// But precalculation step should be done once
Discretizer discretizer = new Discretizer(10000.0);
// Wordwise background means that we calculate number of words instead of probabilities, this is a default mode
// If one need to work with certain nucleotide background probabilities he should use:
// BackgroundModel background = new Background(new double[]{pA, pC, pG, pT}); where {pA,... pT} are probabilities of respective nucleotides
BackgroundModel background = new WordwiseBackground();
// A actual pvalue will be less than requested. Not very important setting in this task
BoundaryType pvalue_boundary = BoundaryType.LOWER;
// Setting max_hash_size allows one to restrict memory exhausting during Pvalue calculation (using APE algorithm, not binary search)
// Reasonable value is about 10 millions elements. But actually only specially constructed matrices can reach such high hash sizes.
// So in standalone calculation we use null (not to check hash size) and in web version we use 1e7