this.isXToMany = xToMany;
private Property bind(Property prop) {
if (isId) {
final RootClass rootClass = ( RootClass ) holder.getPersistentClass();
//if an xToMany, it as to be wrapped today.
//FIXME this pose a problem as the PK is the class instead of the associated class which is not really compliant with the spec
if ( isXToMany || entityBinder.wrapIdsInEmbeddedComponents() ) {
Component identifier = (Component) rootClass.getIdentifier();
if (identifier == null) {
identifier = AnnotationBinder.createComponent( holder, new PropertyPreloadedData(null, null, null), true, false, mappings );
rootClass.setIdentifier( identifier );
identifier.setNullValue( "undefined" );
rootClass.setEmbeddedIdentifier( true );
rootClass.setIdentifierMapper( identifier );
//FIXME is it good enough?
identifier.addProperty( prop );
else {
rootClass.setIdentifier( ( KeyValue ) getValue() );
if (embedded) {
rootClass.setEmbeddedIdentifier( true );
else {
rootClass.setIdentifierProperty( prop );
final org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass superclass = BinderHelper.getMappedSuperclassOrNull(
if (superclass != null) {
else {
//we know the property is on the actual entity
rootClass.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty( prop );
else {