// The value of the 'action' attribute MUST be one of the following.
// If an entity receives a value not defined here, it MUST ignore the attribute and MUST return a <bad-request/> error to the sender.
// There is no default value for the 'action' attribute.
if (jingle.getAction() == null) {
xmppSession.send(iq.createError(new StanzaError(new BadRequest(), "No valid action attribute set.")));
} else if (jingle.getSessionId() == null) {
xmppSession.send(iq.createError(new StanzaError(new BadRequest(), "No session id set.")));
} else if (jingle.getAction() == Jingle.Action.SESSION_INITIATE) {
// Check if the Jingle request is not mal-formed, otherwise return a bad-request error.
// See 6.3.2 Errors
if (jingle.getContents().isEmpty()) {
xmppSession.send(iq.createError(new StanzaError(new BadRequest(), "No contents found.")));
} else {
boolean hasContentWithDispositionSession = false;
boolean hasSupportedApplications = false;
boolean hasSupportedTransports = false;
// Check if we support the application format and transport method and at least one content element has a disposition of "session".
for (Jingle.Content content : jingle.getContents()) {
// Check if the content disposition is "session" (default value is "session").
if (!hasContentWithDispositionSession && ("session".equals(content.getDisposition()) || content.getDisposition() == null)) {
hasContentWithDispositionSession = true;
if (!hasSupportedApplications && content.getApplicationFormat() != null) {
hasSupportedApplications = true;
if (!hasSupportedTransports && content.getTransportMethod() != null) {
hasSupportedTransports = true;
if (!hasContentWithDispositionSession) {
// When sending a session-initiate with one <content/> element,
// the value of the <content/> element's 'disposition' attribute MUST be "session"
// (if there are multiple <content/> elements then at least one MUST have a disposition of "session");
// if this rule is violated, the responder MUST return a <bad-request/> error to the initiator.
xmppSession.send(iq.createError(new StanzaError(new BadRequest(), "No content with disposition 'session' found.")));
} else {
// If the request was ok, immediately acknowledge the initiation request.
// See 6.3.1 Acknowledgement
// However, after acknowledging the session initiation request,
// the responder might subsequently determine that it cannot proceed with negotiation of the session
// (e.g., because it does not support any of the offered application formats or transport methods,
// because a human user is busy or unable to accept the session, because a human user wishes to formally decline
// the session, etc.). In these cases, the responder SHOULD immediately acknowledge the session initiation request
// but then terminate the session with an appropriate reason as described in the Termination section of this document.
if (!hasSupportedApplications) {
// Terminate the session with <unsupported-applications/>.
xmppSession.send(new IQ(iq.getFrom(), IQ.Type.SET, new Jingle(jingle.getSessionId(), Jingle.Action.SESSION_TERMINATE, new Jingle.Reason(new Jingle.Reason.UnsupportedApplications()))));
} else if (!hasSupportedTransports) {
// Terminate the session with <unsupported-transports/>.
xmppSession.send(new IQ(iq.getFrom(), IQ.Type.SET, new Jingle(jingle.getSessionId(), Jingle.Action.SESSION_TERMINATE, new Jingle.Reason(new Jingle.Reason.UnsupportedTransports()))));
} else {
// Everything is fine, create the session and notify the listeners.
JingleSession jingleSession = new JingleSession(jingle.getSessionId(), iq.getFrom(), false, xmppSession, JingleManager.this, jingle.getContents());
jingleSessionMap.put(jingle.getSessionId(), jingleSession);
notifyJingleListeners(new JingleEvent(JingleManager.this, xmppSession, iq, jingle));
} else {
// Another action (!= session-initiate) has been sent.
// Check if we know the session.
JingleSession jingleSession = jingleSessionMap.get(jingle.getSessionId());
if (jingleSession == null) {
// If we receive a non-session-initiate Jingle action with an unknown session id,
// return <item-not-found/> and <unknown-session/>
StanzaError stanzaError = new StanzaError(new ItemNotFound());
stanzaError.setExtension(new UnknownSession());
} else {
jingleSession.notifyJingleListeners(new JingleEvent(JingleManager.this, xmppSession, iq, jingle));