// Create the RtfHeaderFooterGroup for the header.
// To display the same header on both pages, but not the
// title page set them to left and right pages explicitly.
RtfHeaderFooterGroup header = new RtfHeaderFooterGroup();
header.setHeaderFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(date), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES);
header.setHeaderFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(date), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES);
// Set the header
// Create the paragraphs that will be used as footers
Paragraph titleFooter = new Paragraph("Multiple headers / footers example");
Paragraph leftFooter = new Paragraph("Page ");
leftFooter.add(new RtfPageNumber());
Paragraph rightFooter = new Paragraph("Page ");
rightFooter.add(new RtfPageNumber());
// Create the RtfHeaderGroup for the footer and set the footers
// at the desired positions
RtfHeaderFooterGroup footer = new RtfHeaderFooterGroup();
footer.setHeaderFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(titleFooter), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_FIRST_PAGE);
footer.setHeaderFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(leftFooter), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_LEFT_PAGES);
footer.setHeaderFooter(new RtfHeaderFooter(rightFooter), RtfHeaderFooter.DISPLAY_RIGHT_PAGES);
// Set the document footer