Examples of RetryHandler

Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

            // If an initial command was configured then send it.
            // Some FTP servers offer different modes of operation,
            // E.G. switching between a UNIX file system mode and
            // a legacy file system.
            if (this.initialSiteCommand != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.initialSiteCommand);
                    }, "initial site command: " + this.initialSiteCommand);

            // For a unix ftp server you can set the default mask for all files
            // created.

            if (umask != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, "umask " + umask);
                    }, "umask " + umask);

            // If the action is MK_DIR, then the specified remote
            // directory is the directory to create.

            if (action == MK_DIR) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            makeRemoteDir(lftp, remotedir);
                    }, remotedir);
            } else if (action == SITE_CMD) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.siteCommand);
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

                if (!pd.exists()) {
                bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(task.getListing()));
            RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
            if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.RM_DIR) {
                // to remove directories, start by the end of the list
                // the trunk does not let itself be removed before the leaves
                for (int i = dsfiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final String dsfile = dsfiles[i];
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

            // If an initial command was configured then send it.
            // Some FTP servers offer different modes of operation,
            // E.G. switching between a UNIX file system mode and
            // a legacy file system.
            if (task.getInitialSiteCommand() != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, task.getInitialSiteCommand());
                    }, "initial site command: " + task.getInitialSiteCommand());

            // For a unix ftp server you can set the default mask for all files
            // created.

            if (task.getUmask() != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, "umask " + task.getUmask());
                    }, "umask " + task.getUmask());

            // If the action is MK_DIR, then the specified remote
            // directory is the directory to create.

            if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.MK_DIR) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            makeRemoteDir(lftp, task.getRemotedir());
                    }, task.getRemotedir());
            } else if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.SITE_CMD) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, task.getSiteCommand());
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

                if (!pd.exists()) {
                bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(listing));
            RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
            if (action == RM_DIR) {
                // to remove directories, start by the end of the list
                // the trunk does not let itself be removed before the leaves
                for (int i = dsfiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final String dsfile = dsfiles[i];
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

            // If an initial command was configured then send it.
            // Some FTP servers offer different modes of operation,
            // E.G. switching between a UNIX file system mode and
            // a legacy file system.
            if (this.initialSiteCommand != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.initialSiteCommand);
                    }, "initial site command: " + this.initialSiteCommand);

            // For a unix ftp server you can set the default mask for all files
            // created.

            if (umask != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, "umask " + umask);
                    }, "umask " + umask);

            // If the action is MK_DIR, then the specified remote
            // directory is the directory to create.

            if (action == MK_DIR) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            makeRemoteDir(lftp, remotedir);
                    }, remotedir);
            } else if (action == SITE_CMD) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.siteCommand);
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

                if (!pd.exists()) {
                bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(task.getListing()));
            RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
            if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.RM_DIR) {
                // to remove directories, start by the end of the list
                // the trunk does not let itself be removed before the leaves
                for (int i = dsfiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final String dsfile = dsfiles[i];
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

            // If an initial command was configured then send it.
            // Some FTP servers offer different modes of operation,
            // E.G. switching between a UNIX file system mode and
            // a legacy file system.
            if (task.getInitialSiteCommand() != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, task.getInitialSiteCommand());
                    }, "initial site command: " + task.getInitialSiteCommand());

            // For a unix ftp server you can set the default mask for all files
            // created.

            if (task.getUmask() != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, "umask " + task.getUmask());
                    }, "umask " + task.getUmask());

            // If the action is MK_DIR, then the specified remote
            // directory is the directory to create.

            if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.MK_DIR) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            makeRemoteDir(lftp, task.getRemotedir());
                    }, task.getRemotedir());
            } else if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.SITE_CMD) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, task.getSiteCommand());
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

                if (!pd.exists()) {
                bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(listing));
            RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
            if (action == RM_DIR) {
                // to remove directories, start by the end of the list
                // the trunk does not let itself be removed before the leaves
                for (int i = dsfiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final String dsfile = dsfiles[i];
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

            // If an initial command was configured then send it.
            // Some FTP servers offer different modes of operation,
            // E.G. switching between a UNIX file system mode and
            // a legacy file system.
            if (this.initialSiteCommand != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.initialSiteCommand);
                    }, "initial site command: " + this.initialSiteCommand);

            // For a unix ftp server you can set the default mask for all files
            // created.

            if (umask != null) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, "umask " + umask);
                    }, "umask " + umask);

            // If the action is MK_DIR, then the specified remote
            // directory is the directory to create.

            if (action == MK_DIR) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            makeRemoteDir(lftp, remotedir);
                    }, remotedir);
            } else if (action == SITE_CMD) {
                RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(this.retriesAllowed, this);
                final FTPClient lftp = ftp;
                executeRetryable(h, new Retryable() {
                        public void execute() throws IOException {
                            doSiteCommand(lftp, FTP.this.siteCommand);
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Examples of org.apache.tools.ant.util.RetryHandler

                if (!pd.exists()) {
                bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(task.getListing()));
            RetryHandler h = new RetryHandler(task.getRetriesAllowed(), task);
            if (task.getAction() == FTPTask.RM_DIR) {
                // to remove directories, start by the end of the list
                // the trunk does not let itself be removed before the leaves
                for (int i = dsfiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    final String dsfile = dsfiles[i];
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