// Determine whether the TransformerFactory supports The use of SAXSource
// and SAXResult
if (tFactory.getFeature(SAXSource.FEATURE) && tFactory.getFeature(SAXResult.FEATURE))
// Cast the TransformerFactory.
SAXTransformerFactory saxTFactory = ((SAXTransformerFactory) tFactory);
// Create a ContentHandler to handle parsing of the stylesheet.
TemplatesHandler templatesHandler = saxTFactory.newTemplatesHandler();
// Create an XMLReader and set its ContentHandler.
XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
// Parse the stylesheet.
//Get the Templates object from the ContentHandler.
Templates templates = templatesHandler.getTemplates();
// Create a ContentHandler to handle parsing of the XML source.
TransformerHandler handler
= saxTFactory.newTransformerHandler(templates);
// Reset the XMLReader's ContentHandler.
// Set the ContentHandler to also function as a LexicalHandler, which
// includes "lexical" events (e.g., comments and CDATA).