return o;
public Reward_observation_terminal env_step(Action action) {
Reward_observation_terminal ro = null;
/* Gabor has made it so this environment will step past terminal. This is
not something we want to do in general at all.
But, in order to keep the other tests all working, I'll allow it*/
if (5 > stepCount) {
TestUtility.set_k_ints_in_abstract_type(o, 1);
o.intArray[0] = stepCount;
boolean terminal = stepCount == 5;
ro = new Reward_observation_terminal(1.0d, o, terminal);
} else {
TestUtility.set_k_ints_in_abstract_type(o, 5);
TestUtility.set_k_doubles_in_abstract_type(o, 5);
TestUtility.set_k_chars_in_abstract_type(o, 5);
o.intArray[0] = 173;
o.intArray[1] = -173;
o.intArray[2] = 2147483647;
o.intArray[3] = 0;
o.intArray[4] = -2147483648;
o.doubleArray[0] = 0.0078125;
o.doubleArray[1] = -0.0078125;
o.doubleArray[2] = 0.0;
o.doubleArray[3] = 0.0078125e150;
o.doubleArray[4] = -0.0078125e150;
o.charArray[0] = 'g';
o.charArray[1] = 'F';
o.charArray[2] = '?';
o.charArray[3] = ' ';
o.charArray[4] = '&';
ro = new Reward_observation_terminal(-2.0d, o, false);
return ro;