The Sandbox defines the execution environment for all scripts. It may be used when embedding Noderunner so that there's a way to restrict the execution environment and plug in to various key services. To use a sandbox, implement this interface and pass it to NodeEnvironment.setSandbox().
A sandbox describes permissions on a class by explicitly allowing or forbidding access to methods and properties through "whitelists" and "blacklists".
A whitelist explicitly allows methods/properties for a class;
If a whitelist is empty and thus does not contain any names, all properties/methods are allowed for its class.
If it is not empty, the only allowed properties/methods are the ones contained.
A blacklist explicitly forbids methods/properties for a class;
If a blacklist is empty and thus does not contain any names, all properties/methods are forbidden for its class.
If it is not empty, the only forbidden properties/methods are the ones contained.
Permissions are composed of three lists, read, write, execute, each being "white" or "black":
read controls readable properties
write controls writeable properties
execute controls executable methods and constructor
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