if (so instanceof SAMLSubjectStatement) {
samlSubjS = (SAMLSubjectStatement) so;
SAMLSubject samlSubj = null;
if (samlSubjS != null) {
samlSubj = samlSubjS.getSubject();
if (samlSubj == null) {
throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE,
"invalidSAMLToken", new Object[] { "for Signature" });
String confirmMethod = null;
it = samlSubj.getConfirmationMethods();
if (it.hasNext()) {
confirmMethod = (String) it.next();
boolean senderVouches = false;
if (SAMLSubject.CONF_SENDER_VOUCHES.equals(confirmMethod)) {
senderVouches = true;
* Gather some info about the document to process and store it for
* retrieval
WSDocInfo wsDocInfo = new WSDocInfo(doc);
Element envelope = doc.getDocumentElement();
SOAPConstants soapConstants = WSSecurityUtil.getSOAPConstants(envelope);
Element securityHeader = insertSecurityHeader(doc);
X509Certificate[] certs = null;
if (senderVouches) {
certs = issuerCrypto.getCertificates(issuerKeyName);
* in case of key holder: - get the user's certificate that _must_ be
* included in the SAML token. To ensure the cert integrity the SAML
* token must be signed (by the issuer). Just check if its signed, but
* don't verify this SAML token's signature here (maybe later).
else {
if (userCrypto == null || assertion.isSigned() == false) {
throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.FAILURE,
new Object[] { "for SAML Signature (Key Holder)" });
Element e = samlSubj.getKeyInfo();
try {
KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo(e, null);
if (ki.containsX509Data()) {
X509Data data = ki.itemX509Data(0);