Examples of ReportStateKey

Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey


  public static CrosstabSpecification fillOrderedCrosstabSpec(final TableModel model) throws ReportProcessingException
    final CrosstabSpecification spec =
        new OrderedMergeCrosstabSpecification(new ReportStateKey(), new String[]{"Cols"}, new String[]{"Rows"});
    return fillCrosstabSpec(model, spec);
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey


  public static CrosstabSpecification fillSortedCrosstabSpec(final TableModel model) throws ReportProcessingException
    final CrosstabSpecification spec =
        new SortedMergeCrosstabSpecification(new ReportStateKey(), new String[]{"Cols"}, new String[]{"Rows"});
    return fillCrosstabSpec(model, spec);
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

    final GlobalMasterRow gmr = GlobalMasterRow.createReportRow
        (prc, new DefaultDataSchemaDefinition(), new ParameterDataRow());
    MasterDataRow masterDataRow = gmr.deriveWithQueryData(data);
    final CrosstabSpecification crosstabSpecification = new SortedMergeCrosstabSpecification
        (new ReportStateKey(), new String[]{"Product", "Time"}, new String[] {"Region"});

    int advanceCount = 0;
    logger.debug("Building Crosstab: Cursor: " + String.valueOf(masterDataRow.getReportDataRow().getCursor()));
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

      throw new IllegalStateException();

    // we need to execute the state until it returns ..
    final ReportStateKey processKey = state.getProcessKey();
    ProcessState process = new ProcessState();
    process.initializeForSubreport(markers, index, state);
    while (processKey.equals(process.getProcessKey()) == false)
      process = process.advance();
      if (processKey.equals(process.getProcessKey()))
        throw new IllegalStateException("You cannot switch contexts when not being commited!");
      process = process.commit();
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

    final ReportStateKey parentStateKey;
    final ReportState parentState = next.getParentSubReportState();
    if (parentState == null)
      parentStateKey = null;
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

     * @param event The event.
    public void reportInitialized(final ReportEvent event)
      // identifies the report we are working with. Useful for debugging!
      ReportStateKey subReportStateKey = event.getState().getProcessKey();
      ReportStateKey parentReportStateKey = event.getState().getParentSubReportState().getProcessKey();
//      System.out.println ("SubReport: " + subReportStateKey);
//      System.out.println ("Parent: " + parentReportStateKey);

      final ReportHeader reportHeader = event.getState().getReport().getReportHeader();
      final Element element = reportHeader.getElement(0); // this should be the chart
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

    this.currentGroupIndex = ReportState.BEFORE_FIRST_GROUP;
    this.currentPresentationGroupIndex = ReportState.BEFORE_FIRST_GROUP;
    this.functionStorage = new FunctionStorage();
    this.structureFunctionStorage = new FunctionStorage();
    this.sequenceCounter = 0;
    this.processKey = new ReportStateKey
        (null, ReportState.BEFORE_FIRST_ROW, 0, ReportState.BEFORE_FIRST_GROUP, -1, sequenceCounter, false, false);
    this.dataFactoryManager = new DataFactoryManager();
    this.subReportStorage = new SubReportStorage();
    this.processHandle = new InternalProcessHandle(dataFactoryManager, performanceMonitorContext);
    this.crosstabColumnSequenceCounter = new LongSequence(10, -1);
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

      throw new IllegalStateException();

    final ReportStateKey parentStateKey;
    final ReportState parentState = this.getParentSubReportState();
    if (parentState == null)
      parentStateKey = null;
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

  private ReportStateKey createKey()
    final ProcessState parent = (ProcessState) getParentState();
    if (parent != null)
      return new ReportStateKey(parent.createKey(),
          getCurrentRow(), getEventCode(),
          getCurrentGroupIndex(), getCurrentSubReport(),
          sequenceCounter, advanceHandler.isRestoreHandler(),

    return new ReportStateKey(null, getCurrentRow(),
        getEventCode(), getCurrentGroupIndex(), getCurrentSubReport(),
        sequenceCounter, advanceHandler.isRestoreHandler(), false);
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Examples of org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.states.ReportStateKey

      // First and last derive of a page must be a storage derivate - this clones everything and does
      // not rely on the more complicated transactional layouting ..
      ProcessState fallBackState = pagebreaksSupported ? state.deriveForPagebreak() : null;
      ProcessState globalState = pagebreaksSupported ? state.deriveForStorage() : null;

      ReportStateKey rollbackPageState = null;
      boolean isInRollBackMode = false;

      int eventCount = 0;
      int lastRow = -1;
      while (!state.isFinish())
        int logPageCount = outputProcessor.getLogicalPageCount();
        int physPageCount = outputProcessor.getPhysicalPageCount();

        if (lastRow != state.getCurrentRow())
          lastRow = state.getCurrentRow();
          if (eventCount == 0)
            if (isPagebreaksSupported() && fallBackState != null)
              repaginationState.reuse(ReportProgressEvent.PAGINATING, fallBackState, calculatePageCount(fallBackState));
              repaginationState.reuse(ReportProgressEvent.PAGINATING, state, calculatePageCount(state));
            eventCount += 1;
            if (eventCount == eventTrigger)
              eventCount = 0;
              eventCount += 1;

        // Do not try to layout on a artificial state. Those states are not valid on
        // generating page events and cannot be trusted.
        ProcessState realFallbackState = fallBackState;
        final ProcessState restoreState;
        if (pagebreaksSupported && state.isArtifcialState() == false)
          restoreState = fallBackState;
          if (isInRollBackMode == false)
            if (pageEventCount >= AbstractReportProcessor.COMMIT_RATE)
              final OutputFunction outputFunction = state.getLayoutProcess().getOutputFunction();
              if (outputFunction.createRollbackInformation())
                realFallbackState = state.deriveForPagebreak();
                if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                  logger.debug("Paginate: Try to generate new fallback state after commit count reached: " + state.getProcessKey());
                realFallbackState = null;
          restoreState = null;

        final ProcessState nextState = state.advance();
        state = nextState;

        final ReportStateKey nextStateKey = state.getProcessKey();

        if (errorHandler.isErrorOccured() == true)
          final List childExceptions = Arrays.asList(errorHandler.getErrors());
          final ReportEventException exception =
              new ReportEventException("Failed to dispatch an event.", childExceptions);
          if (failOnError)
            throw exception;
            AbstractReportProcessor.logger.error("Failed to dispatch an event.", exception);

        if (state.isArtifcialState())
          if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
            logger.debug("Paginate: Silent commit as we are in an artificial state: " + state.getProcessKey());
          state = state.commit();
          if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
            logger.debug("Paginate: Post Silent commit as we are in an artificial state: " + state.getProcessKey());

        final OutputFunction outputFunction = state.getLayoutProcess().getOutputFunction();
        if (outputFunction instanceof DefaultOutputFunction == false)
          state = state.commit();
          if (state.isFinish() && pageStates.size() == 1)

        final DefaultOutputFunction lm = (DefaultOutputFunction) outputFunction;
        final Renderer renderer = lm.getRenderer();

        boolean assertExpectPagebreak = false;
        if (isInRollBackMode)
          if (nextStateKey.equals(rollbackPageState))
            // reached the border case. We have to insert a manual pagebreak here or at least
            // we have to force the renderer to end the page right now.
            if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                  "Paginate: Found real pagebreak position. This might be the last state we process: " + rollbackPageState);
                  "Paginate:   (Current state process key)           : " + state.getProcessKey());
                  "Paginate:   (Handler)                             : " + state.getAdvanceHandler().getClass().getName());
            assertExpectPagebreak = true;

        final Renderer.LayoutResult pagebreakEncountered = renderer.validatePages();
        if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
          AbstractReportProcessor.logger.debug("Paginate: Validate Page returned " + pagebreakEncountered);
          if (assertExpectPagebreak == true && pagebreakEncountered != Renderer.LayoutResult.LAYOUT_PAGEBREAK)
            AbstractReportProcessor.logger.debug("Paginate: Missed the pagebreak. This smells fishy!");

        if (pagebreakEncountered != Renderer.LayoutResult.LAYOUT_UNVALIDATABLE)
          if (pagebreaksSupported && state.isArtifcialState() == false)
            if (isInRollBackMode == false)
              if (pageEventCount >= AbstractReportProcessor.COMMIT_RATE)
                if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                  logger.debug("Paginate: Try to apply new fallback state after commit count reached: " + state.getProcessKey());
                  logger.debug("Paginate:        : " + renderer.getLastStateKey());

                fallBackState = realFallbackState;
                pageEventCount = 0;
                if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                  logger.debug("Paginate: Increase counter: " + state.getProcessKey());
                pageEventCount += 1;
        else if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
          if (pagebreaksSupported && state.isArtifcialState() == false)
            if (isInRollBackMode == false)
              logger.debug("Paginate: SKIP : " + state.getProcessKey());

        if (pagebreakEncountered == Renderer.LayoutResult.LAYOUT_PAGEBREAK)
          final boolean onGoingPageBreak;

//          renderer.print();
          final ReportStateKey lastVisibleStateKey = renderer.getLastStateKey();
          if (isPagebreaksSupported() &&
              isInRollBackMode == false &&
              lastVisibleStateKey != null &&
            if (lastVisibleStateKey.equals(nextStateKey) == false &&
                lastVisibleStateKey.getSequenceCounter() > globalState.getProcessKey().getSequenceCounter())
              // Roll back to the last known to be good position and process the states up to, but not
              // including the current state. This way, we can fire the page-events *before* this band
              // gets printed.
              rollbackPageState = lastVisibleStateKey;

              final ReportStateKey restoreStateProcessKey = restoreState.getProcessKey();
              if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                    "Paginate: Encountered bad break, need to roll-back: " + rollbackPageState);
                    "Paginate:    Next StateKey                        : " + state.getProcessKey());
                    "Paginate:    Restored Key                         : " + restoreStateProcessKey);
                    "Paginate:    Position in event chain              : " + restoreState.getSequenceCounter());
              if (lastVisibleStateKey.getSequenceCounter() < restoreStateProcessKey.getSequenceCounter())
                if (AbstractReportProcessor.SHOW_ROLLBACKS)
                      "Paginate: Fall back to start of page              : " + globalState.getProcessKey());
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