* @param metadata the metadata object that contains the CSIv2 security configuration info.
* @return the constructed {@code SAS_ContextSec} instance.
public static SAS_ContextSec createSecureAttributeServiceContext(IORSecurityConfigMetadata metadata) {
SAS_ContextSec context;
// context contains target_supports, target_requires, privilige_authorities, supported_naming_mechanisms, supported_identity_types.
int support = 0;
int require = 0;
ServiceConfiguration[] privilAuth = new ServiceConfiguration[0];
byte[][] supNamMechs = {};
int supIdenTypes = 0; // 0 means ITTAbsent
// the the SasContext metadata.
SasContext sasMeta = metadata.getSasContext();
// if no SAS context metadata, or caller propagation is not supported, we return with a more or less empty sas context.
if (sasMeta == null || !sasMeta.isCallerPropagationSupported()) {
context = new SAS_ContextSec((short) support, (short) require, privilAuth, supNamMechs, supIdenTypes);
} else {
support = IdentityAssertion.value;
// supporting GSSUP (username/password) naming mechanism.
byte[] upMech = createGSSUPMechOID();
supNamMechs = new byte[1][upMech.length];
System.arraycopy(upMech, 0, supNamMechs[0], 0, upMech.length);
// since we support IdentityAssertion we need to specify supported identity types. CTS says we need them all
supIdenTypes = ITTAnonymous.value | ITTPrincipalName.value | ITTX509CertChain.value | ITTDistinguishedName.value;
context = new SAS_ContextSec((short) support, (short) require, privilAuth, supNamMechs, supIdenTypes);
return context;