Examples of RMConstants

Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getAckRequestedAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getAckRequestedOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            //TODO add server-side TSR handling
            boi = bi.getOperation(RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
            isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
            isOneway = false;
        // make sure the binding information has been set
        if (boi == null) {
            LOG.fine("No BindingInfo for action " + action);
        } else {
            exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
            exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)
            && !consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)
            && !RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)
            && !RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = RMContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, rme.getEndpoint());
        exchange.put(Service.class, rme.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, rme.getEndpoint().getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = rme.getEndpoint().getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = RMContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = RMContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, rme.getEndpoint());
        exchange.put(Service.class, rme.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, rme.getEndpoint().getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = rme.getEndpoint().getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = RMContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, rme.getEndpoint());
        exchange.put(Service.class, rme.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, rme.getEndpoint().getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = rme.getEndpoint().getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            //TODO add server-side TSR handling
            boi = bi.getOperation(RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
            isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        // The actions that can appear in the response to the requestor should be excluded.
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)
            && !consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)
            && !RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            //TODO add server-side TSR handling
            boi = bi.getOperation(RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
            isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
            isOneway = false;
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        // The actions that can appear in the response to the requestor should be excluded.
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)
            && !consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)
            && !RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getTerminateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)
            && !RM11Constants.INSTANCE.getCloseSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, rme.getEndpoint());
        exchange.put(Service.class, rme.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, rme.getEndpoint().getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = rme.getEndpoint().getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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Examples of org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.RMConstants

        AddressingProperties maps = ContextUtils.retrieveMAPs(message, false, false, false);
        AttributedURIType actionURI = null == maps ? null : maps.getAction();
        String action = null == actionURI ? null : actionURI.getValue().trim();
        LOG.fine("action: " + action);
        RMConstants consts;
        if (RM10Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM10Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else if (RM11Constants.ACTIONS.contains(action)) {
            consts = RM11Constants.INSTANCE;
        } else {
        RMProperties rmps = RMContextUtils.retrieveRMProperties(message, false);
        ProtocolVariation protocol =
            ProtocolVariation.findVariant(consts.getWSRMNamespace(), maps.getNamespaceURI());
        LOG.info("Updating service model info in exchange");
        RMManager manager = getManager(message);
        assert manager != null;
        RMEndpoint rme = null;
        try {
            rme = manager.getReliableEndpoint(message);
        } catch (RMException e) {
            throw new SoapFault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("CANNOT_PROCESS", LOG), e,
        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        Endpoint ep = rme.getEndpoint(protocol);
        exchange.put(Endpoint.class, ep);
        exchange.put(Service.class, ep.getService());
        exchange.put(Binding.class, ep.getBinding());
        // Also set BindingOperationInfo as some operations (SequenceAcknowledgment) have
        // neither in nor out messages, and thus the WrappedInInterceptor cannot
        // determine the operation name.
        BindingInfo bi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = null;
        boolean isOneway = true;
        if (consts.getCreateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOnewayOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            if (RMContextUtils.isServerSide(message)) {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceResponseOnewayOperationName());
            } else {
                boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCreateSequenceOperationName());
                isOneway = false;
        } else if (consts.getSequenceAckAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getSequenceAckOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getTerminateSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getTerminateSequenceOperationName());
        } else if (consts.getCloseSequenceAction().equals(action)) {
            boi = bi.getOperation(consts.getCloseSequenceOperationName());
        assert boi != null;
        exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
        exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, boi.getOperationInfo());
        // Fix requestor role (as the client side message observer always sets it to TRUE)
        // to allow unmarshalling the body of a server originated TerminateSequence request.
        // In the logical RM interceptor set it back to what it was so that the logical
        // addressing interceptor does not try to send a partial response to
        // server originated oneway RM protocol messages.       
        if (!consts.getCreateSequenceResponseAction().equals(action)) {
            LOG.fine("Changing requestor role from " + message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE)
                     + " to false");
            Object originalRequestorRole = message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE);
            if (null != originalRequestorRole) {
                message.put(RMMessageConstants.ORIGINAL_REQUESTOR_ROLE, originalRequestorRole);
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