Examples of RpcException

Examples of org.erlide.runtime.rpc.RpcException

            throws RpcException {
        try {
            return sendRpcCall(localNode, nodeName, false, gleader, module, fun,
                    signature, args0);
        } catch (final SignatureException e) {
            throw new RpcException(e);
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Examples of org.erlide.runtime.rpc.RpcException

            result1 = future.checkedGet(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            if (CHECK_RPC) {
                ErlLogger.debug("RPC result:: " + result1);
            if (isBadRpc(result1)) {
                throw new RpcException(result1.toString());
            result = result1;
        } catch (final SignatureException e) {
            throw new RpcException(e);
        } catch (final TimeoutException e) {
            throw new RpcTimeoutException(e.getMessage());
        return result;
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Examples of org.erlide.runtime.rpc.RpcException

            if (res == null) {
                final String msg = env != null ? env : "??";
                throw new RpcTimeoutException(msg);
            if (!(res instanceof OtpErlangTuple)) {
                throw new RpcException(res.toString());
            final OtpErlangTuple t = (OtpErlangTuple) res;
            if (t.arity() != 2) {
                throw new RpcException(res.toString());
            res = t.elementAt(1);

        } catch (final OtpErlangExit e) {
            throw new RpcException(e);
        } catch (final OtpErlangDecodeException e) {
            throw new RpcException(e);
        return res;
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

      if (state != State.STARTED)
         throw new RPCException(
            "Cannot execute any commands if the service is not started, the current state of the service is " + state);
      String commandId = command.getId();
      if (commands.get(commandId) != command)
         throw new RPCException("Command " + commandId + " unknown, please register your command first");
      final Message msg = new Message();
         MESSAGE_SET_OBJECT_METHOD.invoke(msg, new MessageBody(dests.size() == 1 && dests != members ? dests.get(0) : null, commandId, args));
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RPCException("Could not call the method Message.setObject");
      RspList rsps = SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<RspList>()
         public RspList run()
            return dispatcher.castMessage(dests, msg, synchronous ? GroupRequest.GET_ALL : GroupRequest.GET_NONE,

      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("responses: " + rsps);
      if (rsps == null)
         throw new RPCException("Could not get the responses for command " + commandId + ".");
      if (!synchronous)
         return Collections.emptyList();// async case
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("(" + channel.getLocalAddress() + "): responses for command " + commandId + ":\n" + rsps);
      List<Object> retval = new ArrayList<Object>(rsps.size());
      for (Address dest : dests)
         Rsp rsp = rsps.get(dest);
         if (rsp == null || (rsp.wasSuspected() && !rsp.wasReceived()))
            // The corresponding member has left
            retval.add(new MemberHasLeftException("No response for the member " + dest
               + ", this member has probably left the cluster."));
         else if (!rsp.wasReceived())
            retval.add(new RPCException("Replication timeout for " + rsp.getSender() + ", rsp=" + rsp));
            Object value = rsp.getValue();
            if (value instanceof RPCException)
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

            return null;
         RemoteCommand command = getCommand(commandId);
         if (command == null)
            return new RPCException("Command " + commandId + " unkown, please register your command first");
         Object execResult = command.execute(body.getArgs());
         if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
            LOG.trace("Command : " + commandId + " executed, result is: " + execResult);
         return execResult;
      catch (Throwable x)
         if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
            LOG.trace("Problems invoking command.", x);
         return new RPCException("Cannot execute the command " + (commandId == null ? "" : commandId), x);
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

   public boolean isCoordinator() throws RPCException
      if (state != State.STARTED)
         throw new RPCException("Cannot know whether the local node is a coordinator or not if " +
                  "the service is not started, the current state of the service is " + state);
      return isCoordinator;
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

      if (state != State.STARTED)
         throw new RPCException(
            "Cannot execute any commands if the service is not started, the current state of the service is " + state);
      final String commandId = command.getId();
      if (commands.get(commandId) != command)
         throw new RPCException("Command " + commandId + " unknown, please register your command first");
      final Message msg = new Message();
      setObject(msg, new MessageBody(dests.size() == 1 && dests != members ? dests.get(0) : null, commandId, args)); //NOSONAR
      RspList rsps = SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<RspList>()
         public RspList run()
               return castMessage(dests, msg, synchronous, timeout);
            catch (Exception e)
               LOG.error("Could not cast the message corresponding to the command " + commandId + ".", e);
            return null;

      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("responses: " + rsps);
      if (rsps == null)
         throw new RPCException("Could not get the responses for command " + commandId + ".");
      if (!synchronous)
         return Collections.emptyList();// async case
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("(" + getLocalAddress() + "): responses for command " + commandId + ":\n" + rsps);
      List<Object> retval = new ArrayList<Object>(rsps.size());
      for (Address dest : dests)
         Rsp rsp = rsps.get(dest);
         if (rsp == null || (rsp.wasSuspected() && !rsp.wasReceived()))
            // The corresponding member has left
            retval.add(new MemberHasLeftException("No response for the member " + dest
               + ", this member has probably left the cluster."));
         else if (!rsp.wasReceived())
            retval.add(new RPCException("Replication timeout for " + rsp.getSender() + ", rsp=" + rsp));
            Object value = rsp.getValue();
            if (value instanceof RPCException)
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

            return null;
         RemoteCommand command = getCommand(commandId);
         if (command == null)
            return new RPCException("Command " + commandId + " unkown, please register your command first");
         Object execResult = command.execute(body.getArgs());
         if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
            LOG.trace("Command : " + commandId + " executed, result is: " + execResult);
         return execResult;
      catch (Throwable x)
         if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
            LOG.trace("Problems invoking command.", x);
         return new RPCException("Cannot execute the command " + (commandId == null ? "" : commandId), x);
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

   public boolean isCoordinator() throws RPCException
      if (state != State.STARTED)
         throw new RPCException("Cannot know whether the local node is a coordinator or not if " +
                  "the service is not started, the current state of the service is " + state);
      return isCoordinator;
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.rpc.RPCException

      if (state != State.STARTED)
         throw new RPCException(
            "Cannot execute any commands if the service is not started, the current state of the service is " + state);
      final String commandId = command.getId();
      if (commands.get(commandId) != command)
         throw new RPCException("Command " + commandId + " unknown, please register your command first");
      final Message msg = new Message();
      setObject(msg, new MessageBody(dests.size() == 1 && dests != members ? dests.get(0) : null, commandId, args)); //NOSONAR
      RspList rsps = SecurityHelper.doPrivilegedAction(new PrivilegedAction<RspList>()
         public RspList run()
               return castMessage(dests, msg, synchronous, timeout);
            catch (Exception e)
               LOG.error("Could not cast the message corresponding to the command " + commandId + ".", e);
            return null;

      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("responses: " + rsps);
      if (rsps == null)
         throw new RPCException("Could not get the responses for command " + commandId + ".");
      if (!synchronous)
         return Collections.emptyList();// async case
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
         LOG.trace("(" + getLocalAddress() + "): responses for command " + commandId + ":\n" + rsps);
      List<Object> retval = new ArrayList<Object>(rsps.size());
      for (Address dest : dests)
         Rsp rsp = rsps.get(dest);
         if (rsp == null || (rsp.wasSuspected() && !rsp.wasReceived()))
            // The corresponding member has left
            retval.add(new MemberHasLeftException("No response for the member " + dest
               + ", this member has probably left the cluster."));
         else if (!rsp.wasReceived())
            retval.add(new RPCException("Replication timeout for " + rsp.getSender() + ", rsp=" + rsp));
            Object value = rsp.getValue();
            if (value instanceof RPCException)
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