Provide a higher level of abstraction for user input (A Better Robot). The Robot's operation may be affected by the following properties:
Set this to a value representing the millisecond count in between generated events. Usually just set to 100-200 if you want to slow down the playback to simulate actual user input. The default is zero delay.
Set this to either "robot" or "awt" to designate the desired mode of event generation. "robot" uses java.awt.Robot to generate events, while "awt" stuffs events directly into the AWT event queue.
This is the maximum number of ms it takes the system to post an AWT event in response to a Robot-generated event.
Base delay setting, acts as default value for the next two.
Set this to the maximum time to wait for a menu to appear or be generated.
Set this to the maximum time to wait for a Component to become available.
NOTE: Only use invokeAndWait when a subsequent robot-level action is being applied to the results of a prior action (e.g. focus, deiconify, menu selection). Otherwise, don't introduce a mandatory delay.
NOTE: If a robot action isn't reproduced properly, you may need to introduce either additional events or extra delay. Adding enforced delay for a given platform is preferable to additional events, so always try that first, but be sure to restrict it to the platform in question.
NOTE: Robot actions should never be invoked on the event dispatch thread.