Examples of RpException

Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

                        //handling to be done
                        return con.getInputStream();
                        Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Specified https uri is not supported by the system " +
                        throw new RpException("app.location.web.error",
                            new Object[] { uri });
                    } else {
                        Logger.getRootLogger().info("Thread the location " +
                            uri + " as web (ftp://) ");

                        return conn.getInputStream();
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Logger.getRootLogger().debug("I/OException getting the reader for uri:" +
                    throw new RpException("app.location.web.notavailable",
                        new Object[] { uri });
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Error in getting the reader for the web location:" +
                    throw new RpException("app.location.web.error",
                        new Object[] { uri });
            } else {
                Logger.getRootLogger().info("Thread the location " + uri +
                    " locally (file:///) ");
                try {
                    return new BufferedInputStream(u.openStream());
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Specified file not exists:" +
                    throw new RpException("app.location.file.notavailable",
                        new Object[] { uri });
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Error in getting the stream for the local location:" +
                    throw new RpException("app.location.file.error",
                        new Object[] { uri });
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Not a valid url location :" + uri);
            throw new RpException("app.location.nourl", new Object[] { uri });
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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

    public static ICategoryStore getCategoryStores() throws RpException {
        if (categoryStores != null) {
            return categoryStores;
        } else {
            throw new RpException("pluginmanager.plugins.nocategorystore");
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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

          log.info("Serializing rules to file " + serialPath
              + " for later use");
          serializeRulesToFile(returnRules, serialPath);

        } else {
          throw new RpException(
              "Unable to find Rules in any form (Serial,Drl,Excel) at any location (file,classpath)");

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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

          log.info("Saving tmpCopy to " + drlPathTmp);
          outputDrlToFile(drl, drlPathTmp);

        } else {
          throw new RpException(
              "Problem creating new rule base from Excel");
      } else {
        throw new RpException("Problem loading Excel Decision Tables");

    } catch (IOException ie) {
      // Wrap Exception and throw it
      log.debug("Rethrowing", ie);
      throw new RpException(ie);
    } catch (SAXException saxe) {
      // Wrap Exception and throw it
      throw new RpException(saxe);
    } catch (IntegrationException ie) {
      // Wrap Exception and throw it
      throw new RpException(ie);
    } catch (DroolsParserException dpe) {
      // Wrap Exception and throw it
      throw new RpException(dpe);
    } catch (RpException rpe) {
      // just rethrow
      throw rpe;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Handling generic 'Exception' is forced upon us by
      // RuleBase.addPackage
      // Wrap Exception and throw it
      throw new RpException(e);

    // Return the excel rules that we have set
    return this.getRuleBase();
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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

      FileWriter out = new FileWriter(fileName, false);
      log.debug("Put copy of DRL in file:" + fileName);
    } catch (IOException ie) {
      throw new RpException(ie);

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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

      if (pkg != null) {
        returnRuleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
    } catch (IOException ie) {
      throw new RpException(ie);
    } catch (DroolsParserException dpe) {
      throw new RpException(dpe);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RpException(e);

    return returnRuleBase;

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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

            //parse the input and notify the handler
            saxParser.parse(input, builder);
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            logger.debug("SAXException in processing location" + info.getUri(),
            throw new RpException("extractor.xml.filenotvalid",
                new Object[] { info.getUri() });
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.debug("Exception in processing the location" +
                info.getUri(), t);
            throw new RpException("app.extract.error",
                new Object[] { info.getUri() });
        } finally {
            try {
                if (in != null) {
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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException


                //store and reindex document
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RpException("app.extract.error",
                    new Object[] { info.getUri() });
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (din != null) {
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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

        cachedConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(
            connectionString, userName, password);
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RpException(sqle);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
      throw new RpException(cnfe);

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Examples of net.fp.rp.common.exception.RpException

      if (cachedConnection != null) {
        cachedConnection = null;
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
      throw new RpException(sqle);

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