As a custom SAX parser, this class ignores the arguments of the two standard parse methods ( {@link #parse(java.lang.String)} and {@link #parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource)}) but relies on a proprietary SAX property {@link #SOURCE_OBJECT_LIST_PROPERTY} to define the list of objects to serialize.
Configuration of this SAX parser is achieved through the standard {@link #setProperty SAX property mechanism}. While specific setter methods require direct access to the parser instance, SAX properties support configuration settings to be propagated through a chain of {@link org.xml.sax.XMLFilter filters} down to the underlying parser object.
This mechanism shall be used to configure the {@link #SOURCE_OBJECT_LIST_PROPERTY objects to be serialized} as wellas the {@link #CONFIGURED_XSTREAM_PROPERTY XStream facade}.
@author Laurent Bihanic SAXWriter
writes a DOM4J tree to a SAX ContentHandler.