Examples of ReplicationServer

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = "replicationServerFailoverTest" + serverId + suffix + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(port, dir, 0, serverId, 0, 100,
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;

    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = "topologyViewTest" + rsId + testCase + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(rsPort, dir, 0, rsId, 0, 100,
        replServers, groupId, 1000, 5000);
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;

    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = "replicationServerLoadBalancingTest" + rsIndex + testCase + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(rsPort[rsIndex], dir, 0, rsIndex+501, 0, 100,
        replServers, 1, 1000, 5000, weight);
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;

    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      // Connected together ?
      int nOk = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nRSs; i++)
        int rsIndex = rsIndexes[i];
        ReplicationServer repServer = rs[rsIndex];
        rsdIt = repServer.getDomainIterator();
        int curRsId = repServer.getServerId();
        Set<Integer> connectedRSsId = null;
        if (rsdIt != null)
          connectedRSsId = rsdIt.next().getConnectedRSs().keySet();
        } else
          // No domain yet, RS is not yet connected to others
          debugInfo("RS " + curRsId + " has no domain yet");
        // Does this RS see all other RSs
        int nPeer = 0;
        debugInfo("Checking RSs connected to RS " + curRsId);
        for (int j = 0; j < nRSs; j++)
          int otherRsIndex = rsIndexes[j];
          if (otherRsIndex != rsIndex) // Treat only other RSs
            int otherRsId = otherRsIndex+501;
            if (connectedRSsId.contains(otherRsId))
              debugInfo("\tRS " + curRsId + " sees RS " + otherRsId);
            } else
              debugInfo("\tRS " + curRsId + " does not see RS " + otherRsId);
        if (nPeer == nRSs-1)

      if (nOk == nRSs)
        debugInfo("Connections are ok");
        connected = true;
      } else
        debugInfo("Connections are not ok");

      // Same gen id ?
      long refGenId = -1L;
      boolean refGenIdInitialized = false;
      nOk = 0;
      rsdIt = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < nRSs; i++)
        ReplicationServer repServer = rs[i];
        rsdIt = repServer.getDomainIterator();
        int curRsId = repServer.getServerId();
        Long rsGenId = -1L;
        if (rsdIt != null)
          rsGenId = rsdIt.next().getGenerationId();
        } else
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = "groupIdHandshakeTest" + serverId + testCase + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(port, dir, 0, serverId, 0, 100,
        replServers, groupId, 1000, 5000);
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;

    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = testName + RS_ID + testCase + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(replServerPort, dir, 0, RS_ID, 0, 100,
      replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

  throws Exception
    final int serverId = 123;
    final DN baseDn = DN.decode(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
    ReplicationServer rs = createReplicationServer();
    // Create Replication Server and Domain
    LDAPReplicationDomain rd1 = createReplicationDomain(serverId);

      long startTime = TimeThread.getTime();
    final DN dn1 = DN.decode("cn=test1," + baseDn.toString());
    final AttributeType histType =

    logError(Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION,
    "Starting replication test : changesCmpTest"));

    // Add the first test entry.
        "dn: cn=test1," + baseDn.toString(),
        "displayname: Test1",
        "objectClass: top",
        "objectClass: person",
        "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
        "objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
        "cn: test1",
        "sn: test"

    // Perform a first modification to update the historical attribute
    int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(false,
        "dn: cn=test1," + baseDn.toString(),
        "changetype: modify",
        "add: description",
    "description: foo");
    assertEquals(resultCode, 0);

    // Read the entry back to get its historical and included changeNumber
    Entry entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn1);
    List<Attribute> attrs1 = entry.getAttribute(histType);

    assertTrue(attrs1 != null);
    assertTrue(attrs1.isEmpty() != true);

    String histValue =

    logError(Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION,
        "First historical value:" + histValue));

    // Perform a 2nd modification to update the hist attribute with
    // a second value
    resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(false,
        "dn: cn=test1," + baseDn.toString(),
        "changetype: modify",
        "add: description",
    "description: bar");
    assertEquals(resultCode, 0);

    Entry entry2 = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn1);
    List<Attribute> attrs2 = entry2.getAttribute(histType);

    assertTrue(attrs2 != null);
    assertTrue(attrs2.isEmpty() != true);

    for (AttributeValue av : attrs2.get(0)) {
      logError(Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION,
          "Second historical value:" + av.getValue().toString()));

    LinkedList<ReplicationMsg> opList = new LinkedList<ReplicationMsg>();
    TestBroker session = new TestBroker(opList);

    boolean result =
          new ChangeNumber(startTime, 0, serverId),
    assertTrue(result, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges has failed");
    assertEquals(opList.size(), 3, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges should return 3 operations");

    // Build a change number from the first modification
    String hv[] = histValue.split(":");
    logError(Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION, hv[1]));
    ChangeNumber fromChangeNumber = new ChangeNumber(hv[1]);

    opList = new LinkedList<ReplicationMsg>();
    session = new TestBroker(opList);

    result =
    assertTrue(result, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges has failed");
    assertEquals(opList.size(), 1, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges should return 1 operation");
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

  public void buildAndPublishMissingChangesSeveralEntriesTest()
  throws Exception
    final DN baseDn = DN.decode(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
    ReplicationServer rs = createReplicationServer();
    // Create Replication Server and Domain
    LDAPReplicationDomain rd1 = createReplicationDomain(serverId);
    long startTime = TimeThread.getTime();

    logError(Message.raw(Category.SYNC, Severity.INFORMATION,
    "Starting replication test : changesCmpTest"));

    // Add 3 entries.
    String dnTest1 = "cn=test1," + baseDn.toString();
    String dnTest2 = "cn=test2," + baseDn.toString();
    String dnTest3 = "cn=test3," + baseDn.toString();
        "dn: " + dnTest3,
        "displayname: Test1",
        "objectClass: top",
        "objectClass: person",
        "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
        "objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
        "cn: test1",
        "sn: test"
        "dn: " + dnTest1,
        "displayname: Test1",
        "objectClass: top",
        "objectClass: person",
        "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
        "objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
        "cn: test1",
        "sn: test"
        "dn: " + dnTest2,
        "displayname: Test1",
        "objectClass: top",
        "objectClass: person",
        "objectClass: organizationalPerson",
        "objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
        "cn: test1",
        "sn: test"

    // Perform modifications on the 2 entries
    int resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(false,
        "dn: cn=test2," + baseDn.toString(),
        "changetype: modify",
        "add: description",
    "description: foo");
    resultCode = TestCaseUtils.applyModifications(false,
        "dn: cn=test1," + baseDn.toString(),
        "changetype: modify",
        "add: description",
    "description: foo");
    assertEquals(resultCode, 0);

    LinkedList<ReplicationMsg> opList = new LinkedList<ReplicationMsg>();
    TestBroker session = new TestBroker(opList);

    // Call the buildAndPublishMissingChanges and check that this method
    // correctly generates the 4 operations in the correct order.
    boolean result =
          new ChangeNumber(startTime, 0, serverId),
    assertTrue(result, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges has failed");
    assertEquals(opList.size(), 5, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges should return 5 operations");
    ReplicationMsg msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest1);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest3);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest2);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest2);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest1);
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(rsPort, "HistoricalCsnOrdering",
            0, 1, 0, 100, replServers, 1, 1000, 5000);
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;
    catch (IOException e)
      fail("Unable to determinate some free ports " +
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer

      String dir = "stateMachineTest" + RS1_ID + testCase + "Db";
      ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
        new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(rs1Port, dir, 0, RS1_ID, 0, 100,
        replServers, 1, 1000, degradedStatusThreshold);
      ReplicationServer replicationServer = new ReplicationServer(conf);
      return replicationServer;

    } catch (Exception e)
      fail("createReplicationServer " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
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