Examples of RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

                if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                    // skygo trying to improve speed by honoring managed configuration MRM-1658
                    if ( managedRepository.isReleases() && !managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsnaponreleaseonly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for release only" );
                    if ( !managedRepository.isReleases() && managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsreleaseonsneponly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for snapshot only" );
            File basedir = new File( managedRepository.getLocation() );
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                File metadataFile = pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(),
                                                           readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(), artifactVersion,
                                                           METADATA_FILENAME );
                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = MavenMetadataReader.read( metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - LOGGER it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
                    LOGGER.warn( "Invalid metadata: {} - {}", metadataFile, e.getMessage() );

            // TODO: won't work well with some other layouts, might need to convert artifact parts to ID by path translator
            String id = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() + "-" + artifactVersion + ".pom";
            File file =
                pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(), readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(),
                                       readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion(), id );

            if ( !file.exists() )
                // metadata could not be resolved
                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataNotFoundException(
                    "The artifact's POM file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' was missing" );

            // TODO: this is a workaround until we can properly resolve using proxies as well - this doesn't cache
            //       anything locally!
            List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<String, NetworkProxy> networkProxies = new HashMap<>();

            Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorsMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
            List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorsMap.get( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
            if ( proxyConnectors != null )
                for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
                    RemoteRepository remoteRepoConfig =
                        remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepository( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() );

                    if ( remoteRepoConfig != null )
                        remoteRepositories.add( remoteRepoConfig );

                        NetworkProxy networkProxyConfig =
                            networkProxyAdmin.getNetworkProxy( proxyConnector.getProxyId() );

                        if ( networkProxyConfig != null )
                            // key/value: remote repo ID/proxy info
                            networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), networkProxyConfig );

            // That's a browsing request so we can a mix of SNAPSHOT and release artifacts (especially with snapshots which
            // can have released parent pom
            if ( readMetadataRequest.isBrowsingRequest() )
                remoteRepositories.addAll( remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepositories() );

            ModelBuildingRequest req =
                new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setProcessPlugins( false ).setPomFile( file ).setTwoPhaseBuilding(
                    false ).setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

            //MRM-1607. olamy this will resolve jdk profiles on the current running archiva jvm
            req.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() );

            // MRM-1411
                new RepositoryModelResolver( managedRepository, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                             networkProxies, managedRepository ) );

            Model model;
                model = builder.build( req ).getEffectiveModel();
            catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
                String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

                List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
                for ( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                    // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                    // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                    // olamy really hackhish but fail with java profile so use error message
                    // || ( StringUtils.startsWith( problem.getMessage(), "Failed to determine Java version for profile" ) )
                    // but setTwoPhaseBuilding(true) fix that
                    if ( ( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                        !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) ) )
                        LOGGER.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '{}' cannot be resolved. "
                                         + "Using defaults for project version metadata..", file );

                        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                        metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );

                        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                        facet.setGroupId( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );
                        facet.setArtifactId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                        metadata.addFacet( facet );

                        String errMsg =
                            "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + ( problem.getException() == null
                                ? problem.getMessage()
                                : problem.getException().getMessage() );
                        RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                        repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProject( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setVersion( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );

                        metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );

                        return metadata;

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

            // Check if the POM is in the correct location
            boolean correctGroupId = readMetadataRequest.getNamespace().equals( model.getGroupId() );
            boolean correctArtifactId = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId().equals( model.getArtifactId() );
            boolean correctVersion = readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion().equals( model.getVersion() );
            if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
                if ( !correctGroupId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
                if ( !correctArtifactId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
                if ( !correctVersion )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

            ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
            metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
            metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
            metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
            metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
            metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
            metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
            metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
            metadata.setName( model.getName() );
            metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
            metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
            metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

            MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
            facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
            facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
            if ( model.getParent() != null )
                MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
                parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
                parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
                parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
                facet.setParent( parent );
            metadata.addFacet( facet );

            return metadata;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            return new File( repositoryConfiguration.getLocation() );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

                if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot(
                    artifactVersion ) ) // skygo trying to improve speed by honoring managed configuration MRM-1658
                    if ( managedRepository.isReleases() && !managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsnaponreleaseonly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for release only" );
                    if ( !managedRepository.isReleases() && managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsreleaseonsneponly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for snapshot only" );
            File basedir = new File( managedRepository.getLocation() );
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                File metadataFile = pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(),
                                                           readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(), artifactVersion,
                                                           METADATA_FILENAME );
                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = MavenMetadataReader.read( metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - log it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
                    log.warn( "Invalid metadata: {} - {}", metadataFile, e.getMessage() );

            // TODO: won't work well with some other layouts, might need to convert artifact parts to ID by path translator
            String id = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() + "-" + artifactVersion + ".pom";
            File file =
                pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(), readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(),
                                       readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion(), id );

            if ( !file.exists() )
                // metadata could not be resolved
                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataNotFoundException(
                    "The artifact's POM file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' was missing" );

            // TODO: this is a workaround until we can properly resolve using proxies as well - this doesn't cache
            //       anything locally!
            List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<RemoteRepository>();
            Map<String, NetworkProxy> networkProxies = new HashMap<String, NetworkProxy>();

            Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorsMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
            List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorsMap.get( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
            if ( proxyConnectors != null )
                for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
                    RemoteRepository remoteRepoConfig =
                        remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepository( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() );

                    if ( remoteRepoConfig != null )
                        remoteRepositories.add( remoteRepoConfig );

                        NetworkProxy networkProxyConfig =
                            networkProxyAdmin.getNetworkProxy( proxyConnector.getProxyId() );

                        if ( networkProxyConfig != null )
                            // key/value: remote repo ID/proxy info
                            networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), networkProxyConfig );

            // That's a browsing request so we can a mix of SNAPSHOT and release artifacts (especially with snapshots which
            // can have released parent pom
            if ( readMetadataRequest.isBrowsingRequest() )
                remoteRepositories.addAll( remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepositories() );

            ModelBuildingRequest req =
                new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setProcessPlugins( false ).setPomFile( file ).setTwoPhaseBuilding(
                    false ).setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

            //MRM-1607. olamy this will resolve jdk profiles on the current running archiva jvm
            req.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() );

            // MRM-1411
                new RepositoryModelResolver( managedRepository, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                             networkProxies, managedRepository ) );

            Model model;
                model = builder.build( req ).getEffectiveModel();
            catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
                String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

                List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
                for ( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                    // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                    // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                    // olamy really hackhish but fail with java profile so use error message
                    // || ( StringUtils.startsWith( problem.getMessage(), "Failed to determine Java version for profile" ) )
                    // but setTwoPhaseBuilding(true) fix that
                    if ( ( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                        !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) ) )
                        log.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '{}' cannot be resolved. "
                                      + "Using defaults for project version metadata..", file );

                        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                        metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );

                        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                        facet.setGroupId( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );
                        facet.setArtifactId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                        metadata.addFacet( facet );

                        String errMsg =
                            "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + ( problem.getException() == null
                                ? problem.getMessage()
                                : problem.getException().getMessage() );
                        RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                        repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProject( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setVersion( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );

                        metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );

                        return metadata;

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

            // Check if the POM is in the correct location
            boolean correctGroupId = readMetadataRequest.getNamespace().equals( model.getGroupId() );
            boolean correctArtifactId = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId().equals( model.getArtifactId() );
            boolean correctVersion = readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion().equals( model.getVersion() );
            if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
                if ( !correctGroupId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
                if ( !correctArtifactId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
                if ( !correctVersion )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

            ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
            metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
            metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
            metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
            metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
            metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
            metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
            metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
            metadata.setName( model.getName() );
            metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
            metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
            metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

            MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
            facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
            facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
            if ( model.getParent() != null )
                MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
                parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
                parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
                parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
                facet.setParent( parent );
            metadata.addFacet( facet );

            return metadata;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            return new File( repositoryConfiguration.getLocation() );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

                if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                    // skygo trying to improve speed by honoring managed configuration MRM-1658
                    if ( managedRepository.isReleases() && !managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsnaponreleaseonly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for release only" );
                    if ( !managedRepository.isReleases() && managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsreleaseonsneponly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for snapshot only" );
            File basedir = new File( managedRepository.getLocation() );
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                File metadataFile = pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(),
                                                           readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(), artifactVersion,
                                                           METADATA_FILENAME );
                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = MavenMetadataReader.read( metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - LOGGER it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
                    LOGGER.warn( "Invalid metadata: {} - {}", metadataFile, e.getMessage() );

            // TODO: won't work well with some other layouts, might need to convert artifact parts to ID by path translator
            String id = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() + "-" + artifactVersion + ".pom";
            File file =
                pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(), readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(),
                                       readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion(), id );

            if ( !file.exists() )
                // metadata could not be resolved
                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataNotFoundException(
                    "The artifact's POM file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' was missing" );

            // TODO: this is a workaround until we can properly resolve using proxies as well - this doesn't cache
            //       anything locally!
            List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<>();
            Map<String, NetworkProxy> networkProxies = new HashMap<>();

            Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorsMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
            List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorsMap.get( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
            if ( proxyConnectors != null )
                for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
                    RemoteRepository remoteRepoConfig =
                        remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepository( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() );

                    if ( remoteRepoConfig != null )
                        remoteRepositories.add( remoteRepoConfig );

                        NetworkProxy networkProxyConfig =
                            networkProxyAdmin.getNetworkProxy( proxyConnector.getProxyId() );

                        if ( networkProxyConfig != null )
                            // key/value: remote repo ID/proxy info
                            networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), networkProxyConfig );

            // That's a browsing request so we can a mix of SNAPSHOT and release artifacts (especially with snapshots which
            // can have released parent pom
            if ( readMetadataRequest.isBrowsingRequest() )
                remoteRepositories.addAll( remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepositories() );

            ModelBuildingRequest req =
                new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setProcessPlugins( false ).setPomFile( file ).setTwoPhaseBuilding(
                    false ).setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

            //MRM-1607. olamy this will resolve jdk profiles on the current running archiva jvm
            req.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() );

            // MRM-1411
                new RepositoryModelResolver( managedRepository, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                             networkProxies, managedRepository ) );

            Model model;
                model = builder.build( req ).getEffectiveModel();
            catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
                String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

                List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
                for ( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                    // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                    // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                    // olamy really hackhish but fail with java profile so use error message
                    // || ( StringUtils.startsWith( problem.getMessage(), "Failed to determine Java version for profile" ) )
                    // but setTwoPhaseBuilding(true) fix that
                    if ( ( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                        !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) ) )
                        LOGGER.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '{}' cannot be resolved. "
                                         + "Using defaults for project version metadata..", file );

                        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                        metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );

                        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                        facet.setGroupId( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );
                        facet.setArtifactId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                        metadata.addFacet( facet );

                        String errMsg =
                            "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + ( problem.getException() == null
                                ? problem.getMessage()
                                : problem.getException().getMessage() );
                        RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                        repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProject( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setVersion( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );

                        metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );

                        return metadata;

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

            // Check if the POM is in the correct location
            boolean correctGroupId = readMetadataRequest.getNamespace().equals( model.getGroupId() );
            boolean correctArtifactId = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId().equals( model.getArtifactId() );
            boolean correctVersion = readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion().equals( model.getVersion() );
            if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
                if ( !correctGroupId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
                if ( !correctArtifactId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
                if ( !correctVersion )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

            ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
            metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
            metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
            metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
            metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
            metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
            metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
            metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
            metadata.setName( model.getName() );
            metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
            metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
            metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

            MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
            facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
            facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
            if ( model.getParent() != null )
                MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
                parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
                parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
                parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
                facet.setParent( parent );
            metadata.addFacet( facet );

            return metadata;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            return new File( repositoryConfiguration.getLocation() );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

                if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot(
                    artifactVersion ) ) // skygo trying to improve speed by honoring managed configuration MRM-1658
                    if ( managedRepository.isReleases() && !managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsnaponreleaseonly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for release only" );
                    if ( !managedRepository.isReleases() && managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                        throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "lookforsreleaseonsneponly",
                                                                     "managed repo is configured for snapshot only" );
            File basedir = new File( managedRepository.getLocation() );
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( artifactVersion ) )
                File metadataFile = pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(),
                                                           readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(), artifactVersion,
                                                           METADATA_FILENAME );
                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = MavenMetadataReader.read( metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - log it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
                    log.warn( "Invalid metadata: {} - {}", metadataFile, e.getMessage() );

            // TODO: won't work well with some other layouts, might need to convert artifact parts to ID by path translator
            String id = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() + "-" + artifactVersion + ".pom";
            File file =
                pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, readMetadataRequest.getNamespace(), readMetadataRequest.getProjectId(),
                                       readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion(), id );

            if ( !file.exists() )
                // metadata could not be resolved
                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataNotFoundException(
                    "The artifact's POM file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' was missing" );

            // TODO: this is a workaround until we can properly resolve using proxies as well - this doesn't cache
            //       anything locally!
            List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<RemoteRepository>();
            Map<String, NetworkProxy> networkProxies = new HashMap<String, NetworkProxy>();

            Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorsMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
            List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorsMap.get( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
            if ( proxyConnectors != null )
                for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
                    RemoteRepository remoteRepoConfig =
                        remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepository( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() );

                    if ( remoteRepoConfig != null )
                        remoteRepositories.add( remoteRepoConfig );

                        NetworkProxy networkProxyConfig =
                            networkProxyAdmin.getNetworkProxy( proxyConnector.getProxyId() );

                        if ( networkProxyConfig != null )
                            // key/value: remote repo ID/proxy info
                            networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), networkProxyConfig );

            // That's a browsing request so we can a mix of SNAPSHOT and release artifacts (especially with snapshots which
            // can have released parent pom
            if ( readMetadataRequest.isBrowsingRequest() )
                remoteRepositories.addAll( remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepositories() );

            ModelBuildingRequest req =
                new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setProcessPlugins( false ).setPomFile( file ).setTwoPhaseBuilding(
                    false ).setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

            //MRM-1607. olamy this will resolve jdk profiles on the current running archiva jvm
            req.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() );

            // MRM-1411
                new RepositoryModelResolver( managedRepository, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                             networkProxies, managedRepository ) );

            Model model;
                model = builder.build( req ).getEffectiveModel();
            catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
                String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

                List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
                for ( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                    // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                    // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                    // olamy really hackhish but fail with java profile so use error message
                    // || ( StringUtils.startsWith( problem.getMessage(), "Failed to determine Java version for profile" ) )
                    // but setTwoPhaseBuilding(true) fix that
                    if ( ( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                        !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) ) )
                        log.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '{}' cannot be resolved. "
                                      + "Using defaults for project version metadata..", file );

                        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                        metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );

                        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                        facet.setGroupId( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );
                        facet.setArtifactId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                        metadata.addFacet( facet );

                        String errMsg =
                            "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + ( problem.getException() == null
                                ? problem.getMessage()
                                : problem.getException().getMessage() );
                        RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                        repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setId( readMetadataRequest.getRepositoryId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProject( readMetadataRequest.getProjectId() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setVersion( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
                        repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( readMetadataRequest.getNamespace() );

                        metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );

                        return metadata;

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

            // Check if the POM is in the correct location
            boolean correctGroupId = readMetadataRequest.getNamespace().equals( model.getGroupId() );
            boolean correctArtifactId = readMetadataRequest.getProjectId().equals( model.getArtifactId() );
            boolean correctVersion = readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion().equals( model.getVersion() );
            if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
                if ( !correctGroupId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
                if ( !correctArtifactId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
                if ( !correctVersion )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

            ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
            metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
            metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
            metadata.setId( readMetadataRequest.getProjectVersion() );
            metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
            metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
            metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
            metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
            metadata.setName( model.getName() );
            metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
            metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
            metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

            MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
            facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
            facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
            if ( model.getParent() != null )
                MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
                parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
                parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
                parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
                facet.setParent( parent );
            metadata.addFacet( facet );

            return metadata;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            return new File( repositoryConfiguration.getLocation() );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            String artifactVersion = projectVersion;
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( projectVersion ) ) // skygo trying to improve speed by honoring managed configuration MRM-1658
                if ( managedRepository.isReleases() && !managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                    throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException("lookforsnaponreleaseonly", "managed repo is configured for release only");
                if ( !managedRepository.isReleases() && managedRepository.isSnapshots() )
                    throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException("lookforsreleaseonsneponly", "managed repo is configured for snapshot only");
            File basedir = new File( managedRepository.getLocation() );
            if ( VersionUtil.isSnapshot( projectVersion ) )
                File metadataFile =
                    pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, namespace, projectId, projectVersion, METADATA_FILENAME );
                    ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = MavenMetadataReader.read( metadataFile );

                    // re-adjust to timestamp if present, otherwise retain the original -SNAPSHOT filename
                    SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion = metadata.getSnapshotVersion();
                    if ( snapshotVersion != null )
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion.substring( 0, artifactVersion.length() - 8 ); // remove SNAPSHOT from end
                        artifactVersion =
                            artifactVersion + snapshotVersion.getTimestamp() + "-" + snapshotVersion.getBuildNumber();
                catch ( XMLException e )
                    // unable to parse metadata - log it, and continue with the version as the original SNAPSHOT version
                    log.warn( "Invalid metadata: " + metadataFile + " - " + e.getMessage() );

            // TODO: won't work well with some other layouts, might need to convert artifact parts to ID by path translator
            String id = projectId + "-" + artifactVersion + ".pom";
            File file = pathTranslator.toFile( basedir, namespace, projectId, projectVersion, id );

            if ( !file.exists() )
                // metadata could not be resolved
                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataNotFoundException(
                    "The artifact's POM file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' was missing" );

            // TODO: this is a workaround until we can properly resolve using proxies as well - this doesn't cache
            //       anything locally!
            List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories = new ArrayList<RemoteRepository>();
            Map<String, NetworkProxy> networkProxies = new HashMap<String, NetworkProxy>();

            Map<String, List<ProxyConnector>> proxyConnectorsMap = proxyConnectorAdmin.getProxyConnectorAsMap();
            List<ProxyConnector> proxyConnectors = proxyConnectorsMap.get( repoId );
            if ( proxyConnectors != null )
                for ( ProxyConnector proxyConnector : proxyConnectors )
                    RemoteRepository remoteRepoConfig =
                        remoteRepositoryAdmin.getRemoteRepository( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId() );

                    if ( remoteRepoConfig != null )
                        remoteRepositories.add( remoteRepoConfig );

                        NetworkProxy networkProxyConfig =
                            networkProxyAdmin.getNetworkProxy( proxyConnector.getProxyId() );

                        if ( networkProxyConfig != null )
                            // key/value: remote repo ID/proxy info
                            networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), networkProxyConfig );

            ModelBuildingRequest req =
                new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setProcessPlugins( false ).setPomFile( file ).setTwoPhaseBuilding(
                    false ).setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

            //MRM-1607. olamy this will resolve jdk profiles on the current running archiva jvm
            req.setSystemProperties( System.getProperties() );

            // MRM-1411
                new RepositoryModelResolver( managedRepository, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                             networkProxies, managedRepository ) );

            Model model;
                model = builder.build( req ).getEffectiveModel();
            catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
                String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

                List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
                for ( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                    // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                    // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                    // olamy really hackhish but fail with java profile so use error message
                    // || ( StringUtils.startsWith( problem.getMessage(), "Failed to determine Java version for profile" ) )
                    // but setTwoPhaseBuilding(true) fix that
                    if ( ( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                        !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) ) )
                        log.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '" + file + "' cannot be resolved. " +
                                      "Using defaults for project version metadata.." );

                        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                        metadata.setId( projectVersion );

                        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                        facet.setGroupId( namespace );
                        facet.setArtifactId( projectId );
                        facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                        metadata.addFacet( facet );

                        String errMsg =
                            "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + ( problem.getException() == null
                                ? problem.getMessage()
                                : problem.getException().getMessage() );
                        RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                        repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( repoId );
                        repoProblemFacet.setId( repoId );
                        repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                        repoProblemFacet.setProject( projectId );
                        repoProblemFacet.setVersion( projectVersion );
                        repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( namespace );

                        metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );

                        return metadata;

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

            // Check if the POM is in the correct location
            boolean correctGroupId = namespace.equals( model.getGroupId() );
            boolean correctArtifactId = projectId.equals( model.getArtifactId() );
            boolean correctVersion = projectVersion.equals( model.getVersion() );
            if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
                if ( !correctGroupId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
                if ( !correctArtifactId )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
                if ( !correctVersion )
                    message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

                throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

            ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
            metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
            metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
            metadata.setId( projectVersion );
            metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
            metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
            metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
            metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
            metadata.setName( model.getName() );
            metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
            metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
            metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

            MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
            facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
            facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
            if ( model.getParent() != null )
                MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
                parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
                parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
                parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
                facet.setParent( parent );
            metadata.addFacet( facet );

            return metadata;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage() );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.storage.RepositoryStorageRuntimeException

            return new File( repositoryConfiguration.getLocation() );
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            throw new RepositoryStorageRuntimeException( "repo-admin", e.getMessage() );
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