// session, can be used as a bookmark. that is, urls from our framework are bookmarkable, but require some little
// coding effort: setting an appropriate business path and launching for each controller.
// note: the businesspath may also be used as a easy (but of course not perfect) back-button-solution:
// if the timestamp of a request is outdated, simply jump to its bookmarked business control path.
URLBuilder ubu = new URLBuilder(uriPrefix, getInstanceId(), newTimestamp, wbackofficeImpl);
RenderResult renderResult = new RenderResult();
// if we have an around-component-interception
// set the handler for this render cycle
InterceptHandler interceptHandler = wbackofficeImpl.getInterceptHandler();
if (interceptHandler != null) {
InterceptHandlerInstance dhri = interceptHandler.createInterceptHandlerInstance();
Renderer fr = Renderer.getInstance(top, top.getTranslator(), ubu, renderResult, gsettings);
long rstart = 0;
if (isDebugLog) {
rstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
result = fr.render(top).toString();
if (isDebugLog) {
long rstop = System.currentTimeMillis();
long diff = rstop - rstart;
if (renderResult.getRenderException() != null) throw new OLATRuntimeException(Window.class, renderResult.getLogMsg(),
// after rendering we know if some component awaits further async
// calls
// like images, so get a handler
AsyncMediaResponsible amr = renderResult.getAsyncMediaResponsible();
setAsyncMediaResponsible(amr); // if amr == null -> we are not
// excepting
// any async calls in the near future...
latestTimestamp = newTimestamp;