NOTE, Role is no more properly known as a Group. The name Role is a hangup from Adito pre 0.2.0. @param < T>
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 14-1-28
Version: 1.0
使用者資訊@since 2013/12/23 @author tammy @version
User: Zhang Kaitao
Date: 13-2-4 上午9:38
Version: 1.0
requirements, all variable names should map to database column names, with a slight twist: Whenever an underscore is encountered in the db column name, it should be excluded from the variable name here, but the following character should be capitalized. If the column name is 'first_name', for example, the variable here should be 'firstName'. Getters and setters should be named accordingly.
@author Mark Durant
@author Charles King
@version 1.0
In addition to the definition of custom fields, the {@link Metadata}for a {@link Space} may contain a bunch of Role definitions as well.
Roles do the following:Role
@author sulis
20020716 Adrian Brock:
Title: Role
Description: Domain Object describing a Role entity
Abstract representation of a security role, suitable for use in environments like JAAS that want to deal with Principals
A role made of a {@link RolePrincipal} and the role {@link Preferences}.
@author David Le StratThe following features are supported:
The list of roles defined in a game description can be extracted using the {@link #computeRoles(List)} method.
representation of a role authorized to call an endpoint.
@author Darran Lofthouse
@since December 18th 2008
DTO to provide the following to application:
This interface exposes the characteristics shared by all {@code Role}classes: a name, a type, and a set of properties.
Properties represent public information about the {@code Role} object thatcan be read by anyone. Specific {@link UserAdminPermission} objects arerequired to change a {@code Role} object's properties.
{@code Role} object properties are {@code Dictionary} objects. Changes tothese objects are propagated to the User Admin service and made persistent.
Every User Admin service contains a set of predefined {@code Role} objectsthat are always present and cannot be removed. All predefined {@code Role}objects are of type {@code ROLE}. This version of the {@code org.osgi.service.useradmin} package defines a single predefined rolenamed "user.anyone", which is inherited by any other role. Other predefined roles may be added in the future. Since "user.anyone" is a {@code Role} object that has properties associated with it that can be readand modified. Access to these properties and their use is application specific and is controlled using {@code UserAdminPermission} in the same waythat properties for other {@code Role} objects are. @noimplement @author $Id: c366d5a634158a41a940edb0229ee95d4148ddac $