// Handle case of no current style, with a default
if(pStyles.size() == 0 || cStyles.size() == 0) {
_rtRuns = new RichTextRun[1];
_rtRuns[0] = new RichTextRun(this, 0, runRawText.length());
} else {
// Build up Rich Text Runs, one for each
// character/paragraph style pair
Vector rtrs = new Vector();
int pos = 0;
int curP = 0;
int curC = 0;
int pLenRemain = -1;
int cLenRemain = -1;
// Build one for each run with the same style
while(pos <= runRawText.length() && curP < pStyles.size() && curC < cStyles.size()) {
// Get the Props to use
TextPropCollection pProps = (TextPropCollection)pStyles.get(curP);
TextPropCollection cProps = (TextPropCollection)cStyles.get(curC);
int pLen = pProps.getCharactersCovered();
int cLen = cProps.getCharactersCovered();
// Handle new pass
boolean freshSet = false;
if(pLenRemain == -1 && cLenRemain == -1) { freshSet = true; }
if(pLenRemain == -1) { pLenRemain = pLen; }
if(cLenRemain == -1) { cLenRemain = cLen; }
// So we know how to build the eventual run
int runLen = -1;
boolean pShared = false;
boolean cShared = false;
// Same size, new styles - neither shared
if(pLen == cLen && freshSet) {
runLen = cLen;
pShared = false;
cShared = false;
pLenRemain = -1;
cLenRemain = -1;
} else {
// Some sharing
// See if we are already in a shared block
if(pLenRemain < pLen) {
// Existing shared p block
pShared = true;
// Do we end with the c block, or either side of it?
if(pLenRemain == cLenRemain) {
// We end at the same time
cShared = false;
runLen = pLenRemain;
pLenRemain = -1;
cLenRemain = -1;
} else if(pLenRemain < cLenRemain) {
// We end before the c block
cShared = true;
runLen = pLenRemain;
cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
pLenRemain = -1;
} else {
// We end after the c block
cShared = false;
runLen = cLenRemain;
pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
cLenRemain = -1;
} else if(cLenRemain < cLen) {
// Existing shared c block
cShared = true;
// Do we end with the p block, or either side of it?
if(pLenRemain == cLenRemain) {
// We end at the same time
pShared = false;
runLen = cLenRemain;
pLenRemain = -1;
cLenRemain = -1;
} else if(cLenRemain < pLenRemain) {
// We end before the p block
pShared = true;
runLen = cLenRemain;
pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
cLenRemain = -1;
} else {
// We end after the p block
pShared = false;
runLen = pLenRemain;
cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
pLenRemain = -1;
} else {
// Start of a shared block
if(pLenRemain < cLenRemain) {
// Shared c block
pShared = false;
cShared = true;
runLen = pLenRemain;
cLenRemain -= pLenRemain;
pLenRemain = -1;
} else {
// Shared p block
pShared = true;
cShared = false;
runLen = cLenRemain;
pLenRemain -= cLenRemain;
cLenRemain = -1;
// Wind on
int prevPos = pos;
pos += runLen;
// Adjust for end-of-run extra 1 length
if(pos > runRawText.length()) {
// Save
RichTextRun rtr = new RichTextRun(this, prevPos, runLen, pProps, cProps, pShared, cShared);
// Build the array
_rtRuns = new RichTextRun[rtrs.size()];