Examples of RemoteException

Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

            return IOUtil.adapterDeserialize( this._adapter, in, compressed );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RemoteException( "The client encountered an error while deserializing the server response!", e );
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

            throw ioe;
        catch ( Throwable t )
            throw new RemoteException( "The server encounteres an error while serializing the server response!", t );
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

         catch (Exception e)
            throw new RemoteException("Could not get management attributes on the cluster", e);
         Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
         while (i.hasNext())
            Object lValue = i.next();
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

         catch (Exception e)
            throw new RemoteException("Could not get management attributes on the cluster", e);
         Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
         while (i.hasNext())
            Object lValue = i.next();
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RemoteException("Could not get management attributes on the cluster", e);
      Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
         Object lValue = i.next();
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RemoteException("Could not set management attributes on the cluster", e);
      Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
         Object lValue = i.next();
         // If one value is null (because the method does not return a value) then
         // everything is fine
         if (lValue instanceof Throwable)
            log.debug("invoke a method on the cluster caused an exception: " + lValue);
            if (lValue instanceof InstanceNotFoundException)
               if (lException == null)
                  lException = (InstanceNotFoundException) lValue; // Remember this exception
               // Only Throwables are returned
               if (lValue instanceof AttributeNotFoundException)
                  throw (AttributeNotFoundException) lValue;
               if (lValue instanceof InvalidAttributeValueException)
                  throw (InvalidAttributeValueException) lValue;
               if (lValue instanceof MBeanException)
                  throw (MBeanException) lValue;
               if (lValue instanceof ReflectionException)
                  throw (ReflectionException) lValue;
               throw new RemoteException(lValue.toString());
      if (lException != null)
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RemoteException("Could not set management attributes on the cluster", e);
      Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
         Object lValue = i.next();
         // If one value is null (because the method does not return a value) then
         // everything is fine
         if (lValue instanceof Throwable)
            log.debug("set Attributes on the cluster caused an exception: " + lValue);
            if (lValue instanceof InstanceNotFoundException)
               if (lException == null)
                  lException = (InstanceNotFoundException) lValue; // Remember this exception
               if (lValue instanceof ReflectionException)
                  throw (ReflectionException) lValue;
               throw new RemoteException(lValue.toString());
      if (lException != null)
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

      catch (Exception e)
         //AS ToDo: must be checked later how to go ahead here
         throw new RemoteException("Could not create a MBean on the cluster", e);
      Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
      ObjectInstance lInstance = null;
      Throwable lException = null;
      while (i.hasNext())
         Object lValue = i.next();
         if (lValue instanceof ObjectInstance)
            if (lInstance == null)
               lInstance = (ObjectInstance) lValue;
         else if (lValue instanceof Throwable)
            if (lException == null)
               lException = (Throwable) lValue;
      if (lException != null)
         if (lInstance != null)
            // Remove all existing MBeans
            catch (Exception e)
               // Ignore any exception
         if (lException instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException)
            throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException) lException;
         if (lException instanceof MBeanException)
            throw (MBeanException) lException;
         if (lException instanceof MBeanRegistrationException)
            throw (MBeanRegistrationException) lException;
         if (lException instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException)
            throw (NotCompliantMBeanException) lException;
         if (lException instanceof ReflectionException)
            throw (ReflectionException) lException;
         throw new RemoteException(lException.toString());
      return lInstance;
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

      catch (Exception e)
         //AS ToDo: must be checked later how to go ahead here
         throw new RemoteException("Could not unregister a MBean on the cluster", e);
      Iterator i = lValues.iterator();
      Throwable lException = null;
      while (i.hasNext())
         Object lValue = i.next();
         if (lValue instanceof Throwable)
            lException = (Throwable) lValue;
      if (lException != null)
         if (lException instanceof InstanceNotFoundException)
            throw (InstanceNotFoundException) lException;
         if (lException instanceof MBeanRegistrationException)
            throw (MBeanRegistrationException) lException;
         throw new RemoteException(lException.toString());
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Examples of java.rmi.RemoteException

         // Handle or primary key?
         Object arg = mi.getArguments()[0];
         if (arg instanceof Handle)
            if (arg == null)
               throw new RemoteException("Null handle");
            Handle handle = (Handle) arg;
            EJBObject ejbObject = handle.getEJBObject();
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