Examples of RemoteSubscriptionManager

Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

        serverSettings = new ServerSettings();

        // Managers
        subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(this);
        remoteSubscriptionManager = new RemoteSubscriptionManager(this);
        throttleManager = new ThrottleManager();
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

                for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
                    Object addr = members.get(i);
                    if (!clm.getLocalAddress(serviceType, destName).equals(addr))
                        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = dest.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

                clm.invokeServiceOperation(getClass().getName(), message.getDestination(),
                        "pushMessageFromPeer", new Object[] { message, Boolean.valueOf(evalSelector) });
                RemoteSubscriptionManager mgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
                Set serverAddresses = mgr.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);

                if (Log.isDebug())
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Sending message to peer servers: " + serverAddresses + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " message: " + message + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);

                for (Iterator it = serverAddresses.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

            if (Log.isError())
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Destination: " + destinationId + " is not clustered on this server but we received a request for the subscription info from a peer server which is clustered.  Check the cluster configuration for this destination and make sure it matches on all servers.");

        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();

         * The remote server has no subscriptions initially since it has not
         * started yet.  We initialize the server here so that when it sends
         * the first add subscription request, we'll receive it.  This is because
         * servers will not process remote add/remove subscribe requests until
         * they have received the subscription state from each server.
        subMgr.setSubscriptionState(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, remoteAddress);

         * To ensure that we send the remote server a clean copy of the subscription
         * table we need to block out the code which adds/removes subscriptions and sends
         * them to remote servers between here...
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

    public void subscribeFromPeer(String destinationId, Boolean subscribe, String selector, String subtopic, Object remoteAddress)
        Destination destination = getDestination(destinationId);

        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = ((MessageDestination) destination).getRemoteSubscriptionManager();

        if (destination instanceof MessageDestination)
            if (Log.isDebug())
                Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Received subscription from peer: " + remoteAddress + " subscribe? " + subscribe + " selector: " + selector + " subtopic: " + subtopic);
            if (subscribe.booleanValue())
                subMgr.addSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
                subMgr.removeSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
        else if (Log.isError())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("subscribeFromPeer called with destination: " + destinationId + " that is not a MessageDestination");
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

        serverSettings = new ServerSettings();
        // Managers
        subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(this);
        remoteSubscriptionManager = new RemoteSubscriptionManager(this);
        throttleManager = new ThrottleManager();
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

                for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++)
                    Object addr = members.get(i);
                    if (!clm.getLocalAddress(serviceType, destName).equals(addr))
                        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = dest.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

                clm.invokeServiceOperation(getClass().getName(), message.getDestination(),
                        "pushMessageFromPeer", new Object[] { message, Boolean.valueOf(evalSelector) });
                RemoteSubscriptionManager mgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();
                Set serverAddresses = mgr.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);

                if (Log.isDebug())
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Sending message to peer servers: " + serverAddresses + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " message: " + message + StringUtils.NEWLINE + " evalSelector: " + evalSelector);

                for (Iterator it = serverAddresses.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

            if (Log.isError())
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Destination: " + destinationId + " is not clustered on this server but we received a request for the subscription info from a peer server which is clustered.  Check the cluster configuration for this destination and make sure it matches on all servers.");

        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = destination.getRemoteSubscriptionManager();

         * The remote server has no subscriptions initially since it has not
         * started yet.  We initialize the server here so that when it sends
         * the first add subscription request, we'll receive it.  This is because
         * servers will not process remote add/remove subscribe requests until
         * they have received the subscription state from each server.
        subMgr.setSubscriptionState(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, remoteAddress);

         * To ensure that we send the remote server a clean copy of the subscription
         * table we need to block out the code which adds/removes subscriptions and sends
         * them to remote servers between here...
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.RemoteSubscriptionManager

    public void subscribeFromPeer(String destinationId, Boolean subscribe, String selector, String subtopic, Object remoteAddress)
        Destination destination = getDestination(destinationId);

        RemoteSubscriptionManager subMgr = ((MessageDestination) destination).getRemoteSubscriptionManager();

        if (destination instanceof MessageDestination)
            if (Log.isDebug())
                Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Received subscription from peer: " + remoteAddress + " subscribe? " + subscribe + " selector: " + selector + " subtopic: " + subtopic);
            if (subscribe.booleanValue())
                subMgr.addSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
                subMgr.removeSubscriber(remoteAddress, selector, subtopic, null);
        else if (Log.isError())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("subscribeFromPeer called with destination: " + destinationId + " that is not a MessageDestination");
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