Comparison of Results is based on the #declaringClass and #declaredMethod value, duration is not used for comparison.
@author P_W999The following features are supported:
If the message is successfully created, the {@link #getMessageId()} returnsthe message id and {@link #getErrorCodeName()} returns {@literal null}; otherwise, {@link #getMessageId()} returns {@literal null} and {@link #getErrorCodeName()} returns the code of the error.
There are cases when a request is accept and the message successfully created, but GCM has a canonical registration id for that device. In this case, the server should update the registration id to avoid rejected requests in the future.
In a nutshell, the workflow to handle a result is:
- Call {@link #getMessageId()}: - {@literal null} means error, call {@link #getErrorCodeName()}- non- {@literal null} means the message was created:- Call {@link #getCanonicalRegistrationId()}- if it returns {@literal null}, do nothing. - otherwise, update the server datastore with the new id.
@author Yann Cébron
) of an {@link Action} are mapped to a View implementation. Examples of Views might be: ResponseCtx
. This class encodes the decision effect, as well as an optional resource identifier and optional status data. Any number of obligations may also be included.
@since 1.0
@author Seth Proctor
@author Marco Barreno
public Result getDAG(int compressionLevel);
The basic interface for results which are returned from the dispatch service
operator of the FIPA SL0 action.
@author Giovanni Caire - TILAB
This interface represents the result of a <sql:query> action. It provides access to the following information in the query result:
An implementation of the Result interface provides a disconnected view into the result of a query. @author Justyna Horwat
An object that implements this interface contains the information needed to build a transformation result tree.
@author Jeff Suttor$Id: 181 2010-12-12 23:39:00Z georgosn $
@author $LastChangedBy: georgosn $ @version $LastChangedRevision: 181 $This class is NOT THREAD SAFE.
Convenience methods are available that return various {@link Map}structures and values directly.
To get a complete mapping of all cells in the Result, which can include multiple families and multiple versions, use {@link #getMap()}.
To get a mapping of each family to its columns (qualifiers and values), including only the latest version of each, use {@link #getNoVersionMap()}. To get a mapping of qualifiers to latest values for an individual family use {@link #getFamilyMap(byte[])}.
To get the latest value for a specific family and qualifier use {@link #getValue(byte[],byte[])}. A Result is backed by an array of {@link KeyValue} objects, each representingan HBase cell defined by the row, family, qualifier, timestamp, and value.
The underlying {@link KeyValue} objects can be accessed through the method {@link #listCells()}. Each KeyValue can then be accessed through {@link KeyValue#getRow()}, {@link KeyValue#getFamily()}, {@link KeyValue#getQualifier()}, {@link KeyValue#getTimestamp()}, and {@link KeyValue#getValue()}.
If you need to overwrite a Result with another Result instance -- as in the old 'mapred' RecordReader next invocations -- then create an empty Result with the null constructor and in then use {@link #copyFrom(Result)}
The object that implements this interface carries a search's result data.
A result contains a value, which is the value displayed to the user. It also contains a field name, which is the field the value is related to.
A search result may be split into different {@link Result} objects, each onecontained inside other, representing a complex result hierarchy. For example: a result structure may represent as result a folder and files/folders contained in it.
@see ResultProcessor @see ResultFactory @version $Rev: 830448 $ $Date: 2009-10-27 23:38:34 -0700 (Tue, 27 Oct 2009) $Result
@author unknown
@since 1.2.6
INTERNAL: Sub-component of an {@link Operation}, indicates the type of return value from the database, as well as if there is more than one value and if those value(s) will be handled using binary attachements. @author Mike Norman - @since EclipseLink 1.x
Warning: This component is not published. It is part of module implementation. Client module should not use this feature.
@since 2.4 @author Mauricio Pazos - Axios Engineering @author Gabriel Roldan - Axios Engineering @version $Id$ @source $URL$Specific subclass types carry extra context, e.g. whether it was a failure or successful result.
The meaning of the value parameter is specific to each concrete subclass. The validity of {@code null}is also to be defined by each subclass. This implementation does allow null values.
The result is the last message sent from the daemon back to the daemon client.
. This class encodes the decision effect, as well as an optional resource identifier and optional status data. Any number of obligations may also be included.
@since 1.0
@author Seth Proctor
@author Marco Barreno
collects and summarizes information from running multiple tests. All tests are counted -- additional information is collected from tests that fail.
@since 4.0
{"outcome" : "success", "result" : "no metrics available", "compensating-operation" : null} {"outcome" : "failed", "failure-description" : "JBAS010850: No handler for operation foo at address []", "rolled-back" : true}@author Heiko W. Rupp