Examples of ReplicationMsg

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

      if (fks.iterator().hasNext())
        FakeOperation fk = fks.iterator().next();
        assertTrue(new FakeOperationComparator().compare(fk, fk) == 0);
        assertTrue(new FakeOperationComparator().compare(null , fk) < 0);
        ReplicationMsg generatedMsg = fk.generateMessage() ;
        if (generatedMsg instanceof LDAPUpdateMsg)
          LDAPUpdateMsg new_name = (LDAPUpdateMsg) generatedMsg;
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

          new ChangeNumber(startTime, 0, serverId),
    assertTrue(result, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges has failed");
    assertEquals(opList.size(), 5, "buildAndPublishMissingChanges should return 5 operations");
    ReplicationMsg msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest1);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest3);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest2);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest2);
    msg = opList.removeFirst();
    assertEquals(((LDAPUpdateMsg) msg).getDn(), dnTest1);
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

      if (thresholdValue > 1)
        nChangesSent = thresholdValue - 1;
        sleep(1000); // Be sure status analyzer has time to test
        ReplicationMsg msg = br3.getLastMsg();
        debugInfo(testCase + " Step 1: last message from writer: " + msg);
        assertTrue(msg == null, (msg != null) ? msg.toString() : "null" );

       * DS3 sends changes to reach the threshold value, DS3 should receive an
       * update topo message with status of DS2: degraded status
      bw.followAndPause(thresholdValue - nChangesSent);
      // wait for a status MSG status analyzer to broker 3
      ReplicationMsg lastMsg = null;
      for (int count = 0; count< 50; count++)
        List<DSInfo> dsList = ds3.getDsList();
        DSInfo ds3Info = null;
        if (dsList.size() > 0)
          ds3Info = dsList.get(0);
        if ((ds3Info != null) && (ds3Info.getDsId() == DS2_ID) &&
            (ds3Info.getStatus()== ServerStatus.DEGRADED_STATUS) )
          if (count < 50)
            sleep(200); // Be sure status analyzer has time to test
            fail("DS2 did not get degraded : " + ds3Info);

       * DS3 sends 10 additional changes after threshold value, DS2 should still be
       * degraded so no topo message received.
      sleep(1000); // Be sure status analyzer has time to test
      lastMsg = br3.getLastMsg();
      ReplicationMsg msg = br3.getLastMsg();
      debugInfo(testCase + " Step 3: last message from writer: " + msg);
      assertTrue(lastMsg == null);

       * DS2 replays every changes and should go back to normal status
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

      while (!shutdown)
          ReplicationMsg msg = rb.receive(); // Allow more messages to be sent by broker writer
          rb.updateWindowAfterReplay()// Allow RS to send more messages to broker
          if (msg != null)
            debugInfo("Broker " + serverId + " reader received: " + msg);
          lastMsg = msg;
        } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex)
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

    // Returns last received message from reader
    // When read, last value is cleared
    public ReplicationMsg getLastMsg()
      ReplicationMsg toReturn = lastMsg;
      lastMsg = null;
      return toReturn;
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

  private int receiveImport(ReplicationBroker broker, int serverID,
      String[] updatedEntries)
    // Expect the broker to receive the entries
    ReplicationMsg msg;
    short entriesReceived = -100;
    while (true)
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg


      // Verify that DS3 receives this change
        ReplicationMsg msg = broker3.receive();
        debugInfo("Broker 3 received expected update msg" + msg);
      catch(SocketTimeoutException e)
        fail("Update message is supposed to be received.");

      debugInfo(testCase + " ** TEST ** Persistence of the generation ID in RS1");

      long genIdBeforeShut =

      debugInfo("Shutdown replServer1");
      broker2 = null;
      broker3 = null;
      replServer1 = null;

      debugInfo("Create again replServer1");
      replServer1 = createReplicationServer(changelog1ID, false, testCase);

      // To search the replication server db later in these tests, we need
      // to attach the search backend to the replication server just created.
      b = (ReplicationBackend)DirectoryServer.getBackend("replicationChanges");

      debugInfo("Delay to allow DS to reconnect to replServer1");

      long genIdAfterRestart =
      debugInfo("Aft restart / replServer.genId=" + genIdAfterRestart);
      assertTrue(replServer1!=null, "Replication server creation failed.");
      assertTrue(genIdBeforeShut == genIdAfterRestart,
        "generationId is expected to have the same value" +
        " after replServer1 restart. Before : " + genIdBeforeShut +
        " after : " + genIdAfterRestart);

      // By the way also verify that no change occurred on the replication server db
      // and still contain the ADD submitted initially.

      debugInfo(testCase + " ** TEST ** Import with new data set + reset will"+
          " spread a new gen ID on the topology, verify DS1 and RS1");
        debugInfo("Create again broker2");
        broker2 = openReplicationSession(baseDn,
            server2ID, 100, getChangelogPort(changelog1ID), 1000, emptyOldChanges, genId);
        assertTrue(broker2.isConnected(), "Broker2 failed to connect to replication server");

        debugInfo("Create again broker3");
        broker3 = openReplicationSession(baseDn,
            server3ID, 100, getChangelogPort(changelog1ID), 1000, emptyOldChanges, genId);
        assertTrue(broker3.isConnected(), "Broker3 failed to connect to replication server");
      catch(SocketException se)
        fail("Broker connection is expected to be accepted.");

      debugInfo("Launch on-line import on DS1");
      long oldGenId = genId;

      debugInfo("Create Reset task on DS1 to propagate the new gen ID as the reference");
      Entry taskReset = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
          "dn: ds-task-id=resetgenid"+genId+ UUID.randomUUID() +
          ",cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=Tasks",
          "objectclass: top",
          "objectclass: ds-task",
          "objectclass: ds-task-reset-generation-id",
          "ds-task-class-name: org.nasutekds.server.tasks.SetGenerationIdTask",
          "ds-task-reset-generation-id-domain-base-dn: " + baseDnStr);
      addTask(taskReset, ResultCode.SUCCESS, null);
      waitTaskState(taskReset, TaskState.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY, null);

      // Broker 2 and 3 should receive 1 change status message to order them
      // to enter the bad gen id status
      ChangeStatusMsg csMsg = (ChangeStatusMsg)waitForSpecificMsg(broker2,
      if (csMsg.getRequestedStatus() != ServerStatus.BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS)
        fail("Broker 2 connection is expected to receive 1 ChangeStatusMsg" +
          " to enter the bad gen id status"
            + csMsg);
      csMsg = (ChangeStatusMsg)waitForSpecificMsg(broker3,
      if (csMsg.getRequestedStatus() != ServerStatus.BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS)
        fail("Broker 2 connection is expected to receive 1 ChangeStatusMsg" +
          " to enter the bad gen id status"
            + csMsg);

      debugInfo("DS1 root entry must contain the new gen ID");
      genId = readGenIdFromSuffixRootEntry();
      assertTrue(genId != -1, "DS is expected to have a new genID computed " +
          " after on-line import but genId=" + genId);
      assertTrue(genId != oldGenId, "The new genID after import and reset of genID "
        + "is expected to be diffrent from previous one");

      debugInfo("RS1 must have the new gen ID");
      rgenId = replServer1.getGenerationId(baseDn.toNormalizedString());
      assertEquals(genId, rgenId, "DS and replServer are expected to have same genId.");

      debugInfo("RS1 must have been cleared since it has not the proper generation ID");

          baseDn.toNormalizedString(), false).
      "Expecting that DS1 status in RS1 is : not in bad gen id.");

      debugInfo(testCase + " ** TEST ** Previous test set a new gen ID on the "+
          "topology, verify degradation of DS2 and DS3");

          baseDn.toNormalizedString(), false).
      "Expecting that DS2 with old gen ID is in bad gen id from RS1");
          baseDn.toNormalizedString(), false).
      "Expecting that DS3 with old gen ID is in bad gen id from RS1");

      debugInfo("Add entries to DS1, update should not be sent to DS2 and DS3 that are in bad gen id");
      String[] ent3 = { createEntry(UUID.randomUUID()) };

      debugInfo("RS1 must have stored that update.");

        ReplicationMsg msg = broker2.receive();
        fail("No update message is supposed to be received by broker2 in bad gen id. " + msg);
      } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { /* expected */ }

        ReplicationMsg msg = broker3.receive();
        fail("No update message is supposed to be received by broker3 in bad gen id. " + msg);
      } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { /* expected */ }

      debugInfo("DS2 is publishing a change and RS1 must ignore this change, DS3 must not receive it.");
      AddMsg emsg = (AddMsg)createAddMsg();

      // Updates count in RS1 must stay unchanged = to 1

        ReplicationMsg msg = broker3.receive();
        fail("No update message is supposed to be received by broker3 in bad gen id. "+ msg);
      } catch(SocketTimeoutException e) { /* expected */ }

      debugInfo(testCase + " ** TEST ** Previous test put DS2 and DS3 in bad gen id, "+
          " now simulates \"dsreplication initialize \"by doing a TU+reset " +
          " from DS1 to DS2 and DS3, verify NON degradation of DS2 and DS3");

      // In S1 launch the total update to initialize S2
      addTask(taskInitRemoteS2, ResultCode.SUCCESS, null);

      // S2 should be re-initialized and have a new valid genId
      // Signal that we just entered the full update status

      int receivedEntriesNb = this.receiveImport(broker2, server2ID, null);
      debugInfo("broker2 has been initialized from DS with #entries=" + receivedEntriesNb);


      // Simulates the broker restart at the end of the import
      broker2 = openReplicationSession(baseDn,
          server2ID, 100, getChangelogPort(changelog1ID), 1000, emptyOldChanges, genId);


      // Simulates the broker restart at the end of the import
      broker3 = openReplicationSession(baseDn,
          server3ID, 100, getChangelogPort(changelog1ID), 1000, emptyOldChanges, genId);

      debugInfo("Adding reset task to DS1");
      taskReset = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
          "dn: ds-task-id=resetgenid"+ UUID.randomUUID() +
          ",cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=Tasks",
          "objectclass: top",
          "objectclass: ds-task",
          "objectclass: ds-task-reset-generation-id",
          "ds-task-class-name: org.nasutekds.server.tasks.SetGenerationIdTask",
          "ds-task-reset-generation-id-domain-base-dn: " + baseDnStr);

      addTask(taskReset, ResultCode.SUCCESS, null);
      waitTaskState(taskReset, TaskState.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY, null);

      debugInfo("Verify that RS1 has still the right genID");
      assertEquals(replServer1.getGenerationId(baseDn.toNormalizedString()), rgenId);

      // Updates count in RS1 must stay unchanged = to 1

      debugInfo("Verifying that DS2 is not in bad gen id any more");

          baseDn.toNormalizedString(), false).
      "Expecting that DS2 is not in bad gen id from RS1");

      debugInfo("Verifying that DS3 is not in bad gen id any more");

          baseDn.toNormalizedString(), false).
      "Expecting that DS3 is not in bad gen id from RS1");

      debugInfo("Verify that DS2 receives the add message stored in RS1 DB");
        ReplicationMsg msg = broker2.receive();
        assertTrue(msg instanceof AddMsg, "Excpected to receive an AddMsg but received: " + msg);
      catch(SocketTimeoutException e)
        fail("The msg stored in RS1 DB is expected to be received by DS2)");

      debugInfo("Verify that DS3 receives the add message stored in RS1 DB");
        ReplicationMsg msg = broker3.receive();
        assertTrue(msg instanceof AddMsg, "Excpected to receive an AddMsg but received: " + msg);
      catch(SocketTimeoutException e)
        fail("The msg stored in RS1 DB is expected to be received by DS3)");

      debugInfo("DS2 is publishing a change and RS1 must store this change, DS3 must receive it.");
      emsg = (AddMsg)createAddMsg();


        ReplicationMsg msg = broker3.receive();

        /* expected */
        AddMsg rcvmsg = (AddMsg)msg;
        assertEquals(rcvmsg.getChangeNumber(), emsg.getChangeNumber());
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

      ResultCode code = modOp.getResultCode();
                 "The original operation failed: " + code.getResultCodeName());

      // See if the client has received the msg
      ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();

      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyMsg,
                 "The received replication message is not a MODIFY msg");
      ModifyMsg modMsg = (ModifyMsg) msg;
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg


      // receive the message on the broker side.
      ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();

      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyMsg,
        "The received replication message is not a MODIFY msg");
      ModifyMsg modMsg = (ModifyMsg) msg;
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Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ReplicationMsg

      "The Add Entry operation failed");

      if (ResultCode.SUCCESS.equals(addOp.getResultCode()))
        // Check if the client has received the msg
        ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();
        assertTrue(msg instanceof AddMsg,
        "The received replication message is not an ADD msg : " + msg);
        AddMsg addMsg =  (AddMsg) msg;

        Operation receivedOp = addMsg.createOperation(connection);
        assertTrue(OperationType.ADD.compareTo(receivedOp.getOperationType()) == 0,
        "The received replication message is not an ADD msg : " + addMsg);

        "The received ADD replication message is not for the excepted DN : " + addMsg);

      // Modify the entry
      List<Modification> mods = generatemods("telephonenumber", "01 02 45");

      ModifyOperationBasis modOp = new ModifyOperationBasis(connection,
          InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection
          .nextMessageID(), null, personEntry.getDN(), mods);

      // See if the client has received the msg
      ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();
      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyMsg,
      "The received replication message is not a MODIFY msg : " + msg);
      ModifyMsg modMsg = (ModifyMsg) msg;

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