Examples of RepaintAction

Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        m_vis.putAction("recolor", recolor);
        // repaint
        ActionList repaint = new ActionList();
        repaint.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("repaint", repaint);
        // animate paint change
        ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList(400);
        animatePaint.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes));
        animatePaint.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("animatePaint", animatePaint);
        // create the tree layout action
        RadialTreeLayout treeLayout = new RadialTreeLayout(tree);
        m_vis.putAction("treeLayout", treeLayout);
        CollapsedSubtreeLayout subLayout = new CollapsedSubtreeLayout(tree);
        m_vis.putAction("subLayout", subLayout);
        // create the filtering and layout
        ActionList filter = new ActionList();
        filter.add(new ForceDirectedLayout(tree, true));
        filter.add(new TreeRootAction(tree));
        m_vis.putAction("filter", filter);
        // animated transition
        ActionList animate = new ActionList(1250);
        animate.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer());
        animate.add(new QualityControlAnimator());
        animate.add(new VisibilityAnimator(tree));
        animate.add(new PolarLocationAnimator(treeNodes, linear));
        animate.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes));
        animate.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("animate", animate);
        m_vis.alwaysRunAfter("filter", "animate");
        // visibility determiner
        ActionList visibility = new ActionList();
        visibility.add(new VisibilityFilter(new VisiblePredicate()));
        m_vis.putAction("visibility", visibility);
        /*// add force repulsion
        ForceSimulator fsim = new ForceSimulator();
        fsim.addForce(new NBodyForce(-1f, .1f, 5f));
        fsim.addForce(new DragForce());
        ActionList forces = new ActionList(m_vis, 1000);
        //forces.add(new ForceDirectedLayout(tree, fsim, false));
        forces.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("forces", forces);
        // -- initialize the display --
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        m_vis.putAction( COLORS_ACTION, colors );

        ActionList autoPan = new ActionList();
        autoPan.add( colors );
        autoPan.add( new AutoPanAction() );
        autoPan.add( new RepaintAction() );
        m_vis.putAction( AUTO_PAN_ACTION, autoPan );

        // create the layout action list
        stackedLayout = new StackedLayout( GRAPH );
        ActionList layout = new ActionList();
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        ItemAction usesArrow = new ColorAction( GRAPH_EDGES, usesPredicate, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, ColorLib.rgb( 255, 100, 100 ) );

        // quick repaint
        ActionList repaint = new ActionList();
        repaint.add( nodeColor );
        repaint.add( new RepaintAction() );
        m_vis.putAction( REPAINT_ACTION, repaint );

        // full paint
        ActionList fullPaint = new ActionList();
        fullPaint.add( nodeColor );
        m_vis.putAction( FULL_PAINT_ACTION, fullPaint );

        // animate paint change
        //ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList( 0 );
        ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList();
        animatePaint.add( new ColorAnimator( GRAPH_NODES ) );
        animatePaint.add( new RepaintAction() );
        m_vis.putAction( ANIMATE_PAINT_ACTION, animatePaint );

        // create the GRAPH layout action
        NodeLinkTreeLayout treeLayout = new NodeLinkTreeLayout( GRAPH, orientation, 40, 0, 8 );
        treeLayout.setLayoutAnchor( new Point2D.Double( 25, 300 ) );
        m_vis.putAction( LAYOUT_ACTION, treeLayout );

        CollapsedSubtreeLayout subLayout = new CollapsedSubtreeLayout( GRAPH, orientation );
        m_vis.putAction( SUB_LAYOUT_ACTION, subLayout );

        // create the filtering and layout
        ActionList filter = new ActionList();
        filter.add( new ExtendedFisheyeTreeFilter( GRAPH, 2 ) );
        filter.add( new FontAction( GRAPH_NODES, FontLib.getFont( "Tahoma", 14 ) ) );
        filter.add( treeLayout );
        filter.add( subLayout );
        filter.add( textColor );
        filter.add( nodeColor );
        filter.add( edgeColor );
        filter.add( usesColor );
        filter.add( usesArrow );
        m_vis.putAction( FILTER_ACTION, filter );

        // animated transition
        AutoPanAction autoPan = new AutoPanAction();
        ActionList animate = new ActionList( 750 );
        animate.setPacingFunction( new SlowInSlowOutPacer() );
        animate.add( autoPan );
        animate.add( new QualityControlAnimator() );
        animate.add( new VisibilityAnimator( GRAPH ) );
        animate.add( new LocationAnimator( GRAPH_NODES ) );
        animate.add( new ColorAnimator( GRAPH_NODES ) );
        animate.add( new RepaintAction() );
        m_vis.putAction( ANIMATE_ACTION, animate );
        m_vis.alwaysRunAfter( FILTER_ACTION, ANIMATE_ACTION );

        m_vis.putAction( AUTO_ZOOM_ACTION, new AutoZoomAction() );
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        // initial layout and coloring
        ActionList init = new ActionList();
        init.add(new VerticalLineLayout(m_maxHeight));
        init.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("init", init);

        // fisheye distortion based on the current anchor location
        ActionList distort = new ActionList();
        Distortion feye = new FisheyeDistortion(0,m_scale);
        distort.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("distort", distort);
        // update the distortion anchor position to be the current
        // location of the mouse pointer
        addControlListener(new AnchorUpdateControl(feye, "distort"));
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

                VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(200,200,200));
        // quick repaint
        ActionList repaint = new ActionList();
        repaint.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("repaint", repaint);
        // full paint
        ActionList fullPaint = new ActionList();
        m_vis.putAction("fullPaint", fullPaint);
        // animate paint change
        ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList(400);
        animatePaint.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes));
        animatePaint.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("animatePaint", animatePaint);
        // create the tree layout action
        NodeLinkTreeLayout treeLayout = new NodeLinkTreeLayout(tree,
                m_orientation, 50, 0, 8);
        treeLayout.setLayoutAnchor(new Point2D.Double(25,300));
        m_vis.putAction("treeLayout", treeLayout);
        CollapsedSubtreeLayout subLayout =
            new CollapsedSubtreeLayout(tree, m_orientation);
        m_vis.putAction("subLayout", subLayout);
        AutoPanAction autoPan = new AutoPanAction();
        // create the filtering and layout
        ActionList filter = new ActionList();
        filter.add(new FisheyeTreeFilter(tree, 2));
        filter.add(new FontAction(treeNodes, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16)));
        m_vis.putAction("filter", filter);
        // animated transition
        ActionList animate = new ActionList(1000);
        animate.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer());
        animate.add(new QualityControlAnimator());
        animate.add(new VisibilityAnimator(tree));
        animate.add(new LocationAnimator(treeNodes));
        animate.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes));
        animate.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("animate", animate);
        m_vis.alwaysRunAfter("filter", "animate");
        // create animator for orientation changes
        ActionList orient = new ActionList(2000);
        orient.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer());
        orient.add(new QualityControlAnimator());
        orient.add(new LocationAnimator(treeNodes));
        orient.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("orient", orient);
        // ------------------------------------------------
        // initialize the display
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        if ( sfield != null )
        draw.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("draw", draw);
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // STEP 3: set up a display and ui components to show the visualization
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        // color animation of data points looks only at the focus items,
        // ensuring faster performance.
        ActionList animate = new ActionList(200);
        animate.add(new ColorAnimator(FOCUS, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR));
        animate.add(new ColorAnimator(LABELS, VisualItem.TEXTCOLOR));
        animate.add(new RepaintAction());
        animate.addActivityListener(new ActivityAdapter() {
            public void activityCancelled(Activity a) {
                // if animation is canceled, set colors to final state
        m_vis.putAction("animate", animate);
        // update items after a resize of the display, animating them to their
        // new locations. this animates all data points, so is noticeably slow.
        ActionList resize = new ActionList(1500);
        resize.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer());
        resize.add(new LocationAnimator(DATA));
        resize.add(new LocationAnimator(LABELS));
        resize.add(new RepaintAction());
        m_vis.putAction("resize", resize);
        // -- display ---------------------------------------------------------
        setSize(720, 360);
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        draw.add(new ColorAction(group, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, 0));
        draw.add(new RepaintAction());
        vis.putAction("draw", draw);

        ActionList update = new ActionList();
        update.add(new VisibilityFilter(group, filter));
        update.add(new RepaintAction());
        vis.putAction("update", update);
        UpdateListener lstnr = new UpdateListener() {
            public void update(Object src) {
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        draw.add(new ColorAction(edges, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, ColorLib.gray(200)));
        ActionList animate = new ActionList(Activity.INFINITY);
        animate.add(new ForceDirectedLayout(graph));
        animate.add(new RepaintAction());
        // finally, we register our ActionList with the Visualization.
        // we can later execute our Actions by invoking a method on our
        // Visualization, using the name we've chosen below.
        m_vis.putAction("draw", draw);
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Examples of prefuse.action.RepaintAction

        fsim.getForces()[0].setParameter(0, -1.2f);
        ActionList animate = new ActionList(Activity.INFINITY);
        animate.add(new RepaintAction());
        // finally, we register our ActionList with the Visualization.
        // we can later execute our Actions by invoking a method on our
        // Visualization, using the name we've chosen below.
        vis.putAction("draw", draw);
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