNodeDesc samplePred = genSamplePredicate(tsSample, tab
.getBucketCols(), true, alias, rwsch, qb.getMetaData(), null);
tableOp = OperatorFactory
.getAndMakeChild(new FilterDesc(samplePred, true,
new sampleDesc(tsSample.getNumerator(), tsSample
.getDenominator(), tab.getBucketCols(), true)),
new RowSchema(rwsch.getColumnInfos()), top);
LOG.info("No need for sample filter");
} else {
// The table is not bucketed, add a dummy filter :: rand()