Examples of ReleaseExecutionException

Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

        File releasePomFile = ReleaseUtil.getReleasePom( project );

        // MRELEASE-273 : A release pom can be null
        if ( releasePomFile == null )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Cannot generate release POM : pom file is null" );

        Writer fileWriter = null;

            fileWriter = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter( releasePomFile );

            pomWriter.write( fileWriter, releasePom );
        catch ( IOException exception )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Cannot generate release POM", exception );
            IOUtil.close( fileWriter );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

                    throw new ReleaseScmCommandException( "Cannot add release POM to SCM", scmResult );
            catch ( ScmException exception )
                throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Cannot add release POM to SCM: " + exception.getMessage(),
                                                     exception );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

        catch ( JDOMException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Error reading POM: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Error reading POM: " + e.getMessage(), e );

        ScmRepository scmRepository = null;
        ScmProvider provider = null;

        if ( isUpdateScm() )
                scmRepository = scmRepositoryConfigurator.getConfiguredRepository( releaseDescriptor,
                                                                                   releaseEnvironment.getSettings() );

                provider = scmRepositoryConfigurator.getRepositoryProvider( scmRepository );
            catch ( ScmRepositoryException e )
                throw new ReleaseScmRepositoryException( e.getMessage(), e.getValidationMessages() );
            catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException e )
                throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Unable to configure SCM repository: " + e.getMessage(), e );

        transformDocument( project, document.getRootElement(), releaseDescriptor, reactorProjects, scmRepository,
                           result, simulate );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

            commonBasedir = ReleaseUtil.getCommonBasedir( reactorProjects );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Exception occurred while calculating common basedir: "
                + e.getMessage(), e );
        transformScm( project, rootElement, namespace, releaseDescriptor, projectId, scmRepository, result,
                      commonBasedir );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

        catch ( ScmException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "An error occurred enabling edit mode: " + e.getMessage(), e );

        writePom( pomFile, document, releaseDescriptor, modelVersion, intro, outtro );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

                writer.write( outtro );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Error writing POM: " + e.getMessage(), e );
            IOUtil.close( writer );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

            throw new ReleaseScmRepositoryException( e.getMessage(), e.getValidationMessages() );
        catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Unable to configure SCM repository: " + e.getMessage(), e );

        TagScmResult result;
            // TODO: want includes/excludes?
            ScmFileSet fileSet = new ScmFileSet( new File( basedirAlignedReleaseDescriptor.getWorkingDirectory() ) );
            String tagName = releaseDescriptor.getScmReleaseLabel();
            ScmTagParameters scmTagParameters =
                new ScmTagParameters( releaseDescriptor.getScmCommentPrefix() + "copy for tag " + tagName );
            scmTagParameters.setRemoteTagging( releaseDescriptor.isRemoteTagging() );
            scmTagParameters.setScmRevision( releaseDescriptor.getScmReleasedPomRevision() );
            if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                    "ScmTagPhase :: scmTagParameters remotingTag " + releaseDescriptor.isRemoteTagging() );
                    "ScmTagPhase :: scmTagParameters scmRevision " + releaseDescriptor.getScmReleasedPomRevision() );
                getLogger().debug( "ScmTagPhase :: fileSet  " + fileSet );
            result = provider.tag( repository, fileSet, tagName, scmTagParameters );
        catch ( ScmException e )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "An error is occurred in the tag process: " + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( !result.isSuccess() )
            throw new ReleaseScmCommandException( "Unable to tag SCM", result );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

            throw new ReleaseScmRepositoryException( exception.getMessage(), exception.getValidationMessages() );
        catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException exception )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Unable to configure SCM repository: " + exception.getMessage(),
                                                 exception );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

            return scmRepositoryConfigurator.getRepositoryProvider( scmRepository );
        catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException exception )
            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( "Unable to configure SCM repository: " + exception.getMessage(),
                                                 exception );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.ReleaseExecutionException

                    translateScm( project, releaseDescriptor, scmRoot, namespace, scmRepository, result, commonBasedir );
                catch ( IOException e )
                    throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
                releaseDescriptor.mapOriginalScmInfo( projectId, null );

                MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
                if ( parent != null )
                    // If the SCM element is not present, only add it if the parent was not mapped (ie, it's external to
                    // the release process and so has not been modified, so the values will not be correct on the tag),
                    String parentId = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId() );
                    if ( !releaseDescriptor.getOriginalScmInfo().containsKey( parentId ) )
                        // we need to add it, since it has changed from the inherited value
                        scmRoot = new Element( "scm" );
                        scmRoot.addContent( "\n  " );

                            if ( translateScm( project, releaseDescriptor, scmRoot, namespace, scmRepository, result,
                                               commonBasedir ) )
                                rootElement.addContent( "\n  " ).addContent( scmRoot ).addContent( "\n" );
                        catch ( IOException e )
                            throw new ReleaseExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
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