* Proves that the model reload has effect.
public void modelShouldBeReloadedWhenReloadIsTriggered()
throws Exception {
final WroManagerFactory wroManagerFactory = new BaseWroManagerFactory().setModelFactory(new WroModelFactory() {
private boolean wasCreated = false;
public WroModel create() {
if (!wasCreated) {
wasCreated = true;
// return model with no groups defined
return new WroModel();
// second time when created add one group
return new WroModel().addGroup(new Group("g1"));
public void destroy() {
final WroFilter filter = new WroFilter() {
protected WroManagerFactory newWroManagerFactory() {
return wroManagerFactory;
protected ObjectFactory<WroConfiguration> newWroConfigurationFactory(final FilterConfig filterConfig) {
return new ObjectFactory<WroConfiguration>() {
public WroConfiguration create() {
return Context.get().getConfig();
final WroModelFactory modelFactory = wroManagerFactory.create().getModelFactory();
// reload model