Examples of RepositoryAdminException

Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        if ( !update )

            if ( config.getManagedRepositoriesAsMap().containsKey( repoId ) )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository with id [" + repoId
                                                        + "], that id already exists as a managed repository." );
            else if ( config.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap().containsKey( repoId ) )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository with id [" + repoId
                                                        + "], that id already exists as a repository group." );
            else if ( config.getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap().containsKey( repoId ) )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository with id [" + repoId
                                                        + "], that id already exists as a remote repository." );

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Repository ID cannot be empty." );

        if ( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( repoId, REPOSITORY_ID_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "Invalid repository ID. Identifier must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-)." );

        String name = abstractRepository.getName();

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( name ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "repository name cannot be empty" );

        if ( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( name, REPOSITORY_NAME_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "Invalid repository name. Repository Name must only contain alphanumeric characters, white-spaces(' '), "
                    + "forward-slashes(/), open-parenthesis('('), close-parenthesis(')'),  underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-)." );

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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        Configuration configuration = getArchivaConfiguration().getConfiguration();
        RepositoryGroupConfiguration repositoryGroupConfiguration =
            configuration.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap().get( repositoryGroupId );
        if ( repositoryGroupConfiguration == null )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "repositoryGroup with id " + repositoryGroupId + " doesn't not exists so cannot remove" );
        configuration.removeRepositoryGroup( repositoryGroupConfiguration );
        triggerAuditEvent( repositoryGroupId, null, AuditEvent.DELETE_REPO_GROUP, auditInformation );
        return Boolean.TRUE;
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        throws RepositoryAdminException
        RepositoryGroup repositoryGroup = getRepositoryGroup( repositoryGroupId );
        if ( repositoryGroup == null )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "repositoryGroup with id " + repositoryGroupId + " doesn't not exists so cannot add repository to it" );

        if ( repositoryGroup.getRepositories().contains( repositoryId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "repositoryGroup with id " + repositoryGroupId + " already contain repository with id" + repositoryId );
        validateManagedRepositoriesExists( Arrays.asList( repositoryId ) );

        repositoryGroup.addRepository( repositoryId );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        throws RepositoryAdminException
        RepositoryGroup repositoryGroup = getRepositoryGroup( repositoryGroupId );
        if ( repositoryGroup == null )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "repositoryGroup with id " + repositoryGroupId
                                                    + " doesn't not exists so cannot remove repository from it" );

        if ( !repositoryGroup.getRepositories().contains( repositoryId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "repositoryGroup with id " + repositoryGroupId + " doesn't not contains repository with id"
                    + repositoryId );

        repositoryGroup.removeRepository( repositoryId );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        throws RepositoryAdminException
        String repoGroupId = repositoryGroup.getId();
        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoGroupId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "repositoryGroup id cannot be empty" );

        if ( repoGroupId.length() > 100 )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "Identifier [" + repoGroupId + "] is over the maximum limit of 100 characters" );


        Matcher matcher = REPO_GROUP_ID_PATTERN.matcher( repoGroupId );
        if ( !matcher.matches() )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "Invalid character(s) found in identifier. Only the following characters are allowed: alphanumeric, '.', '-' and '_'" );

        Configuration configuration = getArchivaConfiguration().getConfiguration();

        if ( configuration.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap().containsKey( repoGroupId ) )
            if ( !updateMode )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository group with id [" + repoGroupId
                                                        + "], that id already exists as a repository group." );
        else if ( configuration.getManagedRepositoriesAsMap().containsKey( repoGroupId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository group with id [" + repoGroupId
                                                    + "], that id already exists as a managed repository." );
        else if ( configuration.getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap().containsKey( repoGroupId ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Unable to add new repository group with id [" + repoGroupId
                                                    + "], that id already exists as a remote repository." );

        return Boolean.TRUE;
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        for ( String id : managedRepositoriesIds )
            if ( getManagedRepositoryAdmin().getManagedRepository( id ) == null )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                    "managedRepository with id " + id + " not exists so cannot be used in a repositoryGroup" );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

            indexCreators = mavenIndexerUtils.getAllIndexCreators();
            indexer = plexusSisuBridge.lookup( NexusIndexer.class );
        catch ( PlexusSisuBridgeException e )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( e.getMessage(), e );
        // initialize index context on start
        for ( ManagedRepository managedRepository : getManagedRepositories() )
            createIndexContext( managedRepository );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

            CronExpressionValidator validator = new CronExpressionValidator();

            if ( !validator.validate( cronExpression ) )
                throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Invalid cron expression." );
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Cron expression cannot be empty." );

        String repoLocation = getRepositoryCommonValidator().removeExpressions( location );

        if ( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( repoLocation, REPOSITORY_LOCATION_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException(
                "Invalid repository location. Directory must only contain alphanumeric characters, equals(=), question-marks(?), "
                    + "exclamation-points(!), ampersands(&), forward-slashes(/), back-slashes(\\), underscores(_), dots(.), colons(:), tildes(~), and dashes(-)." );

        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repository = new ManagedRepositoryConfiguration();

        repository.setId( repoId );
        repository.setBlockRedeployments( blockRedeployments );
        repository.setReleases( releasesIncluded );
        repository.setSnapshots( snapshotsIncluded );
        repository.setName( name );
        repository.setLocation( repoLocation );
        repository.setLayout( layout );
        repository.setRefreshCronExpression( cronExpression );
        repository.setIndexDir( indexDir );
        repository.setDaysOlder( daysOlder );
        repository.setRetentionCount( retentionCount );
        repository.setDeleteReleasedSnapshots( deteleReleasedSnapshots );
        repository.setIndexDir( indexDir );

            addRepository( repository, config );
            addRepositoryRoles( repository );

            if ( stageRepoNeeded )
                ManagedRepositoryConfiguration stagingRepository = getStageRepoConfig( repository );
                addRepository( stagingRepository, config );
                addRepositoryRoles( stagingRepository );
                triggerAuditEvent( stagingRepository.getId(), null, AuditEvent.ADD_MANAGED_REPO, auditInformation );
        catch ( RoleManagerException e )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "failed to add repository roles " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "failed to add repository " + e.getMessage(), e );

        saveConfiguration( config );

        //MRM-1342 Repository statistics report doesn't appear to be working correctly
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Examples of org.apache.archiva.admin.model.RepositoryAdminException

        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repository = config.findManagedRepositoryById( repositoryId );

        if ( repository == null )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "A repository with that id does not exist" );

        triggerAuditEvent( repositoryId, null, AuditEvent.DELETE_MANAGED_REPO, auditInformation );

        deleteManagedRepository( repository, deleteContent, config, false );

        // stage repo exists ?
        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration stagingRepository =
            getArchivaConfiguration().getConfiguration().findManagedRepositoryById( repositoryId + STAGE_REPO_ID_END );
        if ( stagingRepository != null )
            // do not trigger event when deleting the staged one
            deleteManagedRepository( stagingRepository, deleteContent, config, true );

            saveConfiguration( config );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RepositoryAdminException( "Error saving configuration for delete action" + e.getMessage() );

        return Boolean.TRUE;
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