Examples of RequestOptions

Examples of org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions

      Response retval;
      Buffer buf;
      buf = marshallCall(marshaller, command);
      retval = card.sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, destination, oob, mode, rsvp),
                                new RequestOptions(mode, timeout));

      // we only bother parsing responses if we are not in ASYNC mode.
      if (trace) log.tracef("Response: %s", retval);
      if (mode == ResponseMode.GET_NONE)
         return null;
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Examples of org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions

      RspList<Object> retval = null;
      Buffer buf;
      if (broadcast || FORCE_MCAST) {
         buf = marshallCall(marshaller, command);
         retval = card.castMessage(dests, constructMessage(buf, null, oob, mode, rsvp),
                                   new RequestOptions(mode, timeout, false, filter));
      } else {
         RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions(mode, timeout);

         if (dests.isEmpty()) return new RspList<Object>();
         buf = marshallCall(marshaller, command);

         // if at all possible, try not to use JGroups' ANYCAST for now.  Multiple (parallel) UNICASTs are much faster.
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Examples of org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions

         if (filter != null) mode = GroupRequest.GET_FIRST;

         RspList retval = null;
         Buffer buf;
         if (broadcast || FORCE_MCAST) {
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
            buf = marshallCall();
            retval = castMessage(dests, constructMessage(buf, null), opts);
         } else {
            Set<Address> targets = new HashSet<Address>(dests); // should sufficiently randomize order.
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();

            targets.remove(channel.getAddress()); // just in case
            if (targets.isEmpty()) return new RspList();
            buf = marshallCall();

            // if at all possible, try not to use JGroups' ANYCAST for now.  Multiple (parallel) UNICASTs are much faster.
            if (filter != null) {
               // This is possibly a remote GET.
               // TODO this is sub-optimal and sequential (for now), until JGroups provides notifying futures - JGRP-1030
               for (Address a : targets) {
                  Object response = sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, a), opts);
                  filter.isAcceptable(response, a);
                  if (!filter.needMoreResponses()) {
                     retval = new RspList(Collections.singleton(new Rsp(a, response)));

            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_ALL) {
               // A SYNC call that needs to go everywhere
               Map<Address, Future<Object>> futures = new HashMap<Address, Future<Object>>(targets.size());

               for (Address dest : targets) futures.put(dest, sendMessageWithFuture(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts));

               retval = new RspList();

               // a get() on each future will block till that call completes.
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Future<Object>> entry : futures.entrySet()) {
                  try {
                     retval.addRsp(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(timeout, MILLISECONDS));
                  } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException te) {
                     throw new TimeoutException(formatString("Timed out after {0} waiting for a response from {1}",
                                                             prettyPrintTime(timeout), entry.getKey()));

            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {
               // An ASYNC call.  We don't care about responses.
               for (Address dest : targets) sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts);

         // we only bother parsing responses if we are not in ASYNC mode.
         if (mode != GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {

            if (trace) log.trace("responses: {0}", retval);

            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP-193
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                     + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Rsp> entry : retval.entrySet()) {
                  Object value = entry.getValue().getValue();
                  if (value instanceof RequestIgnoredResponse) {
                  } else if (value instanceof ExtendedResponse) {
                     ExtendedResponse extended = (ExtendedResponse) value;
                     replay |= extended.isReplayIgnoredRequests();

               if (replay && !ignorers.isEmpty()) {
                  Message msg = constructMessage(buf, null);
                  //Since we are making a sync call make sure we don't bundle
                  //See ISPN-192 for more details

                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Replaying message to ignoring senders: " + ignorers);
                  RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
                  RspList responses = castMessage(ignorers, msg, opts);
                  if (responses != null)
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Examples of org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions

         if (filter != null) mode = GroupRequest.GET_FIRST;

         RspList retval = null;
         Buffer buf;
         if (broadcast || FORCE_MCAST) {
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
            buf = marshallCall();
            retval = castMessage(dests, constructMessage(buf, null), opts);
         } else {
            Set<Address> targets = new HashSet<Address>(dests); // should sufficiently randomize order.
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();

            targets.remove(channel.getAddress()); // just in case
            if (targets.isEmpty()) return new RspList();
            buf = marshallCall();

            // if at all possible, try not to use JGroups' ANYCAST for now.  Multiple (parallel) UNICASTs are much faster.
            if (filter != null) {
               // This is possibly a remote GET.
               // TODO this is sub-optimal and sequential (for now), until JGroups provides notifying futures - JGRP-1030
               for (Address a : targets) {
                  Object response = sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, a), opts);
                  filter.isAcceptable(response, a);
                  if (!filter.needMoreResponses()) {
                     retval = new RspList(Collections.singleton(new Rsp(a, response)));

            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_ALL) {
               // A SYNC call that needs to go everywhere
               Map<Address, Future<Object>> futures = new HashMap<Address, Future<Object>>(targets.size());

               for (Address dest : targets) futures.put(dest, sendMessageWithFuture(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts));

               retval = new RspList();

               // a get() on each future will block till that call completes.
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Future<Object>> entry : futures.entrySet()) {
                  try {
                     retval.addRsp(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(timeout, MILLISECONDS));
                  } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException te) {
                     throw new TimeoutException(formatString("Timed out after {0} waiting for a response from {1}",
                                                             prettyPrintTime(timeout), entry.getKey()));

            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {
               // An ASYNC call.  We don't care about responses.
               for (Address dest : targets) sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts);

         // we only bother parsing responses if we are not in ASYNC mode.
         if (mode != GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {

            if (trace) log.trace("responses: {0}", retval);

            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP-193
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                     + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Rsp> entry : retval.entrySet()) {
                  Object value = entry.getValue().getValue();
                  if (value instanceof RequestIgnoredResponse) {
                  } else if (value instanceof ExtendedResponse) {
                     ExtendedResponse extended = (ExtendedResponse) value;
                     replay |= extended.isReplayIgnoredRequests();

               if (replay && !ignorers.isEmpty()) {
                  Message msg = constructMessage(buf, null);
                  //Since we are making a sync call make sure we don't bundle
                  //See ISPN-192 for more details

                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Replaying message to ignoring senders: " + ignorers);
                  RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
                  RspList responses = castMessage(ignorers, msg, opts);
                  if (responses != null)
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Examples of org.jgroups.blocks.RequestOptions

         if (filter != null) mode = GroupRequest.GET_FIRST;

         RspList retval = null;
         Buffer buf;
         if (broadcast || FORCE_MCAST) {
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
            buf = marshallCall();
            retval = castMessage(dests, constructMessage(buf, null), opts);
         } else {
            Set<Address> targets = new HashSet<Address>(dests); // should sufficiently randomize order.
            RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();

            targets.remove(channel.getAddress()); // just in case
            if (targets.isEmpty()) return new RspList();
            buf = marshallCall();

            // if at all possible, try not to use JGroups' ANYCAST for now.  Multiple (parallel) UNICASTs are much faster.
            if (filter != null) {
               // This is possibly a remote GET.
               // These UNICASTs happen in parallel using sendMessageWithFuture.  Each future has a listener attached
               // (see FutureCollator) and the first successful response is used.
               FutureCollator futureCollator = new FutureCollator(filter, targets.size(), timeout);
               for (Address a : targets) {
                  NotifyingFuture<Object> f = sendMessageWithFuture(constructMessage(buf, a), opts);
                  futureCollator.watchFuture(f, a);
               retval = futureCollator.getResponseList();
            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_ALL) {
               // A SYNC call that needs to go everywhere
               Map<Address, Future<Object>> futures = new HashMap<Address, Future<Object>>(targets.size());

               for (Address dest : targets) futures.put(dest, sendMessageWithFuture(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts));

               retval = new RspList();

               // a get() on each future will block till that call completes.
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Future<Object>> entry : futures.entrySet()) {
                  try {
                     retval.addRsp(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get(timeout, MILLISECONDS));
                  } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException te) {
                     throw new TimeoutException(formatString("Timed out after %s waiting for a response from %s",
                                                             prettyPrintTime(timeout), entry.getKey()));

            } else if (mode == GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {
               // An ASYNC call.  We don't care about responses.
               for (Address dest : targets) sendMessage(constructMessage(buf, dest), opts);

         // we only bother parsing responses if we are not in ASYNC mode.
         if (mode != GroupRequest.GET_NONE) {

            if (trace) log.trace("Responses: %s", retval);

            // a null response is 99% likely to be due to a marshalling problem - we throw a NSE, this needs to be changed when
            // JGroups supports http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP-193
            // the serialization problem could be on the remote end and this is why we cannot catch this above, when marshalling.
            if (retval == null)
               throw new NotSerializableException("RpcDispatcher returned a null.  This is most often caused by args for "
                                                        + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " not being serializable.");

            if (supportReplay) {
               boolean replay = false;
               Vector<Address> ignorers = new Vector<Address>();
               for (Map.Entry<Address, Rsp> entry : retval.entrySet()) {
                  Object value = entry.getValue().getValue();
                  if (value instanceof RequestIgnoredResponse) {
                  } else if (value instanceof ExtendedResponse) {
                     ExtendedResponse extended = (ExtendedResponse) value;
                     replay |= extended.isReplayIgnoredRequests();

               if (replay && !ignorers.isEmpty()) {
                  Message msg = constructMessage(buf, null);
                  //Since we are making a sync call make sure we don't bundle
                  //See ISPN-192 for more details

                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Replaying message to ignoring senders: " + ignorers);
                  RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions();
                  RspList responses = castMessage(ignorers, msg, opts);
                  if (responses != null)
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