Examples of RequestPartsSpec

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

      try {
        // We need Partition-s for firing events and for result; DN needs MPartition-s to drop.
        // Great... Maybe we could bypass fetching MPartitions by issuing direct SQL deletes.
        tbl = get_table(dbName, tblName);
        int minCount = 0;
        RequestPartsSpec spec = request.getParts();
        List<String> partNames = null;
        if (spec.isSetExprs()) {
          // Dropping by expressions.
          parts = new ArrayList<Partition>(spec.getExprs().size());
          for (DropPartitionsExpr expr : spec.getExprs()) {
            ++minCount; // At least one partition per expression, if not ifExists
            List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
            boolean hasUnknown = ms.getPartitionsByExpr(
                dbName, tblName, expr.getExpr(), null, (short)-1, result);
            if (hasUnknown) {
              // Expr is built by DDLSA, it should only contain part cols and simple ops
              throw new MetaException("Unexpected unknown partitions to drop");
            // this is to prevent dropping archived partition which is archived in a
            // different level the drop command specified.
            if (!ignoreProtection && expr.isSetPartArchiveLevel()) {
              for (Partition part : parts) {
                if (MetaStoreUtils.isArchived(part)
                    && MetaStoreUtils.getArchivingLevel(part) < expr.getPartArchiveLevel()) {
                  throw new MetaException("Cannot drop a subset of partitions "
                      + " in an archive, partition " + part);
        } else if (spec.isSetNames()) {
          partNames = spec.getNames();
          minCount = partNames.size();
          parts = ms.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
        } else {
          throw new MetaException("Partition spec is not set");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

      try {
        // We need Partition-s for firing events and for result; DN needs MPartition-s to drop.
        // Great... Maybe we could bypass fetching MPartitions by issuing direct SQL deletes.
        tbl = get_table(dbName, tblName);
        int minCount = 0;
        RequestPartsSpec spec = request.getParts();
        List<String> partNames = null;
        if (spec.isSetExprs()) {
          // Dropping by expressions.
          parts = new ArrayList<Partition>(spec.getExprs().size());
          for (DropPartitionsExpr expr : spec.getExprs()) {
            ++minCount; // At least one partition per expression, if not ifExists
            List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
            boolean hasUnknown = ms.getPartitionsByExpr(
                dbName, tblName, expr.getExpr(), null, (short)-1, result);
            if (hasUnknown) {
              // Expr is built by DDLSA, it should only contain part cols and simple ops
              throw new MetaException("Unexpected unknown partitions to drop");
            // this is to prevent dropping archived partition which is archived in a
            // different level the drop command specified.
            if (!ignoreProtection && expr.isSetPartArchiveLevel()) {
              for (Partition part : parts) {
                if (MetaStoreUtils.isArchived(part)
                    && MetaStoreUtils.getArchivingLevel(part) < expr.getPartArchiveLevel()) {
                  throw new MetaException("Cannot drop a subset of partitions "
                      + " in an archive, partition " + part);
        } else if (spec.isSetNames()) {
          partNames = spec.getNames();
          minCount = partNames.size();
          parts = ms.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
        } else {
          throw new MetaException("Partition spec is not set");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

  public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
      List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreProtection,
      boolean ifExists) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
    RequestPartsSpec rps = new RequestPartsSpec();
    List<DropPartitionsExpr> exprs = new ArrayList<DropPartitionsExpr>(partExprs.size());
    for (ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]> partExpr : partExprs) {
      DropPartitionsExpr dpe = new DropPartitionsExpr();
    DropPartitionsRequest req = new DropPartitionsRequest(dbName, tblName, rps);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

      try {
        // We need Partition-s for firing events and for result; DN needs MPartition-s to drop.
        // Great... Maybe we could bypass fetching MPartitions by issuing direct SQL deletes.
        tbl = get_table_core(dbName, tblName);
        int minCount = 0;
        RequestPartsSpec spec = request.getParts();
        List<String> partNames = null;
        if (spec.isSetExprs()) {
          // Dropping by expressions.
          parts = new ArrayList<Partition>(spec.getExprs().size());
          for (DropPartitionsExpr expr : spec.getExprs()) {
            ++minCount; // At least one partition per expression, if not ifExists
            List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
            boolean hasUnknown = ms.getPartitionsByExpr(
                dbName, tblName, expr.getExpr(), null, (short)-1, result);
            if (hasUnknown) {
              // Expr is built by DDLSA, it should only contain part cols and simple ops
              throw new MetaException("Unexpected unknown partitions to drop");
            // this is to prevent dropping archived partition which is archived in a
            // different level the drop command specified.
            if (!ignoreProtection && expr.isSetPartArchiveLevel()) {
              for (Partition part : parts) {
                if (MetaStoreUtils.isArchived(part)
                    && MetaStoreUtils.getArchivingLevel(part) < expr.getPartArchiveLevel()) {
                  throw new MetaException("Cannot drop a subset of partitions "
                      + " in an archive, partition " + part);
        } else if (spec.isSetNames()) {
          partNames = spec.getNames();
          minCount = partNames.size();
          parts = ms.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
        } else {
          throw new MetaException("Partition spec is not set");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

  public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
      List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreProtection,
      boolean ifExists) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
    RequestPartsSpec rps = new RequestPartsSpec();
    List<DropPartitionsExpr> exprs = new ArrayList<DropPartitionsExpr>(partExprs.size());
    for (ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]> partExpr : partExprs) {
      DropPartitionsExpr dpe = new DropPartitionsExpr();
    DropPartitionsRequest req = new DropPartitionsRequest(dbName, tblName, rps);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

  public List<Partition> dropPartitions(String dbName, String tblName,
      List<ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]>> partExprs, boolean deleteData, boolean ignoreProtection,
      boolean ifExists) throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
    RequestPartsSpec rps = new RequestPartsSpec();
    List<DropPartitionsExpr> exprs = new ArrayList<DropPartitionsExpr>(partExprs.size());
    for (ObjectPair<Integer, byte[]> partExpr : partExprs) {
      DropPartitionsExpr dpe = new DropPartitionsExpr();
    DropPartitionsRequest req = new DropPartitionsRequest(dbName, tblName, rps);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

      try {
        // We need Partition-s for firing events and for result; DN needs MPartition-s to drop.
        // Great... Maybe we could bypass fetching MPartitions by issuing direct SQL deletes.
        tbl = get_table(dbName, tblName);
        int minCount = 0;
        RequestPartsSpec spec = request.getParts();
        List<String> partNames = null;
        if (spec.isSetExprs()) {
          // Dropping by expressions.
          parts = new ArrayList<Partition>(spec.getExprs().size());
          for (DropPartitionsExpr expr : spec.getExprs()) {
            ++minCount; // At least one partition per expression, if not ifExists
            List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
            boolean hasUnknown = ms.getPartitionsByExpr(
                dbName, tblName, expr.getExpr(), null, (short)-1, result);
            if (hasUnknown) {
              // Expr is built by DDLSA, it should only contain part cols and simple ops
              throw new MetaException("Unexpected unknown partitions to drop");
            // this is to prevent dropping archived partition which is archived in a
            // different level the drop command specified.
            if (!ignoreProtection && expr.isSetPartArchiveLevel()) {
              for (Partition part : parts) {
                if (MetaStoreUtils.isArchived(part)
                    && MetaStoreUtils.getArchivingLevel(part) < expr.getPartArchiveLevel()) {
                  throw new MetaException("Cannot drop a subset of partitions "
                      + " in an archive, partition " + part);
        } else if (spec.isSetNames()) {
          partNames = spec.getNames();
          minCount = partNames.size();
          parts = ms.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
        } else {
          throw new MetaException("Partition spec is not set");
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.RequestPartsSpec

      try {
        // We need Partition-s for firing events and for result; DN needs MPartition-s to drop.
        // Great... Maybe we could bypass fetching MPartitions by issuing direct SQL deletes.
        tbl = get_table(dbName, tblName);
        int minCount = 0;
        RequestPartsSpec spec = request.getParts();
        List<String> partNames = null;
        if (spec.isSetExprs()) {
          // Dropping by expressions.
          parts = new ArrayList<Partition>(spec.getExprs().size());
          for (DropPartitionsExpr expr : spec.getExprs()) {
            ++minCount; // At least one partition per expression, if not ifExists
            List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
            boolean hasUnknown = ms.getPartitionsByExpr(
                dbName, tblName, expr.getExpr(), null, (short)-1, result);
            if (hasUnknown) {
              // Expr is built by DDLSA, it should only contain part cols and simple ops
              throw new MetaException("Unexpected unknown partitions to drop");
            // this is to prevent dropping archived partition which is archived in a
            // different level the drop command specified.
            if (!ignoreProtection && expr.isSetPartArchiveLevel()) {
              for (Partition part : parts) {
                if (MetaStoreUtils.isArchived(part)
                    && MetaStoreUtils.getArchivingLevel(part) < expr.getPartArchiveLevel()) {
                  throw new MetaException("Cannot drop a subset of partitions "
                      + " in an archive, partition " + part);
        } else if (spec.isSetNames()) {
          partNames = spec.getNames();
          minCount = partNames.size();
          parts = ms.getPartitionsByNames(dbName, tblName, partNames);
        } else {
          throw new MetaException("Partition spec is not set");
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