Examples of SalsaDeviceException

Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

        try {
            proxy = new DeviceProxy(deviceName);
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while creating a TangORB device for the device " + deviceName + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;
        return proxy;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

    private static DeviceAttribute getDeviceAttribute(IDevice device) throws SalsaDeviceException {
        String name = device.getName();
        int separatorPos = name.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (separatorPos < 0) {
            throw new SalsaDeviceException("Error : invalid device name " + name + " : no \"/\".",
        String deviceName = name.substring(0, separatorPos);
        String attributeName = name.substring(separatorPos + 1);
        DeviceProxy proxy = getDeviceProxy(deviceName);
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

        try {
            attribute = proxy.read_attribute(attributeName);
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to access the TangORB attribute value for the device "
                            + proxy.get_name() + "/" + attributeName + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;
        return attribute;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to access the TangORB attribute value for the device "
                            + device.getName() + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

    private static AttributeInfo getAttributeInfo(IDevice device) throws SalsaDeviceException {
        String name = device.getName();
        int separatorPos = name.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (separatorPos < 0) {
            throw new SalsaDeviceException("Error : invalid device name " + name + " : no \"/\".",
        String attributeName = name.substring(separatorPos + 1);
        DeviceProxy proxy = getDeviceProxy(device);
        if (proxy == null) {
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

        try {
            info = proxy.get_attribute_info(attributeName);
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to read the TangORB attribute info for the device "
                            + proxy.get_name() + "/" + attributeName + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;
        return info;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

            case AttrDataFormat._IMAGE:
                dimensionType = DimensionType.IMAGE;
                // Normally impossible.
                throw new SalsaDeviceException("Unknown data format for the device "
                        + device.getName() + ".");
        return dimensionType;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

            throws SalsaDeviceException {
        // Tango connection objects.
        // Splits the device name into the corresponding deviceName and attributeName.
        int separatorPos = name.lastIndexOf("/");
        if (separatorPos < 0) {
            throw new SalsaDeviceException("Error : invalid device name " + name + " : no \"/\".",
        String deviceName = name.substring(0, separatorPos);
        String attributeName = name.substring(separatorPos + 1);

        DeviceProxy proxy = getDeviceProxy(deviceName);
        DeviceAttribute attribute = getDeviceAttribute(proxy, attributeName);
        AttributeInfo info = getAttributeInfo(proxy, attributeName);
        // Report.

        // Readable / writable.
        boolean readable;
        boolean writeable;
        switch (info.writable.value()) {
            case AttrWriteType._READ:
                readable = true;
                writeable = false;
            case AttrWriteType._READ_WITH_WRITE:
            case AttrWriteType._READ_WRITE:
                readable = true;
                writeable = true;
            case AttrWriteType._WRITE:
                readable = false;
                writeable = true;
                // Normally impossible.
                throw new SalsaDeviceException("Unknown write type for the device " + name + ".");

        // Data and data format.
        try {
            TangoAttribute tangoAttribute = new TangoAttribute(name);
            String format = null;
            try {
                AttributeProxy attributeProxy = tangoAttribute.getAttributeProxy();
                if (attributeProxy != null) {
                    AttributeInfo attributeInfo = attributeProxy.get_info();
                    if (attributeInfo != null) {
                        format = attributeInfo.format;
            catch (Exception e) {
                // Ignore exception: it is not a problem if format is not recovered
                format = null;

            double[] rawData;
            switch (info.data_format.value()) {
                case AttrDataFormat._SCALAR:
                    rawData = AttributeHelper.extractToDoubleArray(attribute);
                    if (readable) {
                    else {
                    if (writeable) {
                        Double dataWritten = tangoAttribute.readWritten(Double.class);
                    else {
                case AttrDataFormat._SPECTRUM:
                    rawData = AttributeHelper.extractToDoubleArray(attribute);
                    int spectrumLength = attribute.getDimX();
                    Double[] readSpectrumData = null;
                    Double[] writeSpectrumData = null;

                    if (readable) {
                        readSpectrumData = new Double[spectrumLength];
                        writeSpectrumData = null;
                        for (int index = 0; index < spectrumLength; ++index) {
                            readSpectrumData[index] = rawData[index];

                    if (writeable) {
                        writeSpectrumData = new Double[spectrumLength];
                        for (int index = 0; index < spectrumLength; ++index) {
                            writeSpectrumData = tangoAttribute.readSpecOrImage(Double.class);


                case AttrDataFormat._IMAGE:
                    rawData = AttributeHelper.extractToDoubleArray(attribute);
                    int xDim = attribute.getDimX();
                    int yDim = attribute.getDimY();
                    Double[][] readImageData;
                    Double[][] writeImageData;
                    Double[] writtenImage = tangoAttribute.readSpecOrImage(Double.class);
                    int yOffset;
                    if (readable) {
                        readImageData = new Double[yDim][xDim];
                        if (writeable) {
                            writeImageData = new Double[yDim][xDim];

                            for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yDim; ++yPos) {
                                yOffset = yPos * xDim;

                                for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xDim; ++xPos) {
                                    readImageData[yPos][xPos] = rawData[xPos + yOffset];
                                    writeImageData[yPos][xPos] = writtenImage[xPos + yOffset];

                        else {
                            writeImageData = null;
                            for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yDim; ++yPos) {
                                yOffset = yPos * xDim;
                                for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xDim; ++xPos) {
                                    readImageData[yPos][xPos] = rawData[xPos + yOffset];
                    else {
                        readImageData = null;
                        if (writeable) {
                            writeImageData = new Double[yDim][xDim];
                            for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yDim; ++yPos) {
                                yOffset = yPos * xDim;
                                for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xDim; ++xPos) {
                                    writeImageData[yPos][xPos] = writtenImage[xPos + yOffset];
                        else {
                            writeImageData = null;
                    // Normally impossible.
                    throw new SalsaDeviceException("Unknown data format for the device " + name
                            + ".");
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to read the TangORB attribute data for the device " + name
                            + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;

        String quality;
        try {
            quality = QualityUtilities.getNameForQuality(attribute.getQuality());
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to read the quality of the TangORB attribute value for the device "
                            + name + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;

        String state;
        try {
            state = StateUtilities.getNameForState(proxy.state());
        catch (DevFailed e) {
            SalsaDeviceException salsaDeviceException = new SalsaDeviceException(
                    "Error while trying to read the state of the TangORB attribute value for the device "
                            + name + ".", e);
            throw salsaDeviceException;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

                    errorMessage += " " + e.getMessage();
                if(e.errors != null && e.errors.length > 0) {
                    errorMessage += " : " + e.errors[0].desc;
                throw new SalsaDeviceException(errorMessage, e);
        else {
            scanResult = null;
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Examples of fr.soleil.salsa.exception.SalsaDeviceException

     * @param scanServerName the name of the scan server to use.
     * @throws SalsaDeviceException
    public void startScan(IConfig2D config, String scanServerName) throws SalsaDeviceException {
        if(config.getDimensionX().getActuatorsList().size() == 0) {
            throw new SalsaDeviceException("Cannot start scan : no actuators were defined for dimension X.");
        int timeOut;
        try {
            // Reads the initial value of the time out.
            timeOut = scanServerProxy.get_timeout_millis();
            try {
                // Time out
                // Clean
                // ? Scan sequencing.
                // setAttribute("scanSequencing", (short) 1));
                // Partial mode for recording.
                setAttribute("dataRecorderPartialMode", false);
                // Run name.
                String runName = config.getName();
                IDirectory directory = config.getDirectory();
                while(directory != null) {
                    runName = directory.getName() + "." + runName;
                    directory = directory.getDirectory();
                setAttribute("runName", runName);
                // Scan number.
                setAttribute("scanNumber", config.getScanNumber());
                // Timebases
                List<ITimebase> timebasesList = config.getTimebaseList();
                List<String> timebasesNameList = new ArrayList<String>(timebasesList.size());
                for(ITimebase timebase : timebasesList) {
                    if(timebase.isEnabled()) {
                String[] timebasesNameArray = timebasesNameList
                        .toArray(new String[timebasesNameList.size()]);
                setAttribute("timebases", timebasesNameArray);
                // Sensors
                List<ISensor> sensorsList = config.getSensorsList();
                List<String> sensorsNameList = new ArrayList<String>(sensorsList.size());
                for(ISensor sensor : sensorsList) {
                    if(sensor.isEnabled()) {
                String[] sensorsNameArray = sensorsNameList.toArray(new String[sensorsNameList
                setAttribute("sensors", sensorsNameArray);
                // Actuators X
                List<IActuator> actuatorsXList;
                List<String> actuatorsNamesXList;
                String[] actuatorsNamesXArray;
                IDimension2DX dimensionX = config.getDimensionX();
                actuatorsXList = dimensionX.getActuatorsList();
                actuatorsNamesXList = new ArrayList<String>(actuatorsXList.size());
                for(IActuator actuator : actuatorsXList) {
                    if(actuator.isEnabled()) {
                actuatorsNamesXArray = actuatorsNamesXList.toArray(new String[actuatorsNamesXList
                setAttribute("actuators", actuatorsNamesXArray);

                // Actuators y
                List<IActuator> actuatorsYList;
                List<String> actuatorsNamesYList;
                String[] actuatorsNamesYArray;
                IDimension2DY dimensionY = config.getDimensionY();
                actuatorsYList = dimensionY.getActuatorsList();
                actuatorsNamesYList = new ArrayList<String>(actuatorsYList.size());
                for(IActuator actuator : actuatorsYList) {
                    if(actuator.isEnabled()) {
                actuatorsNamesYArray = actuatorsNamesYList.toArray(new String[actuatorsNamesYList
                setAttribute("actuators2", actuatorsNamesYArray);
                // Dimensions X
                // Tango exchanges trajectories as double arrays that contains the positions, in
                // order,
                // actuator after actuator, range after range, of the trajectories of all the
                // actuators.
                // There is one such array per dimension.
                double[] allActuatorsPositionsXArray;
                double initialValueX;
                // Contains the positions in order, range after range, of the trajectories of an
                // actuator.
                List<Double> actuatorPositionsXList;
                // Contains the positions in order, actuator after actuator, range after range, of
                // the trajectories of all the actuators.
                List<Double> allActuatorsPositionsXList;
                // The list of integrations times.
                List<Double> integrationsTimesXList;
                double[] integrationsTimesXArray;
                int integrationTimeIndexX;
                // The list of speeds.
                List<Double> speedXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
                double[] speedXArray;
                // The number of points, which is the total steps numbers + 1 per range.
                int totalStepsNumberX;
                // The actuators used for this dimension
                List<IActuator> dimensionActuatorsXList;
                // Tango API
                dimensionActuatorsXList = dimensionX.getActuatorsList();
                // The positions, sorted as Tango expect them.
                allActuatorsPositionsXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
                // The number of enabled actuators.
                int enabledActuatorsXNumber = 0;
                // The positions must be sorted by actuator, so we loop over the actuators.
                for(IActuator actuator : dimensionActuatorsXList) {
                    if(actuator.isEnabled()) {
                        initialValueX = ActuatorConnector.getData(actuator);
                        actuatorPositionsXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
                        // For each actuators, the positions must be sorted by range.
                        for (ITrajectory2DX trajectory : findActuatorTrajectories(dimensionX,
                                actuator)) {
                            // The speeds must be sorted in the same order, so we read them here.
                // Integration Time and steps number.
                integrationsTimesXList = new ArrayList<Double>(dimensionX.getRangesList().size());
                int stepsNumberX;
                totalStepsNumberX = 0;
                for(IRange2DX range : dimensionX.getRangesList()) {
                    stepsNumberX = range.getStepsNumber();
                    for(integrationTimeIndexX = 0; integrationTimeIndexX < stepsNumberX + 1; ++integrationTimeIndexX) {
                    totalStepsNumberX += stepsNumberX + 1;
                integrationsTimesXArray = toDoubleArray(integrationsTimesXList);
                setAttribute("integrationTimes", integrationsTimesXArray);
                setAttribute("pointNumber", totalStepsNumberX);
                // Trajectories
                // Builds the array from the list.
                allActuatorsPositionsXArray = toDoubleArray(allActuatorsPositionsXList);
                // Sends the array to Tango.
                DeviceAttribute trajectoriesXAttribute = new DeviceAttribute("trajectories");
                if(enabledActuatorsXNumber != 0) {
                    trajectoriesXAttribute.insert(allActuatorsPositionsXArray, totalStepsNumberX,
                else {
                    trajectoriesXAttribute.insert(new double[] {}, 0 , 1);
                // Speed.
                speedXArray = toDoubleArray(speedXList);
                setAttribute("scanSpeed", speedXArray);
                // Dimensions Y
                // Tango exchanges trajectories as double arrays that contains the positions, in
                // order,
                // actuator after actuator, range after range, of the trajectories of all the
                // actuators.
                // There is one such array per dimension.
                double[] allActuatorsPositionsYArray;
                double initialValueY;
                // Contains the positions in order, range after range, of the trajectories of an
                // actuator.
                List<Double> actuatorPositionsYList;
                // Contains the positions in order, actuator after actuator, range after range, of
                // the trajectories of all the actuators.
                List<Double> allActuatorsPositionsYList;
                // The number of points, which is the total steps numbers + 1 per range.
                int totalStepsNumberY;
                // The actuators used for this dimension
                List<IActuator> dimensionActuatorsYList;
                // Dimension
                dimensionActuatorsYList = dimensionY.getActuatorsList();
                // The positions, sorted as Tango expect them.
                allActuatorsPositionsYList = new ArrayList<Double>();
                // The number of enabled actuators.
                int enabledActuatorsYNumber = 0;
                // The positions must be sorted by actuator, so we loop over the actuators.
                for(IActuator actuator : dimensionActuatorsYList) {
                    initialValueY = ActuatorConnector.getData(actuator);
                    actuatorPositionsYList = new ArrayList<Double>();
                    // For each actuators, the positions must be sorted by range.
                    for(ITrajectory2DY trajectory : findActuatorTrajectories(dimensionY, actuator)) {
                                .calculateLinearTrajectoriesPosition(trajectory, initialValueY));
                // The number of points
                totalStepsNumberY = 0;
                for(IRange2DY range : dimensionY.getRangesList()) {
                    totalStepsNumberY += range.getStepsNumber() + 1;
                setAttribute("pointNumber2", totalStepsNumberY);
                // Builds the array from the list.
                allActuatorsPositionsYArray = toDoubleArray(allActuatorsPositionsYList);
                DeviceAttribute trajectoriesYAttribute = new DeviceAttribute("trajectories2");
                if(enabledActuatorsYNumber > 0) {
                // Sends the array to Tango.
                    trajectoriesYAttribute.insert(allActuatorsPositionsYArray, totalStepsNumberY, enabledActuatorsYNumber);
                else {
                    trajectoriesYAttribute.insert(new double[] {}, 0 , 1);
                // Actuator delay.
                double actuatorsDelay = config.getActuatorsDelay();
                setAttribute("actuatorsDelay", actuatorsDelay);
                // Zig zag.
                boolean zigzag = config.isZigzag();
                setAttribute("zigzag", zigzag);
                // Enable actuator speed.
                boolean enableScanSpeed = config.isEnableScanSpeed();
                setAttribute("enableScanSpeed", enableScanSpeed);
                // Post scan behaviour.
                IPostScanBehaviour postScanBehaviour = config.getScanAddOn().getPostScanBehaviour();
                Behaviour behaviour = postScanBehaviour.getBehaviour();
                if(behaviour == null) {
                    behaviour = Behaviour.NOOP;
                int behaviourType = behaviour.getType();
                setAttribute("afterRunActionType", behaviourType);
                if(behaviour.getArgumentCount() >= 1) {
                    int behaviourSensorIndex = postScanBehaviour.getSensor();
                    setAttribute("afterRunActionSensor", behaviourSensorIndex);
                else if(behaviour.getArgumentCount() >= 2) {
                    int behaviourActuatorIndex = postScanBehaviour.getActuator();
                    setAttribute("afterRunActionActuator", behaviourActuatorIndex);
                // Error strategies.
                if(config.getScanAddOn() != null
                        && config.getScanAddOn().getErrorStrategy() != null) {
                    IErrorStrategy errorStrat = config.getScanAddOn().getErrorStrategy();
                    IErrorStrategyItem[] categoriesESI = new IErrorStrategyItem[] {
                            errorStrat.getHooksErrorStrategy() };
                    String[] categoriesStr = new String[] { "actuators", "sensors", "timebases",
                            "hooks" };
                for(int i=0; i<categoriesStr.length; i++) {
                    String cat = categoriesStr[i];
                    IErrorStrategyItem esi = categoriesESI[i];
                    double errorStrategyTimeOut = esi.getTimeOut();
                    int errorStrategyRetryCount = esi.getRetryCount();
                    double errorStrategyRetryTimeOut = esi.getTimeBetweenRetries();
                    int errorStrategyType = esi.getStrategy().ordinal();
                    // Time out.
                        scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute(cat + "TimeOut",
                    // Retry count.
                        scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute(cat + "RetryCount",
                    // Retry time out.
                        scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute(cat + "RetryTimeOut",
                    // Error strategy.
                        scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute(cat + "ErrorStrategy",
                // Context validation error strategy.
                    scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute(
                            "contextValidationErrorStrategy", errorStrat
                    scanServerProxy.write_attribute(new DeviceAttribute("contextValidation",
                /* Hooks */
                SetHooks(config.getScanAddOn(), scanServerProxy);
                // Hardware continuous scan : no.
                setAttribute("hwContinuous", false);

                // On the fly mode (software continuous mode).
                boolean onTheFly = config.isOnTheFly();
                setAttribute("onTheFly", onTheFly);
                // Fin configuration du scan.
                // D�marrage du scan.
            finally {
                // Sets the time out back to the initial value.
        catch(DevFailed e) {
            String message = e.getMessage();
            if(e.errors != null && e.errors.length > 0) {
                message += " : " + e.errors[0].desc;
            throw new SalsaDeviceException(message, e);
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